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Wish Me Luck Today!

Calypso1977's picture

i have an interview today...

job would be terrific for me and my relationship with my fiance.

for starters, its a minimum of $10K more than i make now (crazy, considering lazy BM's entire income (excl. CS) for 2013 was only $12K!)

id have a longer commute, but that, coupled with the hours, means i would never be home for weekday SD13 visits (if she even comes over anymore, given the current situation)

every Friday is a half day - out at 12:30.

this coupled with some other cool elements makes me super excited. i know they received over 100 applications; i made the first cut of 25; then the second cut to 10. today is a big day.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Best of luck, Calypso! Sending good vibes your way RIGHT NOW. Smile And you've made it through two cuts already? What line of work are you in? Fingers crossed!

~ Moon

Calypso1977's picture

Thanks all! I think i did ok!

I will know if im selected for the next cut by early next week, and if i make it, i should know by month's end if i got it.