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This is personal, isn't it?

LifeIsTough's picture

So I've had to restart as a new member as I was having some very bizarre technical issues, unfortunately that means all my background has gone.  So, just for context, I've been with my BF for 7 years this year.  He has 2 girls, 11 & 15.  We bought a house 5 years ago, I was 1 year into a relationship with his children at that time.  His ex wife is non HC thankfully. 

Anyway, I've had a great relationship with both girls, non issues, all good.  When thr eldest turned 14, she came for me (verbally).  It was a bolt out of the blue, a shock to the system and sent me down some dark paths of anxiety where, I never ate, slept, my life basically was turned upside down..... by a 14 year old.  It was a shock to me as I would never ever put up with someone like that pre relationship.  Id have swung anyone out by their pigtails if someone spoke to me like that in my parents house which is where I lived before this relationship.  I say there and took it, her mum was by her side, dad was also in the room who said nothing, I was attacked from all corners.

Anyway.. we bounced back from that but our relationship has never been the same as it was.  It has taken me a while to get to where I am now, with the help of this forum, the amazing posts I read by Rags (and others, but Rags has been the one for me to get my head back on track, so thanks!).  There have been a few bumps in road since, and dad has slowly started ro grow a backbone and start speaking up for me, backing me up, and see the passive aggressive stunts his eldest is playing, although there are times where he still has his blinkers on.  

More recently, we had a blow up, and dad fully backed me on it, didn't believe her, we nearly split up, and this is what happened..

Teenage step daughter sneakily and quietly removes you from FB and you only realise when you go to tag her in something she would appreciate, and it says 'Add Friend'.

When confronted, the excuse is, 'I kept getting notifications from you and I didn't know how to disable them so it was easier to remove you sorry".

I hardly posted that week so not sure where the notifications were coming from, and out of all her 50 friends, I was the only one 'with notifications' yet all the family (her side and dads) all remain on her friend list.

Of course I took it personally and it blew up big time.  Dad finally took my side and told her he didn't believe her.  I detached a while ago but this was the icing on the cake to literally DETACH FOR GOOD. The fact I was singled out while all her family remained was the point I was trying to make.

This is a kid who has turned on me for no reason, sent me through some darks times of anxiety and low self esteem and self worth, my relationship has been on the line, but I'm now at the point if it blows up again you can look TF out.

Since then, any photo or tagged status that was on her profile that included me has been removed by the little turd.

Notifications issue? Yeah right

JRI's picture

One reason I'm not on FB is this very reason, the possibility of adding drama to my life.  Stay disengaged and stay civil and polite.  You know how she is now.  Yes, it's personal.  Hopefully, your BF will stay strong.

ESMOD's picture

Honestly... teen girls are not necessarily going to want to be on social media with parents.  and... at this point, I think you probably need to allow her to have her own boundaries.  If she doesn't want to be facebook friends with her stepmom.. or her aunt Ida.. she shouldn't have to.  Her bio parents should be able to maintain and have all access to her social media and email accounts.. and should be reviewing her activity and activity on her devices.. this does not have to be your issue.  She is in your home.. she isn't like those people you moved away from.. you don't have to be on her social media to be in her life. 

Her not being your friend doesn't change your ability to stay in touch with those people that you moved away from.

If you want to push it.. you can friend request her again..   but my personal opinion is that she should have some rights to who she wants to have on her social media.