Im calling it a Day
Well Today is my Birthday I should be happy,,Im not.!!!
Last night was the night that broke the camels back,once again,my SS disrepected me,my DH did nothing,so another fight broke out,,and what my DH said was,if anything happen's to my son,the police will come for you.
It has been going around in my head for most of the night,my dh came to me this morning and said are you still mad with me!! I said no,I said I was scared,then he got mad and defensive with me.
He came home early to check on me,I was crying,which I have been doing all morning,I told him,Im not going to live my life with that comment standing over my head,I dont deserve this,Im not going to live in fear,so I told him I was leaving,so thats what Im going to do.
Its just not worth it anymore,I do so much and I get kicked in the teeth,Im dont know which way to turn,I dont have a car anymore he got in a car accident and they wrote my car off.
I am so done.
These kids just lie,and lie,I
These kids just lie,and lie,I pick them up from school and stay in my room until there dad.comes home,Im not waiting around for the day that my ss decide's to blow up,he has so many anger Issue's,Im not being blamed for something I have not done,,so Im taking care of me.
I agree with what crayon and
I agree with what crayon and Foxie wrote. Get a plan in place and get out..actually even if you do not have a plan in place get out. You are afraid of what might happen, so call a Women's Shelter and they will come and get you, they will help grab your stuff and put you in a safe place....
Agreed as well. And, BTW,
Agreed as well.
And, BTW, Happy Birthday. An Exit Strategy may be the best birthday present you ever gave yourself...
Thank you...
Thank you...
If you can't go immediately
If you can't go immediately please make sure you have a video camera near by. Many cell phones have them. If that kid starts acting crazy whip it out. At some point this kid is gonna start making some claims that are untrue and his dear daddy is only going to believe him. Also, is there anywhere else you can be between the time SS gets there and hubby gets home? It's not your responsibility to watch his kid. Kid doesn't want it and hubby doesn't want it. Try to be somewhere else even though you're car-less.
I don't think anyone should
:jawdrop: I don't think anyone should live that way!!! You shouldn't be scared at home!!! Home is suppose to be your sanctuary!I have to agree with foxie get a uhaul and take ALL!! leave them in the rear veiw mirror
You need to stop doing
You need to stop doing anything for these kids and make a plan to leave. If you do not feel safe in your home, that is a no brainer. Leave. Do what is best for you.
bless you! get the HELL OUT!
bless you! get the HELL OUT! These kids and husbands and crazy ex-wives deserve the same crap that they made of their marriage or relationship...unfortunately, many of us end up cleaning up their crap! I say, if you can afford it, get out...years down the road you will look back and think "what the hell was I thinking staying with those two crazies!"
Good luck to you and I wish you all the best!
Yes, Happy Birthday. I
Yes, Happy Birthday.
I disagree that you should get an exit plan. I think you should get out right now. Is there anyone you can stay with? can you use public transit until you can get a clunker car to get you from point A to Point B?
I say this because if the kid decides to cry wolf, you could be in for a heck of a legal mess which would be more expensive and stressful then leaving RIGHT NOW.
Also because you said you were leaving. If you don't, your husband will perceive it as an empty threat and treat you worse.
Good luck
Thank you for all your Kind
Thank you for all your Kind Words.
Well,I spent somewhat Birthday in my room and thats where I stayed, HE tried to engage in small talk with me,but I made it very clear,that we are done,the words that came out of HIS mouth made my head spin,he said well,,can I stick around and help him with the kids and bill's,,,I SAID NO..F...Way,,,so now Im wonder did he just marry me to help with his kids and bills,,Question to you all,have you ever asked yourself that Question,Im not changing my mind it is set,I know he would never hurt me,he is going to buy me a car to replace the one that got wrote off,I cant sit here and lie to you all,and tell you that Im doing ok,,Im not,not slept in 2 days,cant eat,,but on a good note,I get to have my life BACK,Im taking care of me,and dog,and thank god for my dog,she is the only one,that does not give me S...,or drama,and never hits me up for money,she is always happy to see me...
My New Quote is going to be
The more men I meet the more I love my Dog
I used to say that about
I used to say that about kids, but now that my kids are gone and I STILL have this dog I have to make sure I get home to to let out and eat, I much prefer cats.
Well Good Morning,Ladies and
Well Good Morning,Ladies and gentleman.
Well today I feel great I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders,and I made the right choice and Im sticking to it.
I now have a truck,my DH said that I can have the truck,as he wrote my car off which I think is a fair trade,we are going to do the taxes and then Im leaving.
I have a question for you all,I live in Texas I am unemployed,I got laid of from my job,how tdo I afford to get a divorce when I have no income.
Contact legal aid. If you
Contact legal aid. If you don't know the number in your area call your state's bar association.
Thank you for all your kind
Thank you for all your kind words,you are all Great.
It is wonderful to know that there is support here,and no one needs to go through this alone,so once again a big thank you.