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Guess what happens, happens!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I find out from BS18 that SD14 is trying to date some 17-year-old. He also told me that the guy that she is trying to date has a bad rep in the school...didn't go into details, just said the dude was bad news. Now, if my son says that someone is bad news, that usually means they are actually bad news! Let's just say that there really isn't anyone in that high school that my son doesn't know of, and vice versa...perks of being a good guy and being a starter on the varsity football team for 3 years.

I bring this up to DH...remember, SD14 was caught talking to some older guy on Kik a while back lying that she was 15 when she was only 13. Add to that the fact she is a huge flirt, always overly concerned about her hair and makeup, being on Skype with boys at all hours of the night, history of smoking pot, etc. DH's response was just, "For crying out loud! She's going to kill me!" That's it! He didn't go ask her about it...didn't confront her about it. Bad thing is, the only day she comes straight home from school is Wednesday...she supposedly has some sort of color guard practice every other day, and then she says she has to stay until the game on Fridays (she needs to be there by 6:30 for home games...away games they leave school releases at 3:45). I've suspected that there is something fishy with her claims, but DH just goes along with it without verifying anything with the band director. During this after school time is the ONLY time that my son can't catch her doing anything, because he has to be on the football field for practice that is across the parking lot from the school buildings.

Now, from personal experience, a 17 year old guy has no business with a 14 year old girl unless he is trying to get something...and you know what I mean. Those guys that prey on the young, naive girls in the lower high school grades...and such a guy would find ways to sneak behind my son's back, where my son would not find out what is going on until it happened. Not to mention, I can't have my son getting expelled or something stupid putting his chances at playing college ball at risk because SD14 is being stupid, and my son is the kind of guy who feels he has to protect his younger sister from slime-balls! I have half a mind to tell my son that if DH will not worry about it, neither should he, and just go on and let whatever happens happen. I know he would have a tough time of that, but it is better than giving up his football career!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Here's the problem...if SD14 becomes pregnant, it will end up being my problem! DH will not want to send her back to her mother, and will insist that "we" be the supportive parents and help her through it..."we" as in me, because the house can fall down around those two and they will not get up, so a baby crying surely will only wake up me and my son and make our nights sleepless. DH will ask ME to help teach her how to be a mother to any baby. Heck no! I've done my time! And let me tell you what...I had my daughter when I was 18 and living with my parents, but they didn't do anything for me unless they wanted to...I got up in the middle of the night when she cried...I gave up doing anything with friends because I had to stay home and tend to a child...I cleaned up after myself and my child. SD14 will not even pick up after herself, so I could already see that nasty pile of dirty diapers in the bathroom if she has a kid.

As for birth control...I don't have the authority to take her to get on it, and DH refuses. He believes that his little princess will be a good girl and will not get herself knocked up.

After I posted this, SD14 showed up at home after 5:00, supposedly from color guard practice, with some high school guy. I asked her about it, and she said he was just some friend from band, that her friend she normally gets a ride home with wasn't at school today so that she couldn't get a ride from her mom. She didn't tell me or DH about this change in plan. Even more puzzling, she wore a skirt to school, and when she got home was still in that skirt. Every other time she has worn a skirt to school on days they had practice she would come home in shorts or pants, because she says it is too difficult to practice in a skirt, so she takes shorts or pants to change into. Could be she forgot her shorts, but seems very strange that the one day she forgets her shorts she also has some guy drive her home.

I told DH, and he was not happy. I told him, "Seems you need to have a little talk with her when you get home, because she has no business hanging around boys with cars and such!" I don't know if he ever did, because when I got back from the gym, she was in her room and he was in the TV room. She did seem kinda flustered (like she usually is if she is lying and/or caught) when I queried about the boy. I reminded her that this is a small town, and I know people...people who work at the school, and that my son has lots of friends who talk to me. Put that bug in that it is not a matter of whether or not something will be found out, but when. Her face kinda turned white as she said with an attitude, "I know!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup...DH is clueless! Last night after the away football game, SD14 texts DH that he doesn't need to come pick her up because she is staying at _____'s. I ask who that is, and DH says it is some friend from color guard, and that SD14 has been bugging him all week about spending the night there Friday night. I asked if he talked to the girl's parents, or if had met them at all, and he said he hadn't, but he would when he picked her up on Saturday!

Now, how many of you would let your kids, ESPECIALLY your daughter, go over to someone's house for the night without meeting their parents...without making sure that the parents are aware of the plan, or even making sure that the parents are home! ESPECIALLY, if you just got word this week that your daughter was flirting with some older guy at school AND she was brought home the day before by some guy that you know nothing about, didn't even bother to come to the door to introduce himself, etc. Yes, the girl's house is where he picked up SD14 today, but she KNEW what time he would be there to pick her up. I truly feel something was up with that whole setup, but I have no proof. I can't believe DH is being so naive and trusting with this girl's history. If she ends up pregnant, either she goes back to her mother's, or they are both out of here, because I KNOW I will be the one stuck taking care of the baby with the whole "but it's your grandchild" guilt trip trying to be played on me! No way! My children are is time to start living my life! I am not going to be stuck like my son's grandmother did, raising her grandchildren (not my kids, but the 3 kids my son's aunt had) because they were born to a mother who is too self absorbed and clueless. Yes, clueless...she comes out today trying to ask DH how to wash her color guard uniform...he looks at me, and I tell her it is probably hand wash, read the label (which said hand wash cold water...line dry). SHE ASKED ME WHAT HAND WASH MEANT!!! I could only imagine if this girl ends up pregnant. You know DH will not help her...I mean...I just got through cleaning the whole house BY MYSELF while he sat on his but trying to claim the "it's my day off and I'm tired" crap. What about me? I put in more work hours than he does. Oh, but he thinks since I work from home, I don't work as hard as he does. Let's not forget all the running around I do for this household and such all week, too...laundry and other housework, grocery shopping, cooking, weekly team dinner for my son's football team, Project Graduation meetings (since my son is a senior) as well as fundraising efforts associated with such, driving 2 hours one way every other week for my son's away games, working on my son's film on Saturdays trying to get him into a college, etc. And, no, he does not work a physical job! No, I'm not tired!

Sorry...really needed to rant today!