Gripe Session
Alright, I have not been having a good day at all...and to top it off (as usual) SS from hell is there, spreading his fairy dust like a cancer just to season my misery...
Gripe #1 - I've been noticing for quite some time that my phone battery has been dying rather quickly...this is a new phone, so I was like WTF? I couldn't use the phone for more than an hour and the battery would die...well I also kept noticing a phone # on my caller ID over and over and over and I wondered who it was...
Well...(drum roll) come to find out, it is SS from hells "buddy" they have been talking ALL day, and not letting the phone charge, which, again, is an extremely selfish and scatter brained thing to do....teenager or not, the kid has not an ounce of respect for anyone, and I'm sick of it. I told him he does that again, and he can go to the payphone at the fucking gas station down the road...
Gripe #2...well hubby told SS from hell tonight that he would be going to BM's for 2 weeks (x-mas vacation) he stops dead in his tracks, turns around and says "2 WEEKS?" and hubby told him that it was Christmas vacation, and SS from hell says " Christmas is next week..." whatever that means, I am assuming he wants to be here for is the problem with this....we already made plans to spend x-mas eve with my sister, who is not crazy about having SS at her house, due to the fact he called her mentally handicapped son "worthless". Well, I don't feel like I should alternate my plans for Christmas just because SS wants to be here with Daddy, when he can spend Christmas with his mother and brothers at her house. I have alternated my entire life for him, and other people, I would like to have one fricken holiday without looking at him, that is my wish for Santa...let's see if it's granted, if not, I'm going to be one pissed off, I gave him two options..he can go to his moms this weekend, come back on Monday, stay until the 24th (day time) and go back to Mom's OR go to Moms tomorrow, and stay through guess is he'll choose option #1 because he's so far up daddy's ass he won't be able to make it an entire week without his daddy fix...
WOW I feel better, thanks for allowing me to dump my garbage on all of you, feed back is not necessary, but always appreciated, have a good night all!
thanks for the support, I
thanks for the support, I swear I am about to go nuts, and since I posted this, he's done yet something else to get under my skin...ate dinner just now, and left 1/2 his plate on the table! I showed it to his dad, because I'm not a f*cking maid..he looks at it, and walks away...R U KIDDING???? he won't make SS clean it, and I'm not doing can rot on the table before I touch it...
I'm in school too working on
I'm in school too working on finishing my bachelor's degree...I used to be very strict with this kid, even with his problems, he's way better than what he could have been if I wasn't around, let me tell you, he'd most likely be in jail by now..
I'm to the point now to where I'm done..I'm out of the business of trying to raise this kid, I've been there, done that...I'm so done I believe that is why every thing this kid does drives me crazy and I just can't wait to see him go
Hubby said tonight SS is going into the Army after he graduates...I laughed a little inside thinking, another Gomer Pile!
I even told hubby that the Army is not going to accept him, he'd have to pass a psych exam, and don't mean to be mean, but he has a snow balls chance in hell of passing that test....
any hoo, he can go to job corps in the spring, get his own place by next fall, and I can then begin to get my life back, and put him, and the nightmares that accompany him behind me....
That gives me hope, if he can
That gives me hope, if he can get in, more power to him..honestly, I'd sleep better at night knowing he was not in Iraq, fighting for my freedom, seeing as though be barely brushes his own teeth, but hey, what do I know...LOL