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Does behavior get worse?

Jcksjj's picture

Just a general question for people with kid/skids that are teens or older...did their behavior get better or worse from like early elementary and up? Or does it seem to stay pretty much the same level? 

Letti.R's picture

It depends on whether parents are prepared to put in the work and actually parent and discipline their chidren.
Set appropriate examples and model proper behaviour for  their children.

If parents or care givers let children run wild and do their own thing, why would the behaviour change?

Cover1W's picture

Well, from my experience, SD14 got worse.  She's almost 15 now and is no longer in our home at all.  She refused to participate or do anything at all with anyone.

SD12, almost 13, is better.  She's got some teen issues here or there springing up but she's actually more pleasant to be around than when she was smaller.  Hopefully DH and I can keep encouraging her in this.

Peridwen's picture

Well so far SD13 has improved overall, though sometimes it's really really difficult to figure out whether the typical teen behaviour is better or worse than the screaming fits she used to have. I was a tomboy who hated drama - I have a DRAMA QUEEN SD13. Drives me insane.


SS12 has actually pretty much remained the same. Better in some ways, worse in others. He's getting more defiant, but he's also starting to work smarter/harder on the things we ask him to do.

Jcksjj's picture

I know how you feel with the drama queen. My SD fake cries constantly and will do anything for attention. I'm not like that at all, hate being the center of attention actually, so it drives me insane

Rags's picture

Our son (my Skid) had a behavioral degredation period in 10th grade.  Then he recovered, for the most part, with the help of Military School.  Ultimately he turned out well.  He joined the USAF at 18 and has been in for 7 years. He is currently in Germany on a 3yr assignment.

Stick to consistent standards of behavior, apply consequences for deviation, and guide the young people in your home to launch and you will work through any behavioral crap successfully.

At least in my experience. 

Rags's picture

Its a family thing for us.  My dad went, I went, my younger brother went and my son went.  Interestingly all of us needed it at the time.  I suppose the apples don't fall far from the tree in the Ragsdale clan.

Maxwell09's picture

Just my experience from baby to 7yrs old, so only on the younger end of the spectrum, my skid has gotten more complicated. Before it was just BM drama and DH would deal with her, now skid is learning how and what to say to all parents to get what he wants. We’re at an the crossroads where he doesn’t know what HE wants and believes and would rather just parrot whichever parent is around for attention and praise. When he was a toddler he wasn’t concerned or aware of others’ so he was honest and true to himself. I miss that.