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Advice? Suggestions?

Last-Wife's picture

Does anyone out there have a kid/skid with Reactive Attachment Disorder?

After some MAJOR computer investigations in the last two days, I am beginning to think that may be the issue with SS15. DH and BM seperated when he was just over a year old, and SS has a brother that is only 13 months younger than he is, so he kinda got left out... I became "mom" when SS was 3. He never wanted to visit BM when he was little, and refuses to go now. And he loves to take his anger out at me, as the female figure in the house.

Any advice or suggestions with how to deal with him?

DH took him to meet a therapist this morning...


belleboudeuse's picture

My 15 year-old SD has Reactive Attachment Disorder. I don't know specifically what your questions are, so I won't go into a long ramble here, but if you would like to PM me, I can respond to anything you'd like to ask.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)