Did I do the right thing?
Hi all,
I am seeking validation of some sorts to see if I could have handled things differently?
I recently moved countries to be with a woman, I sorted out apartment/car etc as she has two children aged 8 and 11 (boy and girl)..we had the children every other week as the children went back to their father. The father just let the kids do anything, stay up late, eat/take whatever they wanted from the fridge,demand what they had for dinner etc, not tidy up.....when we had the kids I tried (as a role model) to establish some basic ground rules for them...my girlfriend insisted that the kids should go to bed at 9pm on school nights and 10-11pm on weekends, I thought this was too late but was overidden, we did manage to establish a rule about taking things from the fridge but whenever my partner went into another room they just snuck in and took whatever they wanted. Then they started to demand that my girlfriend went with them to bed so they could get to sleep...this meant that me and my girlfriend had no time together as she went straight to sleep and then up for the morning routine with the kids. I had to travel back to the UK once a month for work (for about 10 days) and when I did the kids moved back into their mums bedroom to sleep until I returned home, when I got home the apartment was in bedlam...washing up everywhere, a general mess, kids refusing to go to sleep (as she allowed them to stay up later).
We had one moment where we were due to fly to the Mauritius for a holiday (it was our first and I paid for all of it), the children played up all week saying they were scared that she was going away, they spent the entire time crying, we had an argument about it at the end of the week (I told her that they should be able to cope) and she left to go back to her parents, we missed the flights and the holiday.
Then she would not tell them if we were going away for the weekend as it would upset them, that they were not there.
Both kids are extremely entitled and if I tried to cuddle or show affection to my girlfriend the kids always interuppted, plus they could not play on their own so demanded her attention all the time.
Although we had a week where the kids were not with us the overall problems started to cause major problems and arguments, I asked my girlfriend to address the problems above but she refused and said I am not a parent so I don't know. I appreciate that due to the breakup with the kids that she wanted to be there for them but honestly they were so demanding of her time and she was feeling guilty (overcompensation) that I just plain felt invisible when they were around.
The final straw was when we took them to Austria, the minute we got there the boy threw his skis on the ground, started wailing and then said what a bad mum she was and why was he having to follow orders (carry his skis), my girlfriend then burst into tears and her daughter was consoling her (as she jumped in the way of me) - this set the tone for the entire holiday...a few days later I went to move the car and my girlfriend was following later, I saw her coming down the slopes with her daughters snowboard, her skis and her sons skis - she then proceeded to have an argument with me that I should have helped her carry all this stuff - I said the kids should be carrying their own...anyways half an hour later she was treating them all to dinner in a restaurant.
Long story - short ending, I finished the relationship - I could not deal with the mum always pandering to her two demanding kids, I felt my mental health and self esteem suffering (I did not feel the priority (and yes I know the kids are a priority) in our relationship. I can understand the mother/children relationship but this was too extreme as my girlfriend did not place my needs into the mix as well and the let downs on the holiday/not telling the kids about us etc just killed it.
Did I make the right choice or should I have stuck in out?
You did the right thing.
You did the right thing.
I feel like I did
Thanks for your response, I was unsure but the constant pandering to their every whim and desire and no acknowledgement of my needs (and we did discuss it) finally got too much for me, I am a kind and good person but this experience was turning me into a demon and the arguments were not nice (not in front of the kids) - when every conversation with your girlfriend start with "the kids" and not us then I suppose we just went down different paths - I could not see it ever changing....shame cos I loved this girl and maybe understimated what it would be like.
No, she wouldn't have ever
No, she wouldn't have ever changed, it would have gotten worse and you would have been miserable and wasted a lot more time. It would have been constant stress for you.
Was it moslty a long distance relationship before you moved? It's really hard to truly get to know someone that way, especially the dynamic with their kids.
Yes it was
Yes it was, visits back and forth, but just us (the kids were with the ex husband/father) (and we were getting on really well) - we had discussed the kids and living together etc, problems only started a while after the kids moved in, I thought her parenting style would be different and boundaries would be set - AND that our relationship would have some importance.......I have learned a hard life lesson but honestly think I am better off out of it.
You absolutely did the right
You absolutely did the right thing, never doubt it! You might have, over long years and much stress, managed to achieve tiny changes in these two kids' behaviour - but the harder thing would have been changing their mother's behaviour - and by the sound of it she didn't think she was doing anything wrong. In fact though, she was training them to be two awful, entitled, obnoxious snowflakes. Trust me, their teen years are going to be a hideous nightmare you are well out of.
I feel like I did
Thank you, I thought the same - I was brought up to be independent to have manners etc but the big thing was I always knew my parents were a unit and we were kids (not the kids being the parents) - she always said she wanted to be friends with the kids (not how it should be) - anyways the suffocating nature of her kids and that she did not make them respect our time and space really affected me - I mean who has a rule that we cant kiss or cuddle in front of them in case they got jealous (which I was accused of when they kept interupting)
There is absolutely zero
There is absolutely zero doubt that you made the right choice.
Kids never are the priority over the SOs in an equity life partnership. THe partners and the marriage are the top priority always.
Kids are the top relationship responsibility but that does not mean that they get to run amok and be intollerable.
Congratulations on having the confidence to recognize that this woman has no place in your life. She ruined the relationship by catering to her ill behaved spawn rather than parenting.
Take care of you.
Thank you
Thank you for your reply, I was initially very angry at the breakup because I knew it was the lack of time and space for us that destroyed my love for her, I asked time and time again for her to realise and respect this but it did not change....just received the kids are important line time and time again (which I knew).....eventually extinguised any love and respect I had for her.
Good choice, too many people
Good choice, too many people stay in these relationships because of "love".
These kids have TWO lousy parents - there is very little hope they will be functional adults. Find a woman who can parent her kids (or has none).
It is very difficult to forge a relationship with someone who has kids or as I call it "baggage." It only gets worse as time goes on and you will become resentful. In time you also may become the cash cow supporting this family that you do not have a bond with. Take it from us old war horses. You did the right thing. Don't look back, don't second guess your decision and most of all don't feel guilty about practicing self-preservation.
Curious... how do you feel now
Just curious how you feel after a chance until me after a couplemonths. If your off this board, I guess that answers my question.