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DH and BM on THEIR anniversary

weekendwidow's picture

Every year on "their" anniversary, BM sends DH a little text message. It's been 5 years...How sweet (GAG) This year was no different. He complains that she's a piece of shit and a pain in the ass yada yada yada...BUT...he doesn't block her from sending texts. He doesn't ignore the "Hi! I just wanted t let you know that I'm thinking about you today" text message. He responds to it. WHY? Why the hell can't he just ignore/block her ass?

I have almost EVERY form of communication blocked to my ex. There is no reason he needs to send me a text. I have rerouted ALL of his emails to DH so he can screen them and delete the bullshit and forward anything pertinent to my children to me. If he calls my cell, it goes straight to voicemail. If there's an emergency of any kind, the ex can call my home #

So....why can't DH do this with his EX? WTF? UGH - so frustrating!

AllySkoo's picture

That's.... just plain weird. Why the hell are they "celebrating" their anniversary, even with just a text exchange? I'd have a serious problem with this, and I would MAKE it DH's problem as well.

hereiam's picture

What does he say when he responds? (at first I thought the WHY? was his response)

That is just weird. My DH has no clue when his and BM's anniversary is. The month, maybe, and he sure wouldn't want to be reminded of it.

weekendwidow's picture

In the same text that she said "I was thinking about you..." She asked if he talked to his kids. She knows his kids walked out on him because he is no longer tolerating their awful behavior. His response was simply "Nice"

So she can interpret his response in a few different of which I don't like one bit. And I let him know it, too. Fucker. (pardon my French)

weekendwidow's picture

"Why"? would've been perfect...but alas. I noticed the date one day a few weeks ago and realized that it was 20 years ago I married my ex on that day. Not one fiber in my being thought about reaching out to my EX. Not. One. BM is twisted.

Disneyfan's picture

Your husband is just as twisted as BM. If those messages(or any other from him) bothered him, he would have put and to it long ago. This craziness continues because they both enjoy it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I'm with Ally...just weird! On both their parts! I have no interest in talking to my ex...never have! Only reason I ever did was to discuss matters about BS19 (or things like "why the hell can't you pay your $100 in child support THIS time") before my ex decided he simply didn't want to be a dad any longer.

And DH...the last person he wants to see on his phone is BM...but unfortunately, he has to deal with the woman for 3 more years. DH often says he can't wait until SD15's 18th birthday! He is going to get his number changed on that day...LOL!

Orange County Ca's picture

I agree with 'cookies' but it shows a utter disregard for your feelings and is totally unacceptable. Lets not ignore the "Ex sex is best" angle either he may be angling for that also even if not consciously. No pun intended. You need to find a consequence for this behavior.

weekendwidow's picture

Oh he's not going there. She's repulsive - physically. He got an earful from me and knows this is unacceptable. He needs to block her ass or I'm blocking something else...

The_Atheist's picture

Isn't it amazing how THEY cheat and then try to act like the heart broken victim? The worse part is the when the kids buy the bullshit that mom and dad would be together if gf wasn't there. My skids BM does that. They broke up THIRTEEN years ago and she still cries to the kids that they could be a family if dad left me (and I only met dad three years ago. They were broken for a decade already!)

hangingbyathread6's picture

Both my exH and my DH's exW have pulled this on the kids. They both cheated. They both found out it wasn't better in someone else's yard and put the blame on me or DH that "we aren't a family anymore". My exH tried it in the beginning of DH and I dating. My YBD said something to me about how sad dad is and he still loves you but he can't be here because SF is here" I point blank told her that is NOT why her father is no longer in our home and we are no longer married. I didn't give her the grisly details, as she was only 9 at the time, but I did let her know that her father is who chose to not want to participate in this family any more.

My DH's ex does this STILL to this day. Even though she is living with her current bf for the last year. Unfortunately, my DH hasn't actually ever come out and point blank told SSs the truth. He has given the oldest one some of it. They don't remember that mom took off for another man because they were only 4 &2 at the time. They DO remember mom bouncing back in and out of their lives in between men trying to get their dad back. They do remember that dad only dated one or two other women other than hanging. And they DO remember that BM was on a full fledged mission of trying to worm her way back into DH's life when DH and I were dating, only the skids nor BM knew we were dating yet, and when she found out, she tried even harder in front of her sons so that to them hanging took dad away from BM because they could have been a family again...even though DH wanted NOTHING to do with BM.

tryingmom's picture

LOL...this topic made me think, end of August it would have been exH and my 30th anniversary. Of course, this will slip my mind shortly. I would never say anything to him, there was nothing happy with him.

I do not understand why people have to live in their pasts....move forward.

over step's picture

I consider myself lucky that I didn't have kids with my ex. Haven't talked to him for almost 5 years.

My DH is not so lucky. His ex will call to vent about their DD and will talk for no less than 15 minutes. I think it's hilarious that he has to deal with her psychic behavior.

Rags's picture

On Jan 2 of every year I have a private celebration to mark and celebrate not having another anniversary of marriage to my psycho slut whore or an XW. I tell no one but if I am somewhere I can have a double top shelf tequila on the rocks with jalapeno stuffed olives I imbibe with a big smile on my face. 2.5 years of hell with that whore was enough hell for anyone to live through.

I also have the same private celebration on Sept 20 of every year to celebrate the day I recovered my freedom and walked out of the court room with that skank whore in my rear view mirror.

Fortunately my XW and I did not spawn and more fortunately I did not catch any incurable diseases from her well used private parts. Well used everywhere but in our marriage and by everyone but me that is.

Rags's picture

Some things are truly a blessing. It sounds like your brother and I share one in that our XWs are way and blessedly gone, gone, gone.

I hope he and your nieces/nephews are doing well.