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All his kids are mess up and useless

Lanibug851's picture

I have been with DH now for 5 years and married for 3 of them and all of his 3 kids are I reckon mentally unstable including the crazy BM who doesn't want any of her children and goes out of her way to bully their youngest cause SD13 is like DH so much and cause SD13 and I get along very well and she asked to call me mum and BM hates it lol I'm only 28 years old and he is 10 years older I have known him for a few year beforehand us getting together so I knew his kids and back then they were well behave and respectful and they stay that way until the wedding day and after that they went 0 to 60 seconds brain dead. I have SD19, SD16 and SD13 and I hate the older two with a passion!! The fat, lazy and pathetic SD19 announced on my wedding day in front of everyone that her just as fat and lazy boyfriend got engaged, DH does not have much to do with her because she can't keep a job cause she can't be bothered to go to work and lives in a pile of junk food wrappers in her house and car, you walk in and it smells like someone died in there. The SD16 is the hardest to deal with both for me and DH, she came to live with us a couple of years ago because her BM didn't want anything to do with her so DH ask me if you could try and see how it goes. It went BAD this thing was disrespectful, vile, stupid, vain and the list goes on and on, at one time she threw a fit cause she wasn't allow to have facebook anymore cause she was saying nasty stuff about me on there, she punch DH. The whole time the crazy BM was in her ear saying nasty things to do to me while it was living here and to stupid SD16 (back then was 14-15) she just wanted her crazy BM to love her and want her she that she did want she told her to do. At the end I got depressed and quite sick because of SD16 and BM that I said to DH I have had enough and kicked her out of my house and said to her " you want mummy's approval and love, go live with the crazy bitch" the SD16 was happy too. One week later after kicking her to curb DH told me that BM has kicked her out as well and no one wants her to live with her, after getting off the floor cause I was laughing and crying with happiness cause the stupid cow got what she deserved, has no choice but to live with her very strict grandparents (on BM Side) and has to pay for everything herself lmao she still calls names and disses me to SD13 (who lives with me and DH) when she goes and visits her grandparents cause SD16 is not welcome to my house anymore and makes a point to SD13 that if it wasn't for me she would to happy living with DH. Whatever!! Since I kicked her out DH has distances himself from her, he doesn't go and see her and only talks to her on the phone once or twice a week maybe. DH knows better to not say the thing name cause I don't want everything to do with her and respects that. Lastly is SD13 she came to live with us when BM was bullying her soo much she was 20kgs underweight and suffer from deep depression and anxiety when she was 10, SD13 and I get along most of the time but every time she visit the crazy twins SD16 or BM she comes home either with an attitude or upset, BM talks to her on the phone saying sweet nothings in her ear saying she loves her and misses her but when SD13 goes over there BM goes back to her crazy ass self and treats her like shit. SD13 is getting lazy but I have DH on my side when it comes to SD13 and agrees with me when it comes to chores, pocket money, school and punishment, he has pretty much givin me control over what needs to be done with SD13. My friends and family asked why I stay and put up with it, the answer is I love DH with all of the heart and I know it can't be easy when two of his won't try to get along with me and I don't want to get along with them. DH does go out of his way to spend time alone with me and to make me happy. But now SD16 has gone from my life and pretty much DH's as well my marriage is great SD13 is easy to handle most of the time but I know it can't be easy for her either. I thanked God she isn't an average 13 year old she is not into boys or makeup but sports and playing outside in the dirt lol

Tcandme's picture

Its great DH backs you up, however just remember you are not SD13's Mother, tread lightly everything could blow up In your face. As Fay as SD16 disengage completely from her!

Lanibug851's picture

Thanks for the advice, I know what you mean about SD13 it's hard sometimes cause DH spends a lot of time away from home cause of work if I had it my way I wouldn't have her live with us because of that but DH is worried cause he does not want her to grow up like the other two so I think that's why he puts me in control hoping that I things will work out. I like SD13 but I do not want to see her as my daughter and I don't go completely out of my way for her cause at the end of the day the SD16, BM and SD13 all share the same blood so I do not trust her completely either.

Indigo's picture

" ... until the wedding day and after that they went 0 to 60 seconds brain dead. " -- OP (Lanibug851

Okay, still reading the post but, Golly, I had to say that is one amazing statement. I am grinning.

Indigo's picture


Just, "wow." I am laughing with you, not at you ... but, don't forget that punctuation is your friend. I could "hear" your mental voice as I read what you wrote.

It's great that you and your DH are good with disconnecting from the drama of both older stepkids and BM. SD13 sounds as if she is hitting puberty/teen stuff, but nothing major at this time. You are right in that all of this is not easy for her either. Keep doing your best. DH is probably correct in trying to find a way for SD13 to grow up without the nastiness of BM.

You did marry a man with SKIDS. Fact of life. Heck, marrying and living with a child-free man would have been easier. Typical SP dilemma.

I laughed out loud as I read your post. I look forward to reading more.