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New to the group with a 15 y.o SD from hell

2005 DTS's picture

My 15 y.o SD i cannot even begin to describe....i never thought in a million years id ever feel this way about a kid....especially one i used to consider my own.From the age this child could almost walk,she has been.a problem......Now.that a teenager......the manipulative,nasty,disrespectful way she treats her mother and i is un believable........but in the same time,turn around and ask.for something.......stealing money,cellphones,etc.....sorry to ramble on....i just dont know where to start.......any other guys have this problem?

Frustr8d1's picture

Oh, yes do I have this problem---except this started when SD turned 10! We had a pretty good relationship for 5 yrs and suddenly she became a teenager at age 10. Be glad your SD is closer to 18 than mine Wink

2005 DTS's picture

My DW and i had this convo earlier....i said there is no way she is going to be here at seriously at my wits end

Drac0's picture

I had a similar conversation with my DW about a month earlier. The way things are shapping up, my SS is on the fast track to flunking high school and "Fast food Hair-net city". If that happens, I want him out of the house when he turns 18. There is no way I am supporting ANYONE who doesn't do anything around the house and just puts in the bare minimum of effort in his studies. Now my SS doesn't steal, hardly talks back, etc. but he is showing signs of rebellion and he has even stated flat out to me that "whatever you guys can't give me, I'll just get from my Dad". It's like this kid has already made his life game plan; play Mom and Dad against the middle and milk it for all it's worth!

just.his.wife's picture

My DH sure did.

Then he turned into a father instead of 'daddddddiiiiii'. Feel free to read my blog for ideas of what he has done to turn the kids around. Of course, your going to have to get your DW on board to initiate operation 'pull skids head out of a$$'.

AlamoJ's picture

Hi, I'm new to the group as well. I have two SD's....15 and 16. I am currently experiencing the a very difficult situation as well. The 15 year old was recently busted for DRINKING at school, as well as plans to BUY WEED from another child.
Both SD's are master manipulators, sneaky, disrespectful and hateful. They have pushed things so far that my mother, who has always thought of them as her biological grans now wants nothing to do with them.
Their Father, My fiance, allows them WAY more room than he should, and it's creating a huge problem. The 16 year old has HORRIBLE grades, he does nothing to try and change that. His thought is that I am always the one to blame and allows them to get away with murder.
I am at a loss. It's becoming so difficult that I am very close to calling off the wedding and leaving.

usmc1984's picture

Same boat. My sd is 5 and I don't even want to know whar the teenage years will be like.she is only 5 and when she gets her way via tantrum she has the smile of a super villian. The look on het face is mynacle. I love her but damn.

daddyrob's picture

I hear you and feel for you all. My SD is turning 15 next week and is really becoming quite the asshole lately. I posted about it in another thread.