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My son is now Staff Sgt Rags.... USAF

Rags's picture

Monday the 29th of February the Skid pinned on his E-5 stripes. April 12 will complete his 5th year of service.

His mom and I are very proud of him and having the family name on his Uniform is a heartwarming lump in the throat thing for this dad.

Just wanted to share my pride and shredding of another Rags' man card. Real men don't get mushy over this kind of thing. :O

I am such a wussy. Wink

Tuff Noogies's picture

u done good, rags. u done good.
Blum 3

after all u've been through w/ your son, and what both you and he endured to *make* him your son, there's no doubt you were bursting with pride.

Rags's picture


ThatGirl's picture

Congratulations, Rags. You have every right to be proud.

I've been gone a few years and just started lurking again today, but HAD to post when I saw this Smile