Grim Future ahead.........
I have 1 bio kid with second wife who wants nothing to do with him but state laws says she has to see him. My third wife has 4 kids. My child has a.d.h.d inatenative type and R.A.D'S due too his mother not holding or having much to do with him from the time of his birth even though we stayed together till he was 5. third wife is bipolar and has 4 kids. Her Oldest child was 12 when we met he is 19 now he has adhd and is bipolar but refuses to take medication. Second child is now 17 almost 18 he has exima ans seriases skin disorders, 3rd child is now 14 he is what most call alphabet soup. Adhd, manic Bipolar, manic depresive, ocd, adhd, Rads and so on and on. My third wife and I still love each outher but the kids have torn us apart after 7 years of marrage. She says she can no longer put up with my son's bad behaviors and has left me because of his lying and stealing. As far as I can tell he is acting out because of his mother and the way she treats him. On march 6th. my son was at his mother house for the weekend. His mother called me early Sunday morning to come pick him up because he was sick and they didn't want to catch what ever he had. Being a good father I agreed to pick him up early. When I picked him up his mother told us he had thrown up all over the flor in the bed room and now she had to go clean up the mess and took off mad about having to clean up his mess. I asked my son why he didn't throw up in the toilet? He stated he tried but the bedroom door was locked from the outside. I called the state police and they told me to call children and youth services. I called them and they said I was a discruntaled parrent and left it at that. When my son whent to see his Phsykiatrist that wednesday he told his Dr. about what had happened while he was at his mothers and he reported it as well. His mother called me when C.Y.S. showed up at her door asking questions about what happened. Said she is giving up all visitation to him so she dosn't have to deal with C.Y.S. again. Any sugestions as to where I should go from here? My marrage is over I am declaring chapter 7 bankrupcy and loosing my house and prity much everything else because my wife left. I am on SSD for life and my options for my and my son's future are verry slim at the moment.
Don't get remarried! Work on
Don't get remarried! Work on your son's problems only. Forgot about your exw or 3rd, 2nd wife, in fact all women. You alone work on your son. Why are you are SSD for life? Losing everything? Well start over and go slow. Don't get TV, video junk and computers junk -- all time wasters. Exercise &/or volunteer with your son. Be there for him. Quiet all the background noise.