Easter Egg Low Blow
I was out of state for Easter so my fiance colored eggs with my 2yr old SS without me. She sent me pics of 3 eggs with her name, my name & SS's name.
I finally got tired of hard boiled eggs taking up fridge space & decided to peel them & make egg salad. While doing so I discovered that she had made 2 eggs that said "Daddy" for BF.
I'm not upset that she made an egg for him but hurt that she made 2 for him & only 1 for me even though BF is abusive deadbeat & I'm the one who has taken on all the roles of father figure for SS. I feel kind of petty about it but I can't help how it made me fee l.
I'm sorry that she hurt your
I'm sorry that she hurt your feelings but you'll need to talk about or just except that's how it is. I have been the twins mom for the last 4 yrs, doing everything for them and still not once have they wished me a happy mother's day. I may not have brought them into this world but I'm the one taking care of them and it would be nice to be thanked once in awhile. So my advice is to let her know how you feel because you need to talk to one another or you'll end up like me. Dh and I now have seperate rooms and barely say a word to each other because of SS15#1.
Good luck!!
Hey just wanted to update you
Hey just wanted to update you Childofmine. We talked when we got home from work last night. She said she was sorry & hadn't thought it was going to upset me & that it was just an egg but now she sees my point.
I told her as far as my SS is concerned I will never try to take his BFs place but that since I have taken on all his roles because he doesn't want anything to do with his son, I want to at least be thought of as equal to his BF where my SS is concerned & more than equal as far as she is concerned.
She agreed & I think it was a milestone for us. Thanks for your reply & advice
PoHoDa you refer to the 2yr
PoHoDa you refer to the 2yr old's mom as your Fiance which means that you are not married, right? If that is true then the 2yr old is not even your SS2. Not to offend you but until you marry this woman you are just her stud. Not husband, or stepfather. If the 2yr old knows who his real dad is then he knows who you are. Nothing personal but you haven't taken all the roles of a father figure until you are married to the mother. Not picking on you it's just I see boyfriends and girlfriends on this site referring to themselves as step parents to step kids and I think how can that be?? You're not married? You need to get married and be miserable like the rest of the step parents on this site.
Quyjye im sorry but I could
Quyjye im sorry but I could not disagree with you more. I have been with my SO for two years and I damn right have the role of step mom I do not need a marriage certificate to prove it. I take care of my 4 skids and I dont appreciate anyone saying technically I am not a step parent. Pohoda got his feelings hurt because he took on the role which means the child is his stepson right now just like skids are mine. Marriage is marriage technically in binds you by paper but I dont need to get married to prove anything to anyone. Why would you think marriage means you have the right to bitch and moan about your life. People here are coming to vent regardless if they are married. When I joined this site I didnt get asked are you married because if your not you cannot vent like the rest of us because technically you are not one of us. I am sorry if this offends you but I cant imagine why you would think something like that.