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I need advice please!

cowlips1978's picture

I do not have children of my own so even though I have been around children and helped raise my siblings no one wants to listen to me... that is not the problem though.. my 13 year old stepson has been acting out lately. Normaly nothing to worry about but tonight he was talking about suicide and crying. His dad was in the room and mostly got angry about it. On my side, I felt bad but he lies a lot and I think he is crying out for attention. His mother and dad were never together.. one night stand. He thinks of my husbands ex-wife as his mother. He is bounced between 3 families, ours, his mom and her husband, and the exwife and her husband.... and expectations for each family. Recently the ex-stepmom has had twins and quit spending as much time with him and his biological mother was a surrogate. When his biological mom has him a lot of other people seem to watch it wrong that I think that he needs counseling? Should I really push the issue with his dad?

ThatGirl's picture

Absolutely get him into counseling. My son lost a best friend to suicide, he hadn't even turned 13, yet. It's horrible to think that a child so young could have those thoughts, but they do sometimes. Please get him some help.

newb5's picture

definitly counselling and maybe its time for him to just go between both his parents he has to learn that adult realtionships end and life moves on I know it would be hard to let his ex step mum go but it might be time and perhaps its time his dad took him full time so he has some stability and consistency. it just seems like a very confusing situation for any young person especially when hes about to go into the very confusing teen years .this is when he needs a consistent situation where he knows hes fully supported .hope this might help up to you what you do though .good on you for caring. Smile

cowlips1978's picture

I agree and this is where I have the hard time as the step-parent. He has been doing really bad in school since his bio-mom took him through the week. I don't really want the responsibilty on one side and the other I do, but I offered to take him during the week. His dad works nights so during the week it would all be me. He never wanted to argue with her and I ended up default... now she doesn't want me to have him but I think it would be better if we did from what has happened in the past year. How do I convince her that I don't want to better than her and just want to help her son do better?

purpledaisies's picture

I think it is time he quit going to one of those houses! He also needs counseling. You say is BM was a surrogate, so why is he going to her house? Wouldn't that mean that ex wife his is legal mom? I'm a little confused. If I am I'm sure he is too.

cowlips1978's picture

He was the result of a one night stand and recently his biological mom was a surrogate.