BS following in Sperm Donor's Foot steps........
My BS has had a job for roughly, and Im not stretching it, 1 month. He has already been fired. He has worked, or supposed to have worked is a beter term, for 15 days. Out of those 15 days he either left early, or never showed up for at least 10 of those days!! This is the 3rd job in 2 years that he has had that he has been fired from.
He is in this class at school where to get credit for the class you have to have a job. I just talked to his teacher this morning about him loosing this job. His teacher asked me if I knew if BS stole anything from this job. I told him not to my knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did. The teacher said he is going to look into it, but to me it sounds like things have come up missing. My son was working with a bunch of guys, around trucks and cars, like in a garage. So who knows all what could have come up missing. I guess I wll find out later though.
I have already contacted BS PO to schedule a meeting. To see where we can go from here. BS has 82 days until he turns 18. I have a feeling, since he keeps messing up, that his PO is going to wait and send him to jail when he does turn 18.
19BD didnt get married before BF left for basic. He is being sent home due to medical issues. They are going to get an apt together and then this spring or something like that they will then get married. I am going to go with her today to look at a few places and look for furniture too. She is actually seeing things MY way and understanding what I am telling her !! surprise surprise!
BD16 is still working and not having any issues out of her lately.
SS21 just got busted for weed. But idk much else, we read it in the paper, and he doesn't come around.
SS19 doesnt come around either, so things are quiet on that front.
UPDATE: Just found out from
UPDATE: Just found out from my BD that he stole a hood ornament from a work truck. A Mack truck Dog.
I have already seen this on his friends car. I went by this kids house, and my DH saw it too. I am callin his former boss first thing in the morning and reporting it. I am going to go out to the school tomorrow and take a pic of it on the car, to show the boss, to make sure thats the exact one. His PO is also getting a visit from me.
I know this will cost me more money, but IDC!! BS needs to learn a lesson, you can't steal and just get away with it.
Those hood ornaments are mass
Those hood ornaments are mass produced and there are no serial numbers or identifying marks unless the owner knows it has a nick or a ding on it somewhere and can describe it.
Don't expect anything to come of that theft which will lead to others in the future of course.
Since he's about to turn 18 its time for you to take the plunge and opt out of his life. He needs a jerk and when his PO gives it to him you need to add to it by "abandoning" him to his fate. Don't bail him out, don't visit him, and don't accept any collect calls.
If he ask's you why just tell him you're ashamed of his behavoir and don't want to see him until he straightens out and proves it by getting and keeping a job. It's time for some Tough Love Mom. Google T.L if you don't know the term
Yes,I know there will be more
Yes,I know there will be more thefts. This is the first time that he has gotten caught stealing from one of his jobs... That I know of. He had stolen from my dh,daughters, ss, grand parents, his friends, school mates, girlfriends and me. So him doing this again, and going to jail for it wouldn't surprise me in the least but. I have already told his PO on him. I have also told my dh that when, not if, he goes to jail I'm not seeing him, giving him any $$ I or anything. he can just deal with it on his own..
I have already told him that I have given up on him and that when he turns 18I want him out of our lives until he can be a well functioning person in society and treat people with respect. He doesn't treat ANYONE with respect. He had said so in court to his PO that he doesn't "have to respect me" because I'm "just mom". (PO and judge let him have it).
His boss has him on video stealing it. And I've seen it here in our home. He even told me he got it from work. They put it on his car right here in my driveway. Sooooooo there is no doubt in my mind.
You are an awesome mom. Most
You are an awesome mom. Most moms would try to stick up for their kids and make excuses for them. I believe in the phrase "Do not disable your children by making their lives easy." You obviously are doing your part to show him how his decisions will impact his life. Keep up the good work.
(No subject)
Thank you! It always feels
Thank you! It always feels good to know your doing the right thing. I've always said if I don't make my kids hate me every so often then I'm not doing my job as a parent correctly!