Sick of it all

matches343's picture

I am a Smom of a 3 yr. old SS- The custody agreement is that my fiance gets him at 5p on Saturdays, and Mom gets gim 5p on Wed. So we have 57% custody with 4 days. Bio-mom called CYS to file false reports earlier this week, and when I went to go pick up SS yesterday, she started her games. I went to pick SS up to put him in the car and she's right on my ass saying "Let me tell you why I called." No problem- we knew it was her and the investigations came back negative with nothing found, case closed. She then goes to grab my car door where I just put SS in his seat. I walked opposite around my car, locking the doors, and got in. The harassments kept up, and I did feel threatened as she kept getting closer and closer- then her bf came out- (side note- they live in the basement of her bf's parent's house)- So I tear out of the driveway leaving gravel marks. Now she is supposedly calling CYS, cops, and wants a PFA against me, and wants to place child endangerment charges against me as well as destruction of property (gravel driveway- a rake does wonders- and I will even go and do it- but I won't be allowed on property to pick SS up (the only reason I'm doing pick ups is because dad works at agreed pick up time, and her bf does the same on Wednesdays bc she works, and doesn't drive). So I'm in a real pickle now. Just sick of being treated like shit! Tired of being harassed and put in the middle. The lawyer advised if I was ever in a hostile environment to just get the hell out of there, and that's what I did. But I guess I was excessive I know I was wrong for tearing out. What else am I to do? I have kept my cool through all of the investigations, court cases, domestic relations for child support- I am seriously at my wits ends now and am so ready to just give up. I love both of my boys very much- but I'm sick of all the headaches. Where or what do I do now? PS haven't heard anything from any agencies as of this am. Really think that if it was that big of a concern, that it would have been handled sooner, or that she didn't call and is just blowing smoke out of her ass again like normal.

matches343's picture

At this point, dad flipped on BM last night and told her that if she couldn't keep her mouth shut, that he would see her ass back in court. We are close to getting full custody at this point, and I truly believe that we can- with the false reports to CYS they are filing to the court as well. So at this point, we are seeing what happens from here. BM has said before if we get 5 days, she is leaving to go to GA or FL to be around other family. Which means we have SS full and when she's even further away- it may get better. Truth of the matter is I love both of these guys more than anything in the world, just sick of BM.

simifan's picture

She's talking out her ass, I wouldn't worry about it & pick SS up as usual. Have DH tell her if she denies custody,he will file for contempt. If he needs to take off work to pick up his child, BM's BF will be denied pick up as well. What is good for the goose & all that...

matches343's picture

so true... well its noon the following day and still nothing, worst will probably be a CYS call yet again, in which I will admit I tore out- so what- not like she hasn't totally flipped and slammed doors in daycare and caused a big scene there picking him up bc they wouldn't give him to her 15 mins early. PU time is 5 p and they have to follow the court orders too or its contempt for them for us. At least I know I'm a good driver and like I said tough shit- just so sick of the games. She has refused PU before and contempt has been filed- but they said it was nothing because it was only 15 mins. Whatever-

PU will be this week at PD to see if she can behave herself- if not- then I'm pressing harassment charges 2 1/2 years of this is enough, I finally showed some emotion- oh well! She would have done the same damn thing if I would have been the one that called CYS and tried to explain to her why I called. She would have gotten physical- I avoided it all and just left- too hot of course since I tore the shit outta their driveway, which I offered through DH to fix.