BM is Nuts, and wants 50/50 custody, and SS wants to know her
I am just wondering what other people could tell me, from their experience. BM was completely uninvolved (ie moved 1200 km away when he was 1.5) for the most of his life, then started having visits last year. Now she wants him to live with her for 6 mo. a year in a distant city. I know I am just the SM, but dammnit, I have been more of a mother to him than she ever has, even though he has never accepted me, really. I am very worried that she is unfit to care for him, just based on what we know of her, her e-mail correspondence, her history with DH, she moves every few months etc... How can we "check her out"? How can we know beyond her claims of being great, if she is really capable of being a good mother???? I know my SS wants to be with her very much, and that's the only reason we are considering it. :?
He is 7, DH got custody 6
He is 7, DH got custody 6 years ago.
SHE lost custody completely,
SHE lost custody completely, we don't have to let her see him, but the truth is he wants to know her, and she seems to want him too. Unfortunately she is really unstable. She has been on welfare for over a decade. She has 3 kids by three different men. Her oldest lives with her mother, her middle is my ss, and she lives with her youngest. She lost custody of the two elder because she left town with out telling DH or her mother, or anyone (landlord, daycare..) then ended up in the hospital with toxic shock syndrome, and was almost on her deathbed, long story short: her children ended up in foster care and grandma and DH finally came to hear of it, they were advised by a lawyer to go to the city she was in, go to a judge and ask for an emergency custody order in the short term, without her involvement b/c she was incapable of caring for them, not only was she in the hospital, but she was also on the road and homeless. The order was for 90 days at which time there was a permanent custody hearing, and she didn't even show up. She told me recently that her free gov't council actually told her not to bother, since she was still homeless and jobless.
Anyways, neither of us have any experience of legal matters, I don't know what is usually done. Last summer she took him for a whole month and we had her sign a visitation agreement. She made a huge deal about it too, as though we had penned it in order to skrew her or something, though it was as much to protect her rights as ours.
I am just wondering if/how we could find out about her, she lives so far away there is no way for us to know anything about who she is, what kind of life we would be sending him to.
to be honest, if SHE lost
to be honest, if SHE lost custody, she's already PROVEN herself UNFIT. i'd go for supervised visitation for the time being, and only ONE saturday a month at that.