Update on earlier post
I've decided not to go to his house. Number 1, he's not worth the cab fare and 2 I don't need to do anything that could be used against me in family court. I don't need to go there to know he's disrespecting me. This isn't the first time I've had issues with their lack of boundaries but this is the first time that I know of that this has happened.
I know well enough to know I don't want him anymore and that I deserve better. He has no boundaries with other women in general and thinks emotional affairs are fine because they aren't physical so right there we're not a good match.
He's also seriously enmeshed with his mom and sister. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've suspected that his sister is secretly into him. I've seen all sorts of things that have lead me to believe this such as her changing in his room without checking to see if he was in there and lifting her shirt and exposing her bra right in front of him like it was nothing. She's also touched him in ways that a partner would and not a sibling. She has made inappropriate comments about his body as well right in front of me.
Yes, I'm 100% sure this whole thing was planned to push me out of the picture but it's ok, I don't need pushing. I'm taking myself out of the picture. Yes we still have to co parent but beyond that I want nothing to do with him or his toxic and dysfunctional family. His father is verbally and emotionally abusive to his mother but they've been married 40 years and she has no plans to leave him. I also observed him yelling at my 1 year old son to shut up when he screams as kids his age do. My son hasn't been back since and this is one of the things I'm bringing up to family court. I don't want my son there anymore. We have a visitation agreement in place but the schedule is fluid so that's why I say family court.
So that's it. I'm gonna let him do what he wants because I've seen what he'd rather be doing. I know that if or when the time comes I'll find a good and mature man who will not only treat me right but love my son.
I'm looking at this not as a failure but as a lesson learned. Never get involved with a man who has poor boundaries with his ex or never really learned them at all. At least now I won't have to deal with him or his family or his crazy ex wife. I also will save a fortune not having to feed and clothe his 3 kids. I was basically used for sex and my income. He owes me close to $5000 if I wanted to be petty.
I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Am I hurt? Sure but my only regret is wasting 3 years with a man child and his freak show of a family and not having the courage to leave sooner despite seeing the unhealthy dynamic. So I feel much better tonight and I want to thank everyone who commented. You guys are awesome and thank God for this site!
My focus will be on my son's best interest and my happiness. Happy mom, happy bub plus I want him to have a happy childhood instead of one he has to heal from. I also want him to learn healthy behaviors so he grows into a happy, healthy and well adjusted adult. Thanks again!
Heck yes!
I'm glad you know your worth and won't be wasting your time and energy on this man anymore. You deserve better and I hope you find it.
I've been in therapy learning how to stand up for myself due to being raised by a narcissistic mother and being a pushover for years. I believe that's what caused me to accept his treatment for so long. Not anymore though. Thanks again!
I am happy for you and for
I am happy for you and for your son. You both should have happy lives and be as free as possible from your STBX and his toxic family dynamic.
Living well and being happy is the best revenge. Enjoy exacting your revenge. When you are in the right place, the right mate will find you.
I'm happy to hear that you
I'm happy to hear that you have such a healthy attitude towards all this. Congratulations on making your decision! Now go out and enjoy your newfound freedom with your son. Yay for you!