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Ex-Husband Causing Serious Problems.

KanBrown2's picture

Since the beginning of our relationship, her ex-husband has been nothing but trouble and I feel as though my opinion does not matter when it comes to him. She calls me jealous a lot of the time and all I ask if her is to set some boundaries. He's very toxic to their children and one time her 6 year old daughter came back for her week at our house and when she arrived, the first thing she asked her Mom is if I was the devil. Her exact words were, "Dad said she was the devil and I shouldn't speak to her." My wife said nothing to the ex-husband about what he did by putting that in her head and said she didn't want to cause anymore conflict, which I can understand the conflict thing, but it's like I'm not even worth a talk to her or even a text to him about what he's doing. She's been doing this since the beginning and her kids will always hate me for the first few days they come back and then they are okay, but then they go right back to his house once we are okay again. Her son is even worse and I have text messages to prove what he has texted me (I have what the ex does to) and they are awful and very very hurtful, but there are never any consequences for anything he does because he's very manipulative and she has a lot of parent guilt for them and I feel very lonely. Her son even got a golf club and hit my car and no consequences. Ex calls and texts all the time and if she doesn't answer right away, he becomes very angry  and blames me for not alllowing her to speak to him and wants nothing to do with the kids. He would do this literally if she doesn't respond to a text in a 5 minute span. It's so much worse than I am explaining and it's every day and she gets mad at me when I get upset and attempt to discuss my feelings, she always replies with that I'm jealous, irrational, hate her kids, or even a psycho. I just don't understand after all these years, why boundaries cannot be put in place with him. I understood in the beginning because the transition would be hard for the kids, but it just doesn't need to be this way anymore. One time, she went with him to bring their kids to school and I wasn't allowed to attend because they weren't my actual kids and she says nothing about it. My favorite is when she tells me that she is going to try to change, and I swear every time she says that, it gets worse with him and the boy. I just want boundaries and to be treated like I matter. He's very emotionally abusive to her (which is why she probably still runs to anything he wants) he has even become physical with her in the past as well, but what he says to her is absolutely disgusting and he's done the same to me as well as the boy. The boy and ex-husband are the same human and the manipulation that they both use towards her disgusts me. 

Kes's picture

You are getting scapegoated and verbally abused, in a toxic situation which the bio parents seem to have no will to change.  I read in your bio that this is not a new relationship - 6 yrs.  If your partner was going to make changes one would have seen some evidence of this by now.  You have to assume this is not going to happen, just empty promises, and this being the case, along with the verbal abuse she dishes out to you,  I would get out sooner rather than later and get your life back. 

KanBrown2's picture

I completely agree and I honestly don't even know why that decision is so hard on me to do so. The communication is completely gone. Just this morning, she made a mistake and attempted to blame me for the situation, but finally, I was able to have her "remember" because I wasn't going to back down this time. There isn't any passion left and as I said earlier about the communication, it gets really bad when I feel as though she talks to the ex-husband more than me and jumps quickly to do what he wants, but is annoyed when it's something I ask. It's almost laughable at this moment. I appreciate your answer and I completely agree with it. I guess it's just about taking that first step to walk away from this because it's absolutely true that she is not going to change because there would have been some little change that has been noticeable, but there isn't and there won't be. It just sucks that I allowed it to get this far and didn't see the behavior in the beginning. I appreciate your honesty and finally someone agreeing with me, instead of calling me names and/or blaming the irrational feelings that I have when I attempt to call out the behavior. 

Winterglow's picture

Frankly, I couldn't live with that level of disregard and disrespect. Is she only keeping you around for your help with the bills? Because her behaviour is not that of a loving partner, far from it. I'm not surprised the passion is gone, how can you remain attracted to someone who treats you like this? I saw in your bio that the kids manage to interrupt any date that you manage to squeeze in - what is so hard about turning off her phone?

What kind of texts is the boy sending you? Considering his attack on your car, you may have grounds for a restraining order. Yes, that would cause all Hell to break loose but would that necessarily be a bad thing? It could give you the boost you need to leave this appallingly toxic situation.

I think it's time you started planning your exit. Look to the future - it doesn't have to be like this. It could be bright and shiny and beautiful. Start thinking about where you want to be and what you want to be doing in 5 years time and start working towards that and leave all this crap in your rear view mirror.

KanBrown2's picture

The texts are awful and sometimes even to his own mother. I remember one saying she needed to go to hell and whatever she touches turns to s*** and then he turns to me and blames me if he was told no that he couldn't do something (this is completely rare and doesn't ever happen, so I was shocked that she told him no) and send me that I'm a stray dog that need to get out, that I'm controlling of his mother because some days she doesn't wear make up, I never allow her to talk to his dad (they talk every day and she deletes messages and phone da from her phone) and how no one likes me in the house, it would be better without me around. Now, he never says this stuff to my face and is usually always at his dads house when he sends these to me mostly, but mostly to her about me and she ends up telling me to let me know that I need to fix the relationship with her kid. Here's a good example: I just got home from work and Mom told me that he needed to talk to me and to try to apologize and I need to hear him out and give him another chance (this is like number 258). Of course I agree, but then I received a phone call from my parents saying that my own father had to be rushed to the hospital due to complications. While I was on the phone, he came outside to try to talk to me and I put my index finger out to tell him to hang on. That pissed him off more than anything and according to one of my Foster Kids, he slammed the door and screamed at the top of his lungs, "I hate that F'ing Bi***" I had no idea that happened because I was on the phone and Foster Kid came out and asked what happened and I was confused because how would he know something happened with my dad, and he said with her kiddo and explained to me what behavior he was displaying. I got off the phone with my parents and instead of rushing to see my own father, I wanted to deal with him for the first time and let him know how I truly feel. I walk in the door and Mom is not on the couch and neither is the son. I was told they were upstairs. I was thinking to myself that I could get two in one shot, which was definitely needed. I get to his room and of course she is completely babying him and telling him how sorry she is for what I'm doing to him. After I heard that I barged into the room and let him and her know the situation and definitely raised my voice about what he called me because he didn't get what he wanted right at that moment. That didn't work out in my favor, as Mom said that he didn't know I was on the phone and I said just stop, you're not helping the situation. He knew I was on the phone because I had it up to my ear and told him to hold on until I was done and then this happened? All because you didn't get what you wanted and you think it's okay to treat me the way you do? It was complete silence from Mom to back me up on what he did. I asked her if she was going to say something and she said that she doesn't believe that he knew I was busy and thought I just didn't want to talk to him. Okay, even if that was the case, does that make it okay for him to speak about me the way he did and then you come and baby him as if he deserves that? Mom still did not take my side and that will be the same reaction all the time. There are way worse stories than this, but I don't want to get kicked out of this site due to language and other stuff that could be used to describe their behavior. 

She had a job, so I don't know if she would be using me to pay for the bills even though I do make a little bit more than she does, but I think she uses me in a different aspect to make sure the house is clean, laundry is done, and everything else that a house needs because her own children can't help around the hose as that would be a sin, but she does not even give a second thought for her kid to help around the house, but you don't! He gets away with every thing and it's never his fault, always mine. 

I threatened to contact law enforcement on him as he was doing that. I also threatened to take the bat myself and break anything of his will be destroyed. I was once again the one to blame and she allowed him to go to his dads because he was  "stressed and he felt really bad about it. I asked about what is the consequence, so maybe we can come up with something together, but that didn't work and she said that he can only be grounded at our house and I said yeah,I know because you don't live there anymore, so you can't parent over there either. Next week came and nothing happened to the kiddo and her excuse what that he had to be with his dad, so I think that's enough punishment for him. 

Winterglow's picture

This is no way to live. Please don't give in to breaking things. Don't lower yourself to his abject level. You're never going to have your place as partner here simply because your partner is treating him as a mini-spouse (look up mini-wife in here - it's enlightening) so you will never have the spot you deserve as an adult. She is putting him above you and expecting you to like it. It really is past time you extracted yourself from this because nothing, repeat nothing is ever going to change.

You deserve so much better than this.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Sounds like she was abused by her ex, or they had a mutually abusive relationship. That isn't your fault, and your DW is the one who has to put in the work to get better for both herself and her kids.

My interpretation of what happened is that she physically exited an abusive relationship, but never really cut ties. She's still enmeshed in thw worst possible way. You're being used for money, sex, babysitting, companionship - whatever she needs *physically* that she can't get from her XH. He fulfills her emotional needs, even if how he does it is abusive and toxic.

Simply put, until she breaks free from him and does the work to be independent, she doesn't have the capacity to be a wife to anyone else. These is no you fixing this. She *might* be able to fix it with you still around, but it sounds like she's doubling-down on the dysfunction.

It's likely time for you to start plotting your exit. Start looking for an apartment or house (unless you own your house outright, in which case, figure out how to evict her and her kids). Start saving up money. Start talking to divorce attorneys. Get it all lined up to leave.

That's likely not what you want to hear, but she is doing literally nothing to peotect you from her ex and kids. Being married to her doesn't mean you take on her burdens, too. I'd feel differently if ahe were trying and working to make things better, but she's not. She is stuck in her own rut. Don't get stuck with her.

KanBrown2's picture

Thank you very much for your response. I understand everything that you've said and have thought it plenty of times in my head, but I can never seem to make that jump to head out that door, or vice versa, which she would have to leave because it's my house, but I'm nervous for her kids, it's probably too late for the 15 year old boy, but there is still hope for the girl who is just 6. 
You are absolutely correct on the mutual abuse between her ex and her self. They would go at it all the time and it would become really intense at times when the boy was only a young one, and continued on, which is easily the result of his behavior as well. 
I honestly don't know what she is holding onto him for and tells me how it's for the kids to continue to be nice to him, which he still, either way, puts nonsense in his children's minds because they sometimes comes home and tell her what she says, but she continues to say that it could be worse if I try to set any boundaries, I can understand that, but what's more important? I've asked her to fight for her kids in court to get them full time, but she doesn't want to do that either. She even had him stop paying child support because she "felt bad". 
I do get what you're saying and I know it's time because I don't deserve this at all, but she likes to spend and spend and has a "luxury" mindset when it comes to things. I plan on leaving, it's just the when. 

Winterglow's picture

Seriously?! She stopped cs because she felt BAD for him?! That is utter nonsense! He is STILL their father and is still obliged to contribute to their needs. So you are taking up the slack and covering the costs for another man's children! And she goes on sprees? You, my dear, are being used... not to mention being bled dry. 

Get out of this mess ASAP before you lose all sense of self. 

KanBrown2's picture

Oh, how I know that I am being used. I want to put a stop to buying her kid anything due to the way they treat me (I can't even blame the 6 year old because she and I are fine after a day when she gets to our house for the week), but I even hate it when the 15 year olds name even gets mentioned. Like it almost gives me chills because he's old enough to realize what is wrong or right and he continues to pull the bull crap when they are alone and tell her some crap that I supposedly done, when I've even blocked him from texting me, but I can't tell her that because that would really mean that I hate her kid to her. I don't hate him, I hate how toxic his parents are that made him who he is today with no care in the world about anyone but himself. Just like his parents. 

tog redux's picture

Start by finding a good therapist and figuring out why you can't leave such an abusive, toxic situation. It's horrifying that foster kids are placed there and witness to all the abuse you are suffering.  Yes, the ex is bad, but your GF is awful too. This is no way to live. 

KanBrown2's picture

I promise you that there is absolutely not tolerance of us fighting around those boys, but they have came to me and wondered why she treats them worse than her own kids and have also noticed how the 15 year old never gets consequences, but they do. I always have to apologize to them, but I swear that is all they ever notice betwen us as. I would never put them in a situation again with what they just came out of.

Rags's picture

She is your wife. You do not need her permission to confront anyone who addresses your bride disrespectfully.  So, give the failed family progeny and her failed family XH clarity to knock it off or else..........

Then be ready to deliver on the or else.

Don't waste your time discussing your feelings. Identify the behaviors that you will not tolerate and when those behaviors are perpetrated, take a zero tolerance and total confrontation approach and make the consequences for the person who makes the choice to perpetrate those behaviors exceedingly misery inducing.  Bring the pain.  

And have fun applying the neccessary facts to bare the asses of toxic idiots.  The fact that daddy beat mommy is one fact I would use regularly.  Call her XH on it letting him know that that will not be tolerated and if he ever is that stupid again, he will deal with the police.  Let the kids know that they are behaving more and more like their wife beating father and you will not tolerate it.

Lather, rinse, repeat as neccessary.
