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Weekend pick ups

Mcmomma08's picture

I pick up my bonus son every 1,3 and 5th weekend. Things with BM were good until she was served with papers saying we are taking her to court. Now we are not even allowed in her home. We try and call and txt my bonus son during the week just to see how things are and she ignores all our txt and calls. We get one day during the week to visit with ss and my mother-in-law was exercising that Tuesday due to us living about an 1hr 1/2 apart but then the BM and her friends started making that visitation very hard for my mother-in-law so she stopped picking our son up. We get told by my ss that his mother bashes his father ALL the time and says that he will never be able to live with is dad. My ss is currently repeating the 3rd grade due to just not making the grade and scoring very low in state test. His mother tells him that he got held back not due to him not making the grade, but due to him being (immature) so she felt like it was best to repeat. When my husband was called by the school he was told that my ss was slaking from the very start and that they thought it would be best for him to repeat. And even with him repeating the 3rd grade he still his having problems in school. Another problem that we have is that his mothers husband is a registered sex offender and she in her mind thinks he is better father for my ss then my husband. Ugh ok that's just the first layer of what we deal with. Please anyone help me,give me advice.

Mcmomma08's picture

We are going to court for custody my ss asked my husband (daddy fight for me) sorry I'm new to the sight what is GAL

Lalena75's picture

Is the court aware a sex offender lives with the child? I'd document everything make sure you attempt ALL court irdered visitation no matter how inconvenient and when denied or harassed call the cops report it and do it all again next time. Cops won't do anything but the documentation is good for court.

Mcmomma08's picture

The courts are aware of him because the mother lost custody of the oldest child about 2yrs ago and that played I huge factor in it. He was released from 4yr probation this month and her statement is "he wil be able to say and do what he wants know seeing how he is no longer on probation. Yet he has to register for life.

Disneyfan's picture

So dad knows for sure that mom's husband is sex offender, yet he leaves his son in that home?

He hasn't called childern services (they don't need an ok from a judge to pull a kid from a home), the guy's PO or the police.

I find it hard to believe that a parent would wait for a court date instead of taking steps to protect his child.

I really hope this is a crew.

Disneyfan's picture

Going the court route takes a long time. An ACS case worker can pull the kid from the home right away.

I can't believe dad keeps sending the kid back to BM's home. Or that a case worker would risk his/her job by not pulling the kid from the home. RSOs can't work or live around/with kids. That's a slam dunk for children's services.

Mcmomma08's picture

Yes my husband knows of him being a registered sex offender. Yes my husband has contacted CPS, tried to remove him and we get NO HELP! It's sad that you think we would allow this or that we are ok with this. This has been something we have been fighting for the past 3yrs. So if you know of a better way or know of people that could help then please I'm here to listen.

Janna's picture

In Pa where I live a court order cannot be issued in bm favor if anyone in her house has a record of being a sex offender. I am sure that ur attorney knows the laws were you live, but that makes things much easier here.

Janna's picture

You may hafta ignore some replies you get from ppl here. Not everyone is at the same point you or I am in this. Some ppl have let their situations make them bitter, not saying they are wrong for this, just their situation may be tough. Keep ur head up, you are concerned for this child and I applaud you for that. Too many women become stepmoms and forget the most important part of that title is MOM! No ur not the childs mother but you do have an affect on who and what they become.

Mcmomma08's picture

Thank you so much Janna I'm not trying to make my ss moms life hell but at the same time I have always cared for him as if he is my own. I just want some help from other people who go through the same things as me. And any feed back I get is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Biggrin

Janna's picture

All you can do in this situation is be supportive to ur dh and to the child, I hope everything works out for you and your family. I speak from experience when I say the court system is flaud, but we all must dance the dance. CPS do there best, but they only help so much, sometimes not at all. If your case goes your way, i am sure bm is not going to be happy, so be preparred for her. I saw that someone posted about you getting him into therapy, I think this is a great idea. Even if you dont think he needs it now, a court case is trying on everyone, and a therapist can be a great voice of reason.

Janna's picture

My opinion is some ppl are bitter, yes I said that their situation is different than mine. I am here for support and to support others and there are times that I get replies that are not at all supportive. Some ppl strike me as bitter.

Disneyfan's picture


I think parents should do everything in their power to protect their kids even if it means going against a court order.

If that makes me bitter, then so be it.

Janna's picture

If you go against a court order, you can be charged with kidnapping. Not something I want on my record. The court system is something that needs to be followed.