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VENT-- BM actually took DH outside to "have a talk about.."

Tiffani3's picture

How he should reconsider the taxes this year!!!!!
He gets to claim her every year on taxes.. In court papers it states this but she wants us to change it and let her have every other year..
SD 3 1/2 was a product of a one night stand.(way before we even met) so there was no relationship or marriage or anything. She is seriously more concerned about partying and being a parasite than her daughter. Who doesn't even have a bed at her house. They "co-sleep"
BM has NO JOB, lives with her dad, cell phone payed by her Mom, ad car provided by her dad as well. She gets $200 a month in child support for us having shared parenting, so we have her equal times but pay for her when we have her and when BM has her. On top of ME carrying SD under my insurance plan.
BM actually told DH that her dad made a good point.. That SHE is missing out on over 5grand a year by not claiming her and the $700 she got last year in her return just wasn't enough for a down payment on a car?!?!?
ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME. get a job and work for your own shit!! I am sick of her expecting hand outs from everyone let alone us!!
She is the definition of a lowlife idiot.

I just want to ship her out into space and let her be a worthless turd to float around and bother no one in space.

She's a joke.

herewegoagain's picture


PS - be happy you get to claim her at all...DH was only allowed to claim loser ONCE in 15+ years...and when that was done, BM lied to IRS and ALSO claimed her...she gave DH the wrong social security number on the form she is to sign...nice, huh? Thankfully, it had her signature and the IRS allowed DH to claim her. Not sure what happened to crazy witch, probably nothing.

RedWingsFan's picture

DH and BM also have 50/50 custody but the courts also take income into consideration. Since DH makes more than BM, he has to pay monthly child support. It sucks ass.

Disneyfan's picture

Right now BM gets to claim SDs 5&7 each year. DF works but she doesn't. He pays CS.

The current set up isn't fair. I think they should each carry one kid each year or carry both kids every other year.

Disneyfan's picture


StickAFork's picture

OP and Disney... what taxes are there to file with no income other than CS? CS isn't taxable;, neither is welfare.

What's the benefit to claiming the kid then?

Tiffani3's picture

She will carry a job for two months then quit. She was working at a gas station earlier this year..last year it was Kroger or a few months.
And as for the 50/50 HA fat chance. Courts will never agree to that. We tried! Bc DH makes so much more money than her he pays. I wish it were just that easy.

bi's picture

i have a friend who was on welfare for quite a while when her son was young. i worked. she was saying she was going to get a big tax refund. i told her you don't get a tax refund unless you pay taxes. she said she does pay taxes, they come out of her welfare check. OMG. :O i told her that her welfare check IS taxes that everyone else pays! freaking moron...

Disneyfan's picture

BM "sells" her kids during tax time. She allows her sisters or nephews to claim the kids. When they get the refund, they give her half.

She offered DF the same "deal" last year. Sad

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

I'm really surprised that with shared parenting that your DH is allowed to claim the daughter every year. While I think she should get a job and not depend on a tax refund to live her life...I'm truly surprised. Even if you do have to pay her child support.

Tiffani3's picture

We are lucky to get to claim her but she was an idiot and signed those rights away at one of the first mediation things the two of them had. If she payed for ANYTHING for SD I don't think I'd have a problem but when she sucks off everyone around her and has the nerve to try and suck more pushes my buttons in all the wrong ways! It's a sad place this nation is coming too.. Just filling with more and more people thinking OTHERS owe them something just because they CHOOSE not to go out and do it for themselves.

Rags's picture

:jawdrop: Took DH outside? :?

What did she do, drag him out of the door by his scrotum. And ... WTF was she doing in your house?

And ... HELL NO DH better not agree to let BM claim the kid.


Tiffani3's picture

Lol no she wouldn't talk to him in the door way because we had guests over. BM was there to pick up SD. DH and I stand in the house and she stays on the porch During exchanges of SD. HELL no she isn't coming in my house and DH laughed when she asked that. Not a chance that will go over. I'm not worried about it one bit. Just irritated by her