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Teen step daughter issues

Owl77's picture

I've been with my husband for almost 4 years. I have 3 kids who live with us. He has 2 who until recently were at boarding school, they now live with their mother and grandparents a few hours away. All teenagers.

His daughter moved in with us for a few months. We were delighted when she chose to come. It would be the first time she had lived permanently in a family home since starting school. But after a few months she changed her mind; it wasn't as she expected and she missed her mother. Her leaving wasn't pleasant, she said lots of hurtful things. In fact her behaviour was awful for a long time. My husband took the news badly and was equally unkind. It led to almost 12 months of silence between them. I attempted to mediate at first, then settled on the occasional text to simply maintain contact with her.

My husband is good at hiding his emotions and can be quite cold if hurt. Deep down he was devestated. Despite me knowing that teenagers can behave terribly, that they are often selfish and are self-centered, I've struggled to like this girl, although I have attempted to continue contact. She broke my husband's heart and I find that hard to forgive.

She has recently sought out contact with him, and we both cautiously welcomed her back into our lives. But she hasn't really changed. She only ever talks about herself. Has no interest in us or my children. She is thoughtless, immature and remains very selfish. She only considers her own needs, there's no glimmer of empathy for anyone else.

My husband feels that he has no choice but to progress forward and build a relationship with her, on her terms. The alternative is that he refuses to tolerate or picks her up on the bad behaviour. He fears this will turn her away again. Yet he complains and vents his frustration after every interaction. She has also suddenly decided that she doesn't want me included in anything. I wasn't responsible for her parents marriage ending and feel I've only ever acted warmly and with love towards her. So this is confusing and hurtful.

I now bristle when he mentions her. My feelings have switched from understanding, a general acceptance that she will eventually change, and patience. To feelings of strong dislike and suspicion.

I am incredibly hurt that my husband is allowing her to exclude me - they have started meeting but she's made it clear that I am not welcome. After spending a year supporting my husband's depression, related to the manner of her leaving and continuous spiteful behaviour, while trying to give his daughter a way back if needed, I now feel betrayed and punished.

It's now causing real conflict in my relationship. I can't seem to let go of this feeling of betrayal. Help.

JRI's picture

I couldn't quite tell but I think she is not living there now?  If that is the case, I'd let DH and SD do their thing.  I agree she is immature, insensitive and ungrateful to you.  I would disengage big time.  Really, what else can you do at this point.  I'd concentrate on my bios and your relationship with DH.  When he talks about her, go, "Hmmmm...what's on tv tonight?"

How old is she?

Owl77's picture

She moved out after 3 months, that was almost 19 months ago. She's 18.

I'm just so hurt that I am being excluded. And disappointed, I thought that our blended family would be different, better, than the horror stories. But it's not actually blended at all. I feel I'm being forced to give up time with my husband to spend time with someone who appears to dislike me, it's tough to swallow. Perhaps naively I thought that we'd be united as a couple, facing any difficulties with kids together, but we're not at all. I feel powerless. 

AgedOut's picture

My guess is she knows that as a united front, she can't manipulate. So she removing you from her 'dad'time because he is easier to manipulate. 

CLove's picture

You know what - here is what I can tell you:

- you are now "Dad's Wife" to her and she wants to exclude you so she can have her dadee all to herself. She probably never liked you, you were useful to her and now that you are no longer useful you are disposable and she threw you away.

- As "Dads Wife" you can and should disengage completely from this person "Dads Spawn".

- Disengage from trying to participate in anything to do with her, if possible. You do nothing for her. No presents from you, no cards, no rides, no birthday money, no trying to connect in any way. You go full no contact with her.

- If he spends time with her it is NOT at the expense of you and your children. YOU are still the priority as "Dads Wife".

- when he spends time with her, it is somewhere else completely. NOT BM's house however.

- She is doing something called "Emotional Terrorism". Perhaps try to understand what is going on, so you can better prepare yourself emotionally. I had that going on with SD22. Now we are civil but it was always a battle with her (on everything actually) and shes always "your choosing your WIFE over your own CHILD". Fathers day I spent with my father and he took his two spawn SD22 and SD15 out to lunch. A very quick lunch, maybe 2 hours or less.

- If he is allowing her to be an emotional terrorist, then he doesnt need to really talk about her either - you as "Dads wife" are not interested. Thats how I am right now with SD22 Feral Forger and to a degree SD145 Backstabber/Munchkin.

Grieve the family you thought you would have, because you probably wont have it. Focus your energies and love on your bios. Hopefully she will grow up, but probs not.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I went through a lot of emotional turmoil regarding SDs and Thier emotional abuse of SO. But after a lot of reflection and counseling. I realized that this is the relationship SO chooses to have with SDs. He chooses to tolerate their behavior. He chooses to not set boundaries. 

I became SOs rescuer emotionally and in turn was causing myself undo emotional stress by becoming a part of their dysfunction. Especially since it was a situation in which I had no control.

I had to realize my role and step outside of it. I had to set limits with SO and SDs. I had to become emotionally uninvolved and direct SOs issues back on to SO when he brought them up . I made it his responsibility to handle his relationship with SDs and any issues related to them as well as the consequences of his decisions.

Findthemiddle's picture

You cannot care about your husband's feelings than he does.  He's the one allowing her to decide - period.  Sorry that you are let down but blending is the exception.  This kid has been at boarding school for years - she's 18 - she doesn't live with y'all and never has.  There really aren't two "families" to blend.  Hopefully, she will grow out of being a brat teenager.  If you want an apology or something from your husband - let him know his actions have hurt your feelings.  Best wishes. 

Kes's picture

I would echo what others have said, but also would add the following from my own experience.  I entered a relationship with my DH, in 2002, full of hope that I would be able to form some sort of good enough relationship with my 2 SDs, who were then aged 5 and 7.  Due to severe PAS on BM's part, this didn't happen.  Younger SD would sabotage any outing I tried to take part in. After about a year of this I stopped going and disengaged to a large degree. It was the least worst soloution to an intractable problem, not ideal because I felt lonely and excluded every other weekend when they came. They were both nasty to me, right up until a few years ago when they seemed to mature a little bit and now they are at least civil to me. 

Since about 2014 they have not been coming EOW, instead DH sees them, usually individually for lunch or coffee, not at our home. We moved about an hour away from them a year ago, and I have made it clear I would like to be included in any future plans as they are now in their mid 20s - I have had enough of being sidelined. As you point out, it does make you feel that DH is colluding in this and doesn't do wonders for the self esteem. DHs often put up with shoddy behaviour from their offspring as they don't want to lose them, but it doesn't occur to them what it is doing to their partner.  

ESMOD's picture

While it must be dissapointing to see your hopes of a "healthy" blended family die on the vine, It's also important to understand that everyone has their own sets of hopes and dreams about life and sometimes those views and preferences don't align.. especially in steplife.  I know it's also difficult to watch someone hurt your DH.. and I'm sure he was quite hurt that his daughter's time with him wasn't as successful as HE had hoped.  And it sounds like both HE and your SD said their share of hurtful things to each other.. and for that, he is feeling his own guilt there.. and that guilt is on top of the guilt he probably still carries from not keeping his "first family intact".  I don't mean that he wishes he HAD done that.. but that he recognizes that the adult choices he and his EX made did make life somewhat more complicated and difficult for his children over the years.

But, while I appreciate your optimism going into his daughter staying with you.. in reality, it was very likely that there were some real behavioral issues that were driving her late childhood change.  There must have been conflicts at Mom's and I'm sure that dad thought he could save his child from that.. when in reality.. his child was likely a full participant in the issues at that home.  And the issues sound like they followed her to your home.. a home with "dad's wife" and other kids and that was also going to be unsettling and an adjustment, to say the least.. and 3 months is nowhere near enough time for everyone to truly find their footing.

And yes, it's upsetting that she has now taken this stance of only wanting to see him without you... despite the fact that you feel you were the one who tried so hard to mend the fences to begin with.  And, I can also see some resentment towards your DH because he allows her this "boundary".  He should stand up for you too right? 

But, in the end, she is now an adult.. and as an adult, it really is her right to have relationships with people who she chooses.  She is also your DH's daughter and it shouldn't be a condition of having a relationship with him.. that you are included in their relationship and activities.. at least not all the time.  Now, that being also means that if they are going to isolate their relationship as such.. that it needs to be well balanced with the other time spent with other family and friends.. so insisting on multiple outings a week to the exclusion of others? That isn't reasonable.  If he wants to have lunch with her a few times a month.. fine.  If he wants to have a call several times a week to "talk".. that should be ok too.. as long as the time isn't overwhelming everyone else's right to be included in his life.

And.. I don't think this is necessarily personal.  There could be many reasons for your exclusion.. and honestly, your DH should try to figure that out and if there are any misconceptions about you or your relationship or what happened with her stay with you... he should be able to address and defend you to her.. and let her know that he DOES love her.. but that you are his wife and he loves YOU also.. that his preference would be for everyone to be able to be civil together.. etc.. but if his daughter is not able to accept that dynamic now? it is really her decision.. and I do understand that based on his guilt to behaving badly when she was with you guys.. he is afraid that he will push her away again.

So, as long as he isn't totally wrapping himself up in "dating" his daughter.. I think that the best path forward is to allow him to spend time with her and not make it a her or me line in the sand.  He likely doesn't enjoy excluding you either.. but she IS his daughter and that fear factors in too.  He should also set some boundaries of his own... they can see each other on their own..but there should also be line in the sand things where he would expect you to be present as his wife.. and he needs to continue to drive that message home.  You are my daughter and I love you.. but SHE is my wife and I love her and she is my partner in life and while we may do our own thing and have our own relationships with people and do things without each other, on occasion.. she is still an important person in my life and there WILL be times when she is included and I expect civil behavior.  You don't have to love her.. think of her as a mother.. but you will respect her as my wife.

Owl77's picture

Thank you all for such thoughtful advice. It's given me lots to ponder on and will help me when I am able to have a conversation with my husband.

Despite both us of having brought up kids, and feeling like we did an okay job so far, I recognise that we have a lot to learn about the emotions and agendas of our children. And a lot to learn about our relationship and how we support each other on these topics.

It is my hope that I am able to recognise my role as an adult in this situation. While my SD is 18 she is very immature and childlike in her manner, a little girl dressed as a women really. I sense her potential fears, hurt and desperate need to claim her Dad to herself. I understand what drives it. But understanding and knowing the right action is more difficult! I think I have no choice but to remain patient and try to loose my feelings of suspicion that she is manipulating us.

I won't be a doormat though. I think I have a right to feel secure and content in my relationship and to expect my husband to protect this, and me.
He asks me why I care so much, what SD thinks or feels. He says she's not really in our life, he has lost any influence as a father, he dislikes who she has become, and I don't need to engage with her or involvemyself in any related drama. And to be honest I wish I didn't care. Harder to achieve than I imagined though!

Stepdrama2020's picture


The hardest thing ever is giving your heart, facilitating daddio and SD relationship, and then you are the one who is shunned.

Its really hard to digest. BTDT

The only way I got through this part was to busy myself and my thoughts towards the people that care in my life. She will be a headache heartache on so many "happy occassions" to come. Prepare yourself for this and invest nothing in her.

As for your DH he should respect and know that you are hurting from this. You are the one that facilitated this to begin with. DH should be kissing your feet for being such a good person.

Rags's picture

IMHO the solution is zero tolerance, total confrontation, and delivering a state of abject misery to those deviating from acceptable standards of behavior and performance.  Minor Skids, Skidults, the toxic blended family opposition, ILs, etc... it makes no difference.

I expect my mate to have a spine, respect herself, and tolerate nothing less than she be treated with respect by her child, her family, and for damned sure anyone and everyone in the blended family opposition.  I have her back, she has mine.  I will not allow anyone to treat my bride with anything but basic respect and decency.  A standard that my dad set for how his wife is treated.  Mom has the same requirement for how her husband is treated.  That they have been married for 59 years .... has not changed that unequivocal requirement.

The thing that no one wants in our blended family adventure is for me to have to step in as the pain level will amplify to brutal, expensive, and eternal.  The shallow and polluted end of my SS's gene pool never gained clarity on this and pushed their pain level up, and up, and up over the 16+ years we lived under the CO by failing to recognize that they would not be tolerated to treat my wife disrespectfully or abuse my Skid.

Zero tolerance works.

You and your SO should try it.

No contact from the Skid, bring the pain on BM and the Skid until they respect DH's COd time with his kid(s).  Unacceptable behavior... bring the misery, etc, etc, etc.... They behave reasonably, they receive reasonable treatment from the quality half of the blended family equation.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Owl77's picture

Just a quick update. My stepdaughter continues to say that seeing me puts extra pressure on her. And having only recently reconnected with her Dad, she is adamant that she only wishes to see him. I haven't seen her in about 18 months (her choice) and she's blocked me on all forms of communication. I wish I could say this doesn't bother or hurt me, but it just does.

My stepson (her brother) was invited to spend a few days with us. She wasn't invited, which she has told her Dad she finds hurtful. I don't wish her any hurt but to be honest I was pleased that she wasn't included. She's a stranger. Has treated me horribly. Has ignored my kids attempts to stay in touch.

It was her Dad's decision, he was honouring her wishes (not adding to her pressure). But he's also said that he expects her to visit us soon and wants me to accept that. He has said that an initial meet would be appropriate first, and now she seems willing.

Having spent a long time trying to channel love to my SD, being rejected and told I'm no one, trying to understand her point of view etc... it's possible that she's now willing to meet at last. I've wanted this for 18 months, but now that it might happen, I'm terrified and feel sick. It would hugely please my husband if this whole situation was improved, I know it would make him happy and I want that for him. But now I feel that the decision lies with me, and if I now say I'm not ready, I'll be the bad guy.

How do I move forward positively, put the past hurt behind me and embrace her back into my life with no bitterness or suspicion?

AgedOut's picture

So she didn't want you involved or near her until she herself was left off the guest list to something involving you? tough noogies. 

How do you deal with her? as a polite stranger. don't start raising your hopes for that family hug time. It will not happen. Be polite, somewhat friendly and don't over analize. In your home you set the pace and the rules. You be a kind hostess, you accept her for what she is and you take no disrespect.

My guess is she will lash out after her visit. She will be angry, jealous and feel slighted. She will take it out on your husband and he on you because she is not happy and will resent anyone that is. Remind your husband that in your home, respect is not asked, it is expected or no go. He has to deal with his daughter and you cannot be wounded by him repeating her unhappiness and anger toward you. It is okay to support his relationship with her and not have one yourself. 


I know you want to open the door to a relationship between you and her but donn't open the door so widely that you end up devistated.