SS nightmare!
I am new to and this is my first vent. any help is wanted..
I am 34 with a 14yr old daughter, not so darling all the time! Recently we blended familys with my 27yr old soon to be hubby and his 3yr old son. Egg donar (as we call her) left SS when he was 9months, only to return to claim taxes(that are not hers since hubby does not get EIC) but she starts drama when she can, for most part she is not a factor. our son (he calls me mom and i love him) is out of control. he destroys everything he touches, car windows, house windows, screen on porch (not cheep) toys, my stuff, daughters stuff even has torn up money! he says horible words to us (not his father) hurts my dogs, wont go to sleep at night, gets up in middle of night, tells his father on me, and his fathers mother. for the most part my hubby does not allow this, but then sometimes he makes up excuses for him, right infront of him. i am at my wits end on how to help this child, tried everything short of meds! does he need meds? i tryed spanking, time outs, pos. reinforcment, taking stuff away... but in the end he just is a BRAT!!! i love him but i cant stand him! HELP!!
he sounds like my son, who
he sounds like my son, who will be 4 in a couple of weeks. bs doesn't call us names or tattle on us to each other, but he is a hellion and he destroys everything he comes within a mile of. he has torn 2 doors off our entertainment center, tore one of my brand new kitchen cupboard doors off, destroyed all of my make up, ripped our front outside door screen, wrote on my computer screen with ink, you name it, he's done it. all i have to do is take time out of my day to pee and he manages to create a tornado in the time it takes me to do that. he was an awful sleeper until just this past year, too. i was pretty much a zombie the first 3 years. tantrums for no reason out of nowhere, just horrendous.
i had him evaluated because of all these behaviors and also because he was 2 and barely talking. he's not autistic, which is what i thought. i do have him in a special education program that has helped him tremendously. his speech has taken off. his behavior has improved greatly and he loves school. we still have tantrums, tornadoes, and he's not quite where he should be with language, but he's getting better all the time. before you have ss put on meds, my advice is to call your local school or health dept and see where to go to have him evaluated. maybe they can get ss into a program like bs is in and help him with his behavior. if he does need to be medicated, they should be able to tell you what is going on and work with your pediatrician to get him what he needs. good luck. it's hard to deal with out of my own kid, i think i would be insane if i had to deal with it out of a child who wasn't mine!