should I be mad?
DH has a twin brother. twin has a 16 year daughter.I found out today that she is talking with BM and telling her everything that goes on in MY house. BM and DH where only together for 3 years and that was 81/2 years ago. and their best subject is me. all this was on face book. how should i respond. I mean i have been with DH for 71/2 years.Im just sooooo mad
I had a similiar situation
I had a similiar situation with my sd18 and her telling mother everything. here is how I fixed it honestly, I just stopped talking to my sd18 and I am also never home when his kids are over, I leave the WHOLE day and come back late on purpose she doesnt get to see me, nor her step brothers. I know his kidas notice it now. but I told my husband I dont trust them and the ex one bit.
Out of site out of mind. and also you may want to tell your dh not to talk to his brother about personal issues around her as well. Not sure if he does that I am just saying