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SD is a mouthy spoiled drama queen!

angrysm's picture

I have a SD who is 12 years old going on 18...her father and I have been married for over a year and lived together for one year before marriage. We have always gotten along really well, she tells me she loves me and wants to spend time with me, unless I get on to her for something she's done or tell her NO! The word NO is not in either one of my SK's vocabulary! Although my SS, who is 15, has really matured and is becoming more responsible surprisingly because his father thinks he has to bend over backwards and kiss their ass to keep them happy and from going to live with their BM, who is a selfish arrogant person. She only has time for them when its convenient for her and wont mess up her plans...therefore I do A Lot of the running and care giving, I feel like more than either of the BP.

OK so recently it has been building up, my SD has a rude mouth and has no respect for adults or any kind of authority. I teach early childhood, she came in the other day while i was on duty yelling at me for not having my phone on me bc she was trying to text me about a friend coming over. Now it was too late and OMG you would have thought i let her cat get ran over...embarrassed and not knowing how to react, I simply told her i was working i cant have my phone on me at all times, and the other teachers also told her how it was...she got pissed and stomped off, then my mom is also a teacher here and she goes and gets into it with her. My mom has never been anything but good to her! Nor have I, better than her lazy selfish mother has been the last two years...The next day she promises to be better then here she comes to my after school class throwing stuff saying,"Im trying to freaking get along with your freaking mom", so I just let her know that she was out of line and being rude and several adults were talking about her behavior...of course it wasn't her fault its everyone else's for making her mad. And her dad believes every lie she tells. her mom thought it was funny, and now shes not speaking to me...What can I do about this? I am sick over it!

Kilgore SMom's picture

I agree. Tell her that because she wants to be disrespectful to you and your mother in front of other teacher that your class room and your moms class rooms are off limits. The next time SD asked you to take her some where tell her no that if she can't treat your with respect your not doing anything for her. Don't go in to a speech about it just say no, ask your mom or dad. It is DH and BM fault that SD acts that way so let them deal with it. Even if it is a inconvenience to them, and when they get mad cause your not helping. Tell them I well start helping when SD learen how to have respect for adults.

oneoffour's picture

So who owns this facility? And why is she allowed to barge into a classroom like that?

Say I was you, this is what would happen .... I would tell her she is trespassing and to go home and wait for me there.
Then I would hit the phone and tell my DH that my job is in jeopardy because his daughter stormed into my workplace and yelled at me and it is important that he comes home NOW.
Then I would find this brat and tell ehr that she is NEVER to interuppt me at work again. MY cell phone is NOT for her convenience and in future I will not accept any texts or calls from her.
Then when DH turns up I would tell him that (if the child care center is in my home) I have a number of parents discussing moving their children away to a safer environment and I may be closing the doors due to his daughter gatecrashing my workplace. (if I am employed) a number of parents want their children removed form my care due to your daughter gatecrashing my class.
And then tell SD that the next time she has friends over you will be embarrassing her as much as she embarrassed you. So she better watch her back.