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Ready to give up :( on unsupportive partner.

Misunderstood's picture

Hey everyone!
I'm glad to have found this site. It helps to have a place where I can post my own feelings without being reprimanded or completely dismissed for having the feelings i do have. I'm also very happy to read other peoples situations because then I dont feel so alone.
I've been with my bf for 4 years. He has 2 kids, a boy- 7 years from a relationship that lasted less than a year and a girl- 9 years from a one night stand (the mother didnt not even inform him of the baby until 6 months after she was born).
I dont even know where to begin. I'm just frustrated and so tired. It hasnt been easy these past few years. I met him at a young age. At first i thought i could handle dating someone with kids. I was so naive and didnt truly know yet what I wanted in a partner. For a while we tried the whole ignoring the situation- I wouldnt stand to hear anything about them. He was active in their lives and then he stopped or so thats what he told me to appease me. Now as I've grown older and seen the error in my ways I've come to accept that his relationship with them. He has freedom to do whatever.
I've mad it clear I do not want to be a part of their lives. See they live with their mothers and he lives in a different state. I'm in medical school abroad and we do the long distance relationship. So really I dont have a place in their lives. And God forbid something does happen and they have to live with us- then of course i will be civil and deal with the situation appropriately. LOL they dont have to live with us forever. Thank goodness
Oh there's so much to tell. So many details. And in a perfect world. I'd embrace being a future stepmom but it's not and that's not how i feel. I'm not ashamed of how I feel or what I ask for. I've realized that no one can have it all and you make the best of your situation. I'm just frustrated that he just sees his side. In all honesty I know this relationship is doomed but being together for so long and going through so much as we have just seems a waste. Then again 20+ years of this is more of a waste.
So I guess I'm just stuck for now til one of us is finally fed up. Actually right now he's calling it quits. I've been having dreams for the past few days about his past coming and interrupting our relationship. Not the kids but just situations that in my dreams he broke his word or left me for other things. And when i told him of this- the kids conversation came up again. Its the same thing over and over yet he never seems satisfied with it even though he agreed with everything we've talked about. I know he doesnt know what he wants. He loves me but just doesnt know how.
I've put all the cards out there why I'm like the way i am.
1.I dont have kids of my own and when I was younger I had a miscarriage. His boy is the age of the child I would have had. And seeing him is a constant reminder of what I've lost. Not to mention both children look nothing like him. They're exact replicas of their mothers so it's a constant reminder of his past sexual and emotional relationships. Granted of course everyone has a past but they dont have to be reminded of it every single moment. Kudos to all those who love their stepkids. Actually I do love kids. And really one of the main reasons I'm so uncomfortable is because I dont have the support from my bf in this. He sees my feelings of uneasiness as stupid and absurd. I come from a different cultural. Though things are changin now a days. Seems like everyone has kids. But my family is very traditional. No divorce, no kids out of wedlock, no step-anything. So for me its really hard to embrace. Where as in his culture everyone has kids with everyone. It's very natural to have half-siblings everywhere. Both of his parents have children from previous relationships and all of his siblings are stepparents. I understand our situation. Just wish he was more open to communication.
2. I havent had any children of my own because I believe parenthood is a great responsibility and not to take it lightly. When I finally do decide to have children, everything i do will be for them. He has freedom to do whatever but he calls them maybe once a week. When he was in their state, he barely sees them. I tried to disucss with him to be a better father. I know i know. No one likes to be given advice especially about their kids. See I had spent some time with the kids. There was this one time, it had been a while since he saw them. The boys mother was so peeved that she taught the boy to call him by his first name. We were all in the room and his sister in law confronted the boy. Eventually the boy called him dad but it just shows to me that even if I did want a relationship with the boy every goodness would be undone because he would still be going home to a mother who bad mouths and is hurtful. These children have both their biological parents and enough relatives and friends that they dont need me especially since they dont want me in their lives- they just want their father. As for the daughter- she truly has a misconception of her family. No one has really reached out to her about their blended family. She asked me one day why her father and mother arent together. Not to mention shes older yet still not as adjusted as the boy. She doesnt play with her cousins instead she clings on to my bf. If raised properly children at certain ages should feel confident and comfortable enough to explore their surroundings.
3. His unfair treatment of the children. He truly favors the boy more. He calls the boy more and never the girl. Actually when we first met he didn't even acknowledge her until six months later. He had a photo of her in his wallet and he called her his neice. and he would fight so much more for the boy.

I know it's hard on him too. He wants me to be completely in love with the idea of him having children. Its just so hard. I feel like i'm making progress though. I'm not as moody when something happens with the kids. I dont give him a hard time anymore. Lately I've just expressed my feelings. But when i do he clams up and says he doesnt want to talk about it. He easily gets frustrated and walks away. But then he always comes back and says all this lovey dovey stuff. Really i dont know how he truly feels. One minute he's so "in love" with me, wanting to have a future, have our own family. Before all he wanted was to have a good relationship with his kids. Now I feel like he wants me to be more active in their lives. He's seen how I am with them. I'm not disrespectful nor mean, I'm just distant. And the kids are so uneasy and they look so disappointed that they dont have just their father.

The kids dont want me in their lives, the BM's dont want me in their lives, I want as a little as possible to do with them, but he's the only one pushing for it to be closer but even then it's more uncomfortable for everyone else.

Truth be told they're not bad kids. Once I'm actually physically around them my mother instincts kick in. It's just his approach to it all. I've told him how i've felt over and over and what I need for him. I know they already have a special bond that can never be broken and that they have a special place in his heart. I just want that reassurance that i'm just as special in my own way and just as important.

It just hurts because he never takes the time to understand me. Just sees me as the enemy but then doesnt want to let me go. I have to be the one strong enough to end it.

Well. Thats a lot to read and write. I just needed to let it out and maybe get some feedback. But knowing this site exists and available is comfort enough. Stay strong everyone!!!

p.s. bf= boyfriend.

Misunderstood's picture

I haven't finished medical school but I am on my way and I'm determined to finish. No matter what goes on in my love life I KNOW that my education is whats going to get me through life it is key to being able to have the family I want and the life i want. I also want to give back to my parents. Becoming a doctor will make them so proud and I will in turn take care of them as they have wonderfully done for me all these years. Plus I can help put my siblings to med school as well. Nothing he does or doesnt do or whatever I've gone through will ever stop me from achieving my dreams. I think thats why I'm ready to let go because I've held us together for so long that I can't do it alone anymore.

He thinks by just being here is enough. That i should be grateful enough that he is with me. My desire to talk things through, to have a better understanding, to be more considerate is seen as nagging and annoying. He expects me to embrace the situation so happily and so openly but doesnt see the great strides that I've made so far. And who knows, with enough support from him, maybe one day I could HAVE a more meaningful relationship with them. But it's not easy when he always sees me as the enemy. He hears my words and feelings but doesnt really comphrehend them. He picks and choses what to listen to and then it still gets twisted around.

Yes I have two bm. The girls bm is not as difficult. Although she relies heavily on his sister in law to babysit her. I wanted to be there for him and show that I could grow and mature so we attended one of her ballet recitals. The boy was out of town. during intermission she ran straight to her dad. Didnt even care about all the other loved ones who had come to visit but when she saw that i was sitting next to him, her bright smile turned into sadness. And every other experience is the same. she hates that I'm around. But the mother rarely calls for more money nor ask much of him. Actually the only reason she gets child support now is because the court ordered it when he started paying for the boy. She actually didn't want anything. she was much older than him so i guess she just wanted the baby. I dont really have issues with her except I dont know why she doesnt have her family help her more when they all live in the same city.

actually his family is very supportive of me. his father knows my uneasiness with the situation and instead of condemning me- he is very considerate even though these are his own grandchildren. He loves me just the same. Once he forewarned him not to come by with me the next day bc the girl would be there and he didnt want me to be uncomfortable. His whole family is very considerate of my feelings. They never push anything on me.

Now you've read about the boys mother. Plus she has a new husband and new baby. She angers me so much. No matter how bad the ex may be. One should not bad mouth the other parent or be negative because that parent is still part of the child so when the child hears such negativity it hurts them bc thats their parent. So for her to even teach him to call him by his first name is just so disgusting to me. I'm no angel or perfect but I'm also not a mother. I'm new to this whole parenthood thing and I'm young and inexperienced but she is so vindictive. Anytime anything is going wrong with her life then she stirs up ours- asking for more money, hassling him about the kind of father he is, and demanding so many crazy things.

Deep down I feel for the boy. A few Christmas' ago he was unable to pick up the boy on a prearranged date. So the bm and sd were "stuck" with him. The thing that made me sad was that the boy's sd was like "I HAVE to take care of him too." with such a disgusted and upset attitude. They live together- the bm and sd and my ss and his half little brother. So really why was he so upset. That proves my point completely that this situation is not easy not even for people that do get married and do raise their stepkids. I believe that the son does feel some lost feelings because he now has this stepdad who he is forced to call dad and a new little brother to compete with and you know how that goes in families most times and even worse in a blended family. There's so much I want to help my bf with.

Like i said i once tried to advise him on how to be a better parent because really right now he still is an absentee father. He calls once in a while- holidays, bdays. Visits when he can. He's in a different state and financially unable to visit as often as he'd like. But there are other ways. and though these children are young they're not stupid. You can talk to them and make them understand the situation or even make them more comfortable.

If I were the bm and had a partner such as me- first I'd really strengthen my relationship with my kids. I'd call them every night to wish them goodnight. And set up webcam dates with them every week so that they could see me. Granted these kids are 7 and 9 but still with adult supervision and help it's possible and when it comes down to me and my kids. Nothing is too difficult to overcome. And my bf does have internet access and a laptop and so does his children but of course he does the minimum. I really believe that he does love them because that natural to love ones own kids but really everything else is obligation- not to look bad in front God, not to look bad in front of his family or peers or in society. But he's said often that if he could do it all over again he wouldnt have kids at such a young age nor until he was more ready and more mature. He's even said he wishes that he was baggage free so that we would have an easier life. And these werent said to appease me nor pressure from me.

Even though I'm uneasy about them. I still worry for them because they didnt ask to be brought in this world. I worry about the girl and issues she will have in her future love relationships with men. So many women end up in bad relationships because they werent secure in their father/daughter relationship. Not to mention how she adjusts to the world. You can tell a lot by just observing and I dont see her as well rounded.

It's funny though. When we fight, he always yells to me "FINE! I'm going to call them everyday! I'm going to be in their lives all the time" Thinking that will hurt me. And I'm here thinking. You already have the freedom to do so. That doesnt hurt me anymore. But what hurts is the fact that he can't be happy with what he has.

I used to think it was the worst thing that he had kids. But i have it better than most. He doesnt have custody of them so I dont ever see them. his family loves me and we get along wonderfully. and he gets along great with mine. Its just his inability to be grateful for what he has.

Before i used to be like. Why cant he be a dead beat dad completely? LOL but then I grew up and realized he has a good heart for wanting to still be active in their lives. How would I feel if ever we had kids and he wasnt part of their lives? Actually I would prefer that. For me, I am strong enough and smart enough to raise my children with as much love, support, and understanding that though they didnt have their father, they wouldnt feel incomplete. But of course it's always nice to have both biological parents.

Wow! Again, I've written so much. I'm just a very expressive person. Communication is the key to a successful relationship and so is having an open mind and open heart. I feel like I'm rowing up a river without a paddle. Fighting so hard against a current that never stops. '

He always comes back because even though I have the feelings i do about his kids. He knows the good heart I have and the caring and devoted partner I am. I've stayed by his side through financial difficulties. though he is very unsupportive and immature-lets not even start how many times he acts like he's single when we're fighting. and his temper. No woman has stayed with him more than a year because of how angry he becomes. But through it all I remain.

I dont know how things will end. I give it to God. And I'm throwing myself into my schoolwork, working out, and strengthening the relationships I have with the rest of my loved ones.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and to respond. It means so much. I have been alone with this for so many years and questioning if i was a bad person.

Have a blessed day. Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

You've already answered this question you just want some support. I know its tough to consider the time that turned out to be wasted on this relationship but it really wasn't wasted. Like the inventor in his laboratory when soemthing doesn't work its not a waste of time because now he knows it doesn't work. Time to try something else.

Same with you - its time to try someone else.


There's an exception to everything I say.

Misunderstood's picture

Sad Yes its sad to say. I doubt he'll ever truly appreciate the partner that I am and continue to strive to be. Thats a very good analogy. Yes with every experience we go through it makes us who we are today so really I'm thankful for the hardship because its made me a stronger person and made me realize I am worth more than what people have treated me in the past.

We are currently on the rocks and I'm ready to give up but I've stopped making plans. Just taking a day at a time. Hour by hour, minute by minute. But one thing is for sure. I'm concentrating more on me, my school, and what makes me happy.

I love him but sometimes love just isnt enough.

Thank you for taking the time to send your words of support.

now4teens's picture

What a story. You seem like such a sweet person. Like a lot of us, trying very hard to jump right in and do there right thing for the "man that we love" kid's.

However, there's always a problem with that, isn't there. We jump right in, feet first- without testing the water. Then we realize, "crap! It's frickin' frezzin in here and I HATE cold water! What the hell was I THINKING???"

And as I was reading your posts, I'm gathering you're at the "What the hell was I THINKING?" stage right about now. And why do I say that? Oh, there's little clues smattered here and there. Let me point them out to you, and you can take it from there. You wrote:

"The kids dont want me in their lives, the BM's dont want me in their lives, I want as a little as possible to do with them, but he's the only one pushing for it to be closer but even then it's more uncomfortable for everyone else." (Can you see the BIG RED FLAG waving to you here???)

"He thinks by just being here is enough. That i should be grateful enough that he is with me." (Wow! Can I just say...WOW! You're an incredibly smart and beautful woman...shouldn't HE be the graetful one???)

"I've stayed by his side through financial difficulties. though he is very unsupportive and immature-lets not even start how many times he acts like he's single when we're fighting.

"If I could do it all over again, I would have said no to our second date (This quote is from your profile. I think it says it ALL!)

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

Misunderstood's picture

Yes I really am at that point. My goodness that question has run through my mind often but really at this stage its really "DANG!!!" And great analogy as well. LOL I really feel the cold water. Biggrin

I'm trying to keep in mind that my failed relationship doesnt mean i'm a failure. But sometimes its just so hard to be so positive. But i don't stay down for long. I remember that there are other people that have it far worse and I'm grateful for the blessings i do have.

The flags were waving at me but like so many we chose to ignore them and keep driving past them at high speeds.

As a partner, I try not to concentrate on who should be more grateful. I was thankful to have him with the good and the bad but even with all my good qualities they, I was never enough for him. there are times I even question my worth. Granted I'm always told how great I am but it's hard to believe that when the person I chose to give the keys to my heart doesnt appreciate me. I guess if i were a b*tch but loved his kids than maybe he'd be satisfied and grateful that I was his partner.

Maybe when I'm finally gone then he'll realize all that he had with me and the partner I was and am. But that doesn't matter because when that happens I'll have moved on and be all the better for it.

If a time machine actually existed or if God gave me the chance to be with my bf I would say HELL NO!!! Biggrin

At least Mike was supportive. But tv life is never the same as real life. I would have settled just for a supportive and understanding partner. Don't need a maid because I'm very domisticated. I love to clean, cook, give full body massages, and even mow the yard. Mowing the yard makes me feel more accomplished and it so nice working outside and getting exercise. Now weedwacking is a different thing. Those darn things are so heavy and I dont have enough upper body strength to finish the yard.

Well 5teensathome thank you for response. I really appreciate it.