RANT - SD18 Out of Control Whining, Complaining, and Insulting!!!
Sorry…long rant…. I SO need to vent!
So, been married a whole whopping 2 weeks and SD18 moved in with us the minute we returned from honeymoon. Her mother practically kicked her out and forced her to come live with us 9 hours away from her. I am now beginning to see why. If you remember my other post, this is the girl who has no tact whatsoever! She is rude, selfish, inconsiderate, whiny, and extremely blunt!
But here’s the thing; On one hand she is super sweet and loving. Her and I (along with his other 2 children) hit it off immediately and have gotten along so well thus far! I mean I truly love them and feel that they truly love me! Our children also get along great, so I have much to be thankful for! They are full of hugs and I love yous, and I give the same in return! While SD may be 18, she has the mind of a 13 yr old and behaves accordingly. We are trying our best to help her get a job and prepare for college (though I highly doubt there will be any success there), I have helped her fill out applications, forms, made up a resume for her, etc.. I spend time with her playing on FB and YouTube, I braid her hair, and compliment her excessively on her looks (which is so hard considering she looks just like her nasty, fat, fugly mother), her singing, her “smarts”, and her cooking.
Over the past couple of weeks though, her constant complaining and insults are starting to get to me. She had barely settled in before the whining began; She logs onto the family computer, downloads all of her stuff, changes the homepage to her liking, hooks up all of her cameras, microphones, etc for skype and then whines like a baby that our “stupid computer is horribly slow, has something wrong with it and we need to get a new one”. Does the exact same thing to our laptop, and then proceeds to complain about what a piece of crap it is. …….spills nail polish all over my dining room table and then proceeds to tell me what a crappy table I have and when am I going to get a nice one……isn’t used to using a gas stove (although she wants to be a chef when she grows up), can’t time the food right on a gas stove and so it must be a stupid, crappy stove and I should get a nicer one……can’t figure out how to use the high-tech washing machine and so she informs me that I should get a “real” one……..stuffs the dishwasher so cockeyed that the soap dispenser can’t open causing an entire load to come out crappy and then tells me how much nicer her moms dishwasher is and that I should consider getting one like hers (grrrr)………Is a filthy slob (like her mother), takes a bath or shower and floods the whole damn bathroom, then tries to blame it all on the tub and ceramic tile….the list goes on and on…..
Should any of this actually be the case, I could possibly give her grumbling some leeway; however, I bought this house (and everything in it) LAST YEAR! An awesome house in every way, so unique with 4 different levels and balconies under a completely open concept vaulted ceiling….omg…just awesome house. Then…completely remodeled the thing from top to bottom, new flooring, completely remodeled all bathrooms, new rooms, new kitchen, all new well…EVERYTHING!!! Dropped a shit ton of cash on this place and own it all 100% outright. Put ALL NEW (expensive and very nice) furniture in every room! Including all new stainless appliances, tv’s, gaming systems, surround sound, 3 new computers, etc…. you get my drift. Not a single thing in that entire house is more than one year old! So for some whiny little brat to come in here, trash and then bash every single bit of it is a little bit f-in ridiculous! I have subtly tried to imply to her that her complaining of my things that are brand new and nice is just a bit offensive, but it’s like hinting to a child that their behavior is wrong…they just don’t get it!
And so the other day, as we are driving to the store to pick up some things for HER – new clothes, new shoes, etc…. she blows me away with this one; She just out of the blue looks up and says…
SD18 - “Your brothers (who she just met 2 days before and spent 1.5 hours with at a family dinner) are so much nicer than you”
Me - Um…what?
SD18 - “yea, I really like them, they are so much nicer than you are!”
Me – Uhh…ok. Really?
SD18 – “You are so mean when you fight with your daughter. It’s embarrassing”
Honestly I had no idea how to respond to that! I have been nothing but nice to this girl! Helped her, guided her. WTF?!?!?! I wanted to say “Are you fucking kidding me?” “Could you be any more of a rude ass?!!?” Or maybe I should have said “Ya know dear, I was just thinking the same thing about you! Your brother and sister are SOOO much nicer than you! They don’t moan, groan, bitch, and complain about every little thing under the sun. I mean really, just being near you is embarrassing!”
But of course I would never say those things. And what is even more disturbing? DH was sitting right next to me in the car when this all happen and said NOT ONE SINGLE WORD! How can he possibly expect his grown daughter to go through life as a functioning adult when he teaches her nothing about how to treat people. And of course I can’t say anything to him about this behavior. He is so touchy and defensive when it comes to his kids. Even a small hint that I am not happy with one of them and it turns into a huge fight wherein he reaches for any kind of dirt he can find on my kids and throws it in my face! I am at a total loss as to what to do. I am offended at her treatment of me, at the same time feel sorry for her because she hasn’t been taught any different.
This poor girl is doomed!
?!!?” Or maybe I should have
?!!?” Or maybe I should have said “Ya know dear, I was just thinking the same thing about you! Your brother and sister are SOOO much nicer than you! They don’t moan, groan, bitch, and complain about every little thing under the sun. I mean really, just being near you is embarrassing!”
And why didn't you? She is 18 for goodness sake. She is going to treat you the way you let her. I would not put up wth that crap from an 18 year old adult.
YOU and only you are going to have to put your foot down ans tell her when she is being rude to you. And she needs to be told to stop it.
^^^^^^^ This!
^^^^^^^ This!
Okay, you missed the
Okay, you missed the opportunity to immediately respond with what you really wanted to say. Don't let that opportunity slip by next time.
So here is the new action. CHANGE THE LOCKS! Tell her that since she has made it abundantly clear that she does not like YOUR home and does not appreciate YOUR belongings that she no longer lives in YOUR home effective immediately.
I have never had to deal with this exact behavior from my Skid (SS-20) and I do have the benefit of having raised him as my own since he was 1yo so he has been raised with accountability for his behavior and how he treats others. However, when he finished HS at 17 and his final court ordered visitation with the SpermIdiot and SpermClan on his 18th birthday he came home to a whole new reality. He chose to not go to school. His mom and I offered him the Mom and Dad full meal college deal. He decided that he wsa not ready for college. So we informed him that he could live at home rent free as long as he had a full time job. Nope, he decided he was not interested in working and wanted to pursue a career as a professional Sofa Rodeo Rider and it was our sofa he wanted to ride.
So, fine. We made him our beck and call boy. If he was living at home, not in school and not working full time them he was our live in maid/manservant/beck-and-call-boy and generrally our live in "bitch". We gave him a long chore list and told him it had to be done as indicated daily. He himmed and hawed and tested us until he realized that there were no groceries in the house and mom and dad were meeting for dinner on the way home and not picking him up. He also had problems finding the TV remote and the lap tops. Those were mysteriously in our safe when we were at work. He asked where trhe groceries were and what happened to the remotes and lap tops, we handed him the list. After a few days of relative starvation he got the hint and got to gettin on the chore list.
When he figured out how to get the list done in a couple of yours a day we added to the list. Toilets, sinks, tubs, showers, carpet, floors, windows, lawn, weeding and mulching flower beds, cleaning gutters, brushing cob webs off of the outside of the house, touching up the metal fence with rustoleum, etc, etc, etc......
From Aug - Nov he plugged away grumblingly on his ever expanding beck-and-call-boy list until one day he came to me and said that he needed a ride tomorrow to the Marine Corps recruiter. I asked him what about the Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard? He ssid he needed a ride day after tomorrow to the USAF recruiter adn that he had gone to an Army ROTC military school for HS and was not interesed in the Army and he did not care much for boats so the Navy and CG were out.
He shipped out to USAF BMT in April 2011 and is now completing his advanced technical training in Cyber Systems Ops in the USAF.
Try a similar tack with your SD and you may just motivate her to get the hell out and launch in to the early stages of adulthood. If that does not work then keep the locksmith's number handy and re-key the locks. Either way will get her out of your hair.
Good luck.
18 years old you say? Bye bye
18 years old you say? Bye bye now! Get rid of the lazy brat!
And if DH doesnt like it boot
And if DH doesnt like it boot his @SS out too. Sounds like a pathetic SD with an enabling Dad and a BM who just layed a big spoiled hard boiled egg on you. Worthless Worthless Worthless