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Possible ADHD SD and sensitive FH

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

So my FSD5 is a freaking circus and I really think she is ADHD. Her dad is and her behavior is terrible. All the typical symptoms and its ruining our relationship. I get crabby before she even arrives because I know I'm in for a weekend of hell...every weekend. FDH is so sensitive when it comes to her but I think if her bio's can see the light and get her some help, it would really be a turning point. Things have been worn thin anyway because my SD12 had been in and out of the hospital and I stay with him. We argued all weekend...he pulled the "if you can't love my kid, you can't love me" crap. All I do is try to enforce the rules of the house that were well in place before I even laid eyes on her(I have 3 bio's). The rules apply to everyone, no gets special treatment. FDH agrees but he acts like he doesn't. Am I a bad person for having rules and boundaries in my house? Absolutley not. Is it my fault she doesn't listen to a damn thing anyone says, repeatedly? No.

How do I bring this up? The ADHD, I mean. I feel like I have to walk on flipping egg shells and I hate it. I wanted to tell him, how can I love a mean, entitled, loud, obnoxious, wasteful miniBM? I about let him walk right into that one and right out the door. But I love him dearly and would like to help. It would help everyone to get her straighten out. Before I even met her, he told me about her behavior. I know everyone is prob going to tell me to RUN!!lol But I'm honestly not rdy for that...he's just such a push over, but when I talk to him about giving in and what the consequences of that are, he rly seems to understand and be on board.

Any advice on a good start up conversation? BM got a DUI a couple of weeks ago and I've thought about offering to pick her up from school and maybe corner her teacher to enlist some help, but that could obviously backfire and I don't want to deal with that either. FBD has gotten into some trouble in school so maybe the teacher would be a good avenue. IDK maybe I'm trying to hard? I can't disengage b/c FDH is extremely engaged with mine. I work 1st and he works 2nd so he watched my BD2 while I work. He does treat mine like they are his own and tells them he loves them all the time. At the same time, I can't do the same with his. I don't love her, hell, I don't like her. Most the time I can't stand even looking at her. Most the time when I do, I do in time to see her kicking or hitting my 2 yo for no reason.

I'm just exasperated. I want this to work really bad. FDH even tells me he's going to ask my Dad permisson to ask my hand in marriage even though we are in our 30's. Sigh...he's cute...the situation with SD5 is exasperating.

Thanks for reading my blabbering, run on sentences. lol I'm usually do well in the grammar department, but when I'm upset everything looks like this. Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

Well the kid isn't going to change much with medication. He's not going to change either as he is willing to put up with her as he recognizes himself in her.

Kicking your kid? Won't get better if Daddy won't stand up to her. Girls tend to outgrow ADHD faster than boys some of whom never outgrow it as you well know but its probably a decade or more away. (Please don't even think of having a kid with this guy).

Do not offer to relieve the BM of any of her duties - it could start WWIII. Daddy can do so but don't substitute for him.

When its all said and done and if Daddy is "so sensitive" he won't change his parenting then it means the kid won't change for years and you either live with this or leave. Leaving would be better for all concerned, including the girl, and when its all said and done that would be my advise.

You can still date just don't combine households any longer. When everyone is over 18 then you can reconsider.