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just venting

mamamomo's picture

So, last night ss5 used my bathroom because bd5 was using the kids. I am currently 29wks pregnant and make frequent trips to the potty at night in near dark so I don't disturb dh's beauty sleep. This morning when I made my first trip to the potty in light I noticed that there is pee all over my toilet seat! SS did not lift the seat and just peed all over it, then I sat in it several times last night! While I am writing this to vent my bd5 came to tell me that there was something brown in the tub and it looked gross SS5 has shit in the bathtub! I'm going to go off the deep end! This nasty little child is working on my last nerve! I have been raising him for the past 2yrs with no help from bm she doesnt even call but once a yr! I am fed up! How am I supposed to bring an infant into this filth? Glad my dd is smart enough to realize she needed to let me know instead of taking a shit bath. :jawdrop:

Cheyenne Chavez's picture

I'm in the same boat... I am also pregnant and my step son, who is 6, is a barbarian when it comes to hygiene. I don't think he even tries to hit the toilet when he pees... I also sat on the toilet seat after he had pissed all over it. Needless to say, I wasn't happy. My solution to the problem was to make cleaning the toilet his new chore. Now that he has to clean it, hopefully he will be a little more mindful when he pees. As for the poop in the bathtub...that is definitely gross... not sure what would possess a child to do that. My step son did something similar when he was about 5 though, now that I think about it... he pooped on a bathroom rug and then smeared it EVERYWHERE. I made his dad clean that one Smile

Still Have Hope's picture

For the poop in the tub, I have no words. As for little boys who can't hit the "target", they must sit like girls until they have better aim. All my little guys were taught to sit until they had better control. I didn't have time to clean the toilet several times a day. Dad balked at first until I asked if he wished to take over toilet cleaning duties.

mamamomo's picture

Thanks for the idea about sitting down Idk why I didnt think of it but thats what he will be doing from now on

tbloanlady's picture

My stepson, when he was 10, took a shit in his pants on the patio & then let it fall out in the doorway when I was 5 months pregnant. They were here for the summer & I made him drive 12 hours one way to bring them both home that very minute. He now lives with us & his cleanliness hasn't gotten much better. He has lived here since June & is on the same bottle of shampoo & the same bar of soap. He always smell, even tho there is deodorant in his bathroom, guess what, the same container I bought him in June!!! His hair always looks greasy because he never uses shampoo. I refuse to go anywhere with him unless I have to. He is now almost 15 I refuse to clean anything in his room or bathroom & I make him do his own laundry, I just wish he could go to a laundry mat!!! I have no words of wisdom for you, my only solution is that I wish I would have put my foot down about him moving in. He is only here to get what he can from his dad.

herewegoagain's picture

Why can't you make these little kids do these things? Oh, cause daddy doesn't care huh? Heck, my son has learned hygiene from ME...his dad, amazingly enough, is a super clean person...takes a shower as soon as he wakes up, irons his clothes, etc...but doesn't seem to think he should be teaching OUR son, so mommy has to step in. Guess what? Yes, I have to teach my son hygiene because dad is too darn lazy. Sadly, I think that's just a man thing...sigh

bestwife's picture

I swear to god I'd be wanting to smear that crap across his nasty little face as I was bitch slapping it. Not that I'd ever do it - but I could fantasize about it.

I would be capable of making his little bastard self reach his own hand in the tub to pick it up and clean it. I am not the kind of person you want to piss off. This would piss me off. Where is DH? He'd be doing SOMETHING like right now if he wanted to keep his balls from being shredded slowly.

mamamomo's picture

Wow thats exactly how I felt I thought to myself he behaves like an animal why not rub his nose in it! of course I couldn't do it but the thought made me feel better. oh DH was at his night class so he was off the hook for once.

borrowedtime83's picture

Nasty potty things happen to the best and worst of us. The kid is old enough to clean up, so make him. And if you want your "own" bathroom, it is yours. They need to accept that boundary. A lot of times kids pretend to urgently need a bathroom so they can wander the house and get into your things. It has happened to me many times! We finally had to make a rule that none of the kids goes into our bedroom/bathroom area. Not to be mean, but that is our space.