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Just feel like giving up...totally depressed.

Katie8's picture


I seem to be just "down" I'm not happy at all. I love my kids(bio)...but honestly 2 days this week with SS8 is doing me in.
I hate the way DH acts when he's's like the SS show....can't do wrong...only he exists...makes me sick.

our Son is 1 1/2 ....when SS was at our house yesterday I don't think DH gave him the time of day. I left to drive my daughter to practice and asked my 15 year old daughter to watch my son...DH got mad because he was home but I didn't ask him. I pointed out you don't pay attention to anyone but SS when he's here so I asked someone who would actually watch him. He and SS went downstairs alone to watch tv. DH said he would pick up my daughter at cheer practice when she was done but didn't I bundled up my little one (because I don't trust DH to watch him alone with SS there....I really think he would do something when DH isn't looking...caught him tripping him..taking toys away in the past) Plus it was his bedtime so he fell asleep on the way to goodnight from Dad...nothing at all. The only time he saw him was during dinner...but didn't talk to him anyways.

During dinner...SS8 told me he didn't like his dinner. I find this very rude. I have told my kids if someone makes you dinner and goes to the effort for you, you don't say you don't like it...keep the thought to yourself. It's hurtful. I got 15 year old daughter yelled at him saying he was being mean and said she loves it.

DH drives SS home at 9pm (ridiculously late for an 8 yr old on a school night) Comes home and starts trying to suck up to me. Too late...we didn't exist all night now you want my attention? I got up went to bed....I just feel like crying. This is not what I want for the next 10 years or more....I need a vacation without DH and SS I think to sort out myself.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Take a vacation. It doesn't have to be extavagant. Take you and your bios to a hotel with an indoor pool for the weekend and have mommy kid time.
You're a better woman than I am, if DH and I had kids and he acted that way when his other kids were over I would blow a gasket. Having favorites is a bad policy, but blatantly showing it is even worse. I hope he starts realizing he has more kids than just SS8.

Sports Fan's picture

Unfortunately, this is way too common. Dads are so guilty over the divorce they try to make it up to the child every time they see them and no one else exists. You really need to talk to him about this. He has an obligation to both his children.

The fact that you don't feel you can even leave your child home with him is so terrible. I don't know how you put up with that.

Is there any chance you could go to counseling?

Jelly2's picture

yep, Sally's right...except I do it don't like my stew, my lasagna, my baked chicken? Guess what we're having for dinner EVERY CHANCE I GET!!!!!!!!!


I go through this as well, so I sympathize. When SD 8 and 11 are over, they are the only ones that exsist until DH wants to cuddle to go to sleep.

DH would ignore our daughter who is 14 months now. So I told him act like you have 3 children or you can have 2 and I will just take MY daughter and go. I tried several times telling him he acted different but he didn't believe me.

Once my kid let it slip when his won't around that they felt invisible, they'd told me but I told them that's the way he is because he doesn't see them. I tried to make excuses but other kids notice.

DH got the just of it when our daughter started wanting him to hold her around 11 months, she was walking and would go to DH, his youngest 8, pushed her aside and I flipped.

I grabbed up my baby and went to my room. I didn't say anything to SD8, except keep your hands to yourself, she is a BABY. Then DH realized that his kids didn't want anything to do with OUR daughter, their half-sibling and that she was being pushed aside by all of them.

That wasn't the first incident, trust me. SD8 nearly pulled DD6months at the time out of DH's hands in walmart because he was trying to pick her up as I paid, she was fussing and SD8 grabbed his arm and pulled her entire body weight on it to get his attention away from the baby.

I dont leave DH alone with OUR DD14mo when the skids are there either, wouldn't dare because DH doesn't want to believe his "precious girls" would hurt her but I know better.

Katie8's picture

This post made me feel a bit better...that I'm not alone. DH is awesome with our son except when SS is there. I know he's feeling guilty for not being able to spend a lot of time with SS was SS's lies that made us loose a lot of the visitation we had by making up horrible stories because BM would reward him....but why should my bio son pay the price. It's wrong.

DH blows up when I try to talk to him saying I should be able to leave him with him when SS is there...but he thinks he's an angel...I know better. I'm not risking my son to prove this point. My son was 10 month old and just started walking....tripped and hit his head. I looked at SS and he had a huge grin....just plain evil. I pointed it out to DH and he got yelled at for it...but the kid just has no empathy for anyone or anything.

I'm not cooking...this weekend I will take out my kids and DH can fend for him and SS...since you don't like my it yourself.

TakemySKIDS's picture

I thought I was the only one. I too never leave our 10 month old daughter wiyh my partner when SS7 and SD5 are around. I just cant trust that he will look afte her properly or if she is safe around her half siblings. After all why wouod I trust kids who dont like or acknowledge me at all. It is sad that we have to take our kids with us when skids are around but I couldn't imagine it any other way.

The one time I went out for an hour my daughter woke up while I was up which really surprised me because I could tell she was still very tired rubbing her eyes etc. I could tell my partner had been in the shower so goodness knows what the skids did to wake up the baby. Until recently he would allow our baby to play in tye skids room which was full of choke hazards for a baby. His priority is always to please his kids and the rest of us just fade...

SD5 comes up with excuse s like tye sausage is hurting my mouth or I only like the lasgane at mummy's house. Like wtf. Next time tell mummy to give you packed lunches for the weekend.

Smith75's picture

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think a mini-vacation with your kids to clear your mind is a great idea (go online and look for a voucher to a nice hotel). Even if you're not ready to leave your DH, the break away might help you rebuild your strength, so when you're back, you can really have a long serious talk with your DH about everything that you're feeling, his parenting and how you would like to move forward.

I think he needs to know about your trust issues when your SS is around, and that you're on the brink of depression and are on a downward spiral. One of the big mistakes that I made in my marriage was that I didn't communicate openly enough. When I did try to begin a talk about how unhappy I was with SS11 and SS16 (lived with us full time), my DH would get defensive and agitated and we'd often end in an argument - so I stopped talking about it. I eventually left - i'm in the middle of a divorce now - but hopefully your DH will be more receptive and you can both work together to create a happier home.

Obviously, if that doesn't happen, then you will have to think about other measures, because as you said, you can't cope with this unhappiness indefinitely. And neither can your two children. Your son is quite young, but your daughter doesn't need the stress either. And from what I've read, having skids doesn't always get easier as they get older. If your SS is so vindictive and spoiled now, and there's no discipline, then it's likely to get worse.

Do remember that you're not alone! Hopefully you have a strong circle of friends and family, but this forum is amazing too. It really helped me when I was making the decision to leave my husband. The ladies on here are great! Do keep us posted on how you get on.

Katie8's picture

Thank you for your reply. I actually have tried a lot of times to talk to DH about my trust issues with SS. He thinks his son would never hurt anyone on purpose.. because everytime it happens, he said he never did it or it was an accident. My foot just was already out and the baby tripped....or I thought he was done with the toy when I snatched it out of his hands and made him cry. Angel.

Every time it turns to a fight because he has rose colored glasses on for ss. So I gave up and just never leave him in a position of ever being around my baby. I actually have 4 bio kids. The thing is DH is a smart man...and he sees that even my 3 older kids see what he's like and comment about his behavior. He said he disappears with SS in our house because we obviously don't want him around and he's trying to make it easier on us.

My 3 older kids are at their Dad's tomm. but we have SS all day. So I'm disappearing with my little guy until SS is gone. I want a Step free weekend...
Thanks for the advice.

stiefmutter's picture

I understand where you are coming from. I love my DH and he is also a smart man, but like you said, he wears rose colored glasses when it comes to his children. SS, 7, and SD, 5, put my kitten in a blanket over the summer and swung it around the front room with the kitten meowing, until my BD, 15, saw them and put a stop to it. My DH had excuses for their unacceptable behavior like, "they didn't understand," and, "they said they were sorry." BM, a vet tech, had the same excuses and added to it that it was my fault it happen because I wasn't physically watching the kids. (Was doing laundry!) Now I'm pregnant and worry about letting those children near my baby when it arrives... I've brought this worry up to my DH but he doesn't see the correlation. So, I will have to be vigilant in my watching and hope that my DH will be watching for those behaviours, at least subconsciously.

Standing in the Cold's picture


I'm on the same cruise ship as y'all. When we have SS9, he's the only one that matters. Our son together is 2 and doesn't understand this situation. Let me vent about the weekend we just had: DH had an extended family thanksgiving. Well, DH's parents went behind my back and asked SS BM if he could attend. I told them I didn't want him there in the first place. They did it anyway. BS only got to go if his Dad and I went. Well, we got there SS9 was there with my inlaws. He was told to say hi to his dad, but never said a word to me or BS (his HALF brother). My boy wanted to play outside ALL day on the farm. I spent 4 hours of the family get together outside by MYSELF at DH's family's event with my boy while the other 30 people there hung out inside. Inlaws and DH spent ALL Day inside with SS9. My baby boy asked DH 4 times to come outside with him. FOUR TIMES! He was ignored. I picked him up and went back out with our son who wanted Daddy's attention for a minute. I didn't care anymore that 30 people were there - my baby boy is part of that family too but I've only met most of this people once before since it's not a usual thing for everyone to get together, but I was guilted into coming since my MIL told me I was keeping baby boy from that side of the family. Which I never have, she takes SS9 to see that side but won't take BS. My boy only got to go anyway as long as I went but they had no problem getting SS from his BM to go to it. My MIL came out after I stormed out (if 30 people weren't there I was boiling to say words). She asked what was wrong. I told her, SS9 is getting ALL Daddy's attention, AGAIN. Everyone is inside playing with him and here we are OUTSIDE ALONE. I told her I told you I didn't want him here in the first place since it wasn't our time with him this week. Her response was: We don't see SS9 very much. They see SS9 EVERY WEEKEND for past 8 weeks and only seen BS 2x in that time. FIL came out after MIL went inside (I think she told him to) and he played with BS for about 10 minutes before SS9 came and got him to play football games in the house. Daddy finally came out and spent 15 minutes with us before his attention went back to SS9. Again, I think MIL and FIL had to tell him to. Needless to say on the way home DH actually asked me if I had a good time. I didn't have anything to say on the way home.

Oh and for Christmas, DH has spent nearly 400 on SS9 presents. He spent 50 on our boys. I get the age difference factoring in, but does SS9 whose there 4 days a month really need 400 worth of junk?

Like I asked in another post, why is SS9 the favorite and my baby boy chopped liver? Baby boy sure doesn't get why Daddy loves him 12 days in a row then doesn't bother with him for 2 days. DH tells me he treats them fairly. Uh huh. I tell him I feel like a maid, slave and nanny when SS9 is around because I'm tossed away like trash. He still doesn't get my feelings about this.

Standing in the Cold's picture

Yes, I am mad and have every right to be - his own FATHER wouldn't even pay attention to him wanting him to play with him due to SS being there. BM wasn't being gracious, she pawns the child off on anyone who will take him rather than stepping up and being a mother and caring for her own child. SS sees these people at least every other month bc MIL takes him down there to play, BS doesn't get to so it was a new experience for him, he's seen 2 of those family members before on one occasion the rest were new to him and putting a child in a room with a lot of people they don't know isn't the best way to get him to know them especially when they keep trying to pick him up since he doesn't know them and they are basically strangers to him. Leaving a two year old in a room to cry with 30 people and have a temper tantrum because they'd rather be outside enjoying an almost 80 degree day experience life doesn't work. Other kids were outside playing in different areas, but BS didn't know them so he wouldn't play with them. What would have helped would have been a MIL, FIL, BROTHER and FATHER of the child helping him feel comfortable would have instead they were too busy with SS and playing video games at another person's house with a room full of people watching it. If SS hadn't been there then MY SON could have had some attention from MIL, FIL and his own DADDY to help him adjust.


I just had this conversation yet again with DH. I told him I felt I was only there to watch the kids and pay for the bills. DH is so worried about what to get the kids for christmas. Not really mine because when he asked what mine wanted, he discounted it as being pricey or they will fight over it.

SD 8 and 11 get whatever they want. Our DD14mo has been pushed literally aside by the SDs to get daddy's attention taken away from her. Now they are treating DD like she's a living doll, trying to hold her against her will.

I wish I could say this would end. I'm not sure it will. My DD14mo favors me over her daddy. I told him it was his actions that caused this not mine. I just found out that MIL/FIL have been communicating with BM (because mil let it slip). Apparently she talked to BM about giving SD11 a pair of boots that she can't fit. But they dont fit SD11 either so MIL was told by BM to save them for SD8 who currently wears a girls 4 size shoe and this is a woman's size 7 boot. Whatever.

I am one who knows how it feels to be the subpar citizen and have your child treated like one as well. So I do extra's for my DD14mo, I dont ask DH's permission nor do I need it. I will always do extra for her, there is no "fair" in the world of step parenting.

I hate hearing, oh well "your DD has him the rest of the time". Yea ok, let's tell our kids, you only get your dad when the steps aren't here. That will definitely forge a great bond between them. UGH!

Standing in the Cold's picture

I am so glad you relate and understand that last line is SOOO TRUE, when my son gets old enough I don't want him to think he's second class to his SS.


They are young now but it doesn't get better. I honestly had this stupid thought, that us having an OUR child would help bring both families together. It didn't. I honestly was already done having children. MY DH begged for 2 years for us to have a baby of our own, then decided I was a single mother.

Some days DH is good with her, when the SDs are around, it's about them. DD14mo is now starting to push those boundaries with the SDs, such as coming between them and daddy. Which is natural for a younger child to do? DD doesn't quite understand the no butting yet.

Katie8's picture

OMG...does your extended outing with DH's family sound like our life. My Inlaws pick up SS8 all the time from BM without us even realizing most of the time...our BS is never included. They had a "cousins' day at the indoor waterpark...SS8 was picked up from BM and brought but my BS and my other kids were not included at all. We just saw the pictures on facebook. Then my MIL or BIL or SIl will send DH a should come over with SS8 and visit...we miss you....we have other children. They are accusing me of not bringing over BS to visit ...first ...he's not usually invited...and second when we are there we might as well not be...we don't exist...just completely ignored while they fall all over SS8. (they gave us the line too about how BS gets dad most the we are teaching him when SS is there you aren't as important....nice. So I've totally disengaged from his family. But I don't allow BS there alone with DH...if they want to see him you know where we live.

Standing in the Cold's picture

Katie8 and SMLifeSucks, I am so glad I found this forum today - it's been a calmness that I have never felt hearing others in the same boat and situations. SMLifeSucks, I brought up several issues to DH before we had ours together. I had no children and he had the 1. I told him it was already going to get interesting and at that point SS and I were bonded and on good terms (before he lived with his mother) so it wasn't something that was such a problem. The problems came later.

Katie8, EXACTLY. And I know why BS wasn't invited without me to the family function - because SS has told MIL/FIL before when BS was originally invited as a baby to a few events that he didn't want BS there. Thinking back, since SS has made that comment BS didn't get asked to go anymore. SS wants, SS gets. But the thing is MIL asked me if I wanted SS an extra weekend so he could go, I told her no and I didn't want to deal with the drama over the holidays. BM is just now back in our lives - for the longest time she had rules that MIL/FIL could only see SS on our time. That was before she left her second husband and wanted someone to babysit so she could go party with her friends and find other men. Now all of a sudden she's always texting MIL pictures of SS and inviting MIL to be a part of his life. The thing is, IMO, as a grandparent, they should show both kids attention and time, but in our world - SS is the one and only.

Onefootout's picture

I agree with other posts about temporary separation just so you can be in an emotionally safe place and you can build up your strength and gain perspective. But you have very good instincts trust them.

It's downright depressing being committed to someone who will never validate your feelings.