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I turn into a bitch every time my stepson is here..

Katie8's picture

I just dread...seriously dread when he comes here and ss6 is here every other weekend fri-sun plus every wed and Monday. He had the worst manners...constantly picking his nose and eating it or wiping it in my house?...............bland is always talking like a baby drives me insane!!!blows major tantrums at least once a weekend...I have 3 Bio kids who live with me full time that have to deal with him and they go to their dads the same weekend bm has as but I'm thinking of changing it so my kids don't see me so stressed. This weekend dh announced on Fri as he walks in with as that we have him till Tues so bm can party on new years...I've been so pissed off...Sunday is long enough...the worst part is the stress he causes me and I'm 8 months pregnant. Dh and I ar-e fighting tonight because he kept pushing me to find out why I was so upset so I told him his son stresses me out and don't want to be bm`s babysitter when she parties...she's evil to us when she doesn't need something......any advice before I go insane! I dread when I go in labour..dh wants all the kids there waiting with his family but when as is there with dh family...its the S's show and I think the baby needs to be the focus...I don't want his evil bully germ filled hands touching this baby...I knowim being a bitch.

Orange County Ca's picture

Why another kid? Never mind - too late now, Don't have any more.

You're stuck - the only out is to break up another marriage with another kid in a broken home and s/he's not even born yet.

Switching weekends so the step-kid is the only one around (ignoring the baby who will always be around) and disengage from the kid seems to be the only option:

Click here:

xtina's picture

Last Friday, I went out shopping. Mainly to avoid being in the same house as SS3 allll day long. When I got home my BF said "You really don't like when SS3 is here do you?" DING DING DING. I turn into a major bitch during the week he is at our house. I gave him a big fat NO I DONT.
I feel ya, I have my own whiny brat 3 year old, I don't want to listen to 2 whiny brat 3 year olds fighting and making annoying noise. It's too much.