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I Just Need To Vent Because I Don't Know If There Is Any Help For My Situation

aggravation14's picture

Hi Everyone! I am a thrice married mother of BS6 and BS13. I am also a first time Stepmom to SS11. First off, I knew what I was getting into. DH works third shift-I work first so much of my evenings are spent mediating with boys. DH is in the process of being moved to first shift so I hope this helps. I am by no means mother of the year material. My BS6 & 13 both have ADHD and are not perfect little angels that I am constantly bragging about. BS13 had anger issues and also takes an antidepressant and has some counseling. SS11 is a full time stepchild. His mother died when he was 6. I don't love him and often it is hard for me to even like him. He has RAGING ADHD as in cannot be still and cannot be quiet without medication. He is attention seeking. When he gets in trouble he will lie to the bitter end. He whines. He argues his point to the death. He pouts. When any two children are arguing in the house, 90% of the time he is one of them. I am not a particularly happy person in general so when he is super happy and hyper I am not amused, much to the dismay of my DH. BS6 & 13 go stay with their dad every other weekend which often leaves me alone on Friday nights with SS11. He is extremely immature for his age, getting along better with my youngest although he bullies him regularly. Don't worry, BS13 gives him payback lol! I really thought he would or will grow out of these behaviors. At least I am hoping and praying on a regular basis. DH has learned to love my children, even BS13 which he almost left me over. I feel bad that I cannot reciprocate these feelings for SS11. I feel selfish yet I cannot paint a Brady Bunch picture with what I feel is a "odd" one in the bunch. I pray about this a lot but I still feel this way. If anyone has a magic answer, please share otherwise thanks for just listening to my vent.

Evil stepmonster's picture

There's no magic answer. I don't love my skids either. My DH loves my kids and has told me over and over how he thinks of them as his and he wishes I would do the same with his kids. I tried, I really did, but it just wasn't happening. I've told him, thank you for feeling that way about my kids, but I never asked you to feel that way. I don't feel that way. Their dad is their dad and I am their mom. I'm sorry I don't feel the same way. He doesn't like it, but he knows how I feel now.
I hope your DH gets the 1st shift and that it helps ease some of your stress with the skid.

kathc's picture

I doubt he's learned to love your children. He's just better at pretending than you are.

Do you have any idea how many of us pretend to "love" our skids to keep peace in our homes? I wouldn't care to never see them again but I let DH think I love them because it makes him happy.

aggravation14's picture

I remind DH of what he said when we were dating-I don't expect you to love my son, just be good to him. Even that is hard some days. I truly believe he does care about BS6 but with BS13 I tend to agree with your observation. I try my best to put on the "happy" face-sometimes I have to try really hard lol!

aggravation14's picture

Thank you Echo-That means a lot. I didn't mention in the original post that SS11 acts almost angelic at school and for the most part in public which makes it hard for me to share my frustrations with anyone. I'm glad I can say something here.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

I don't have any answers, just want to give you a great big hug ♥z

As a mother, I love my children to the moon and back but alas, I am not a "kid" person and was never the soccer mum devoting every waking moment and beyond to my children. I never ever expected to love my Skids, DH knew I wasn't a kid person and that these little beings, his or mine, would ever being the centre of the cosmos. Yet he would badger me over and over, don't you miss them when they are at their, actually I don't I am enjoying the calm.
I find a lot of men to be the great manipulators as I just don't believe hardly any of them actually "Love" their step children, especially ones coming into relationships with anything past a toddler.