Hygiene with my Stepkids!!! HELP!!
I am needing suggestions or recommendations on how to go about with my step children's hygiene issues!!!
I have 2 stepkids.. girl who is 11, and boy who is 14. These kids are so bad when it comes to the hygiene!! They never brush their teeth I can't even recall the last time I saw them being asked to brush their teeth yet alone asking where their toothbrush was at so they can brush their teeth by themselves!!! We're talking MONTHS!!! they never shower they will go for days and all of their clothing smells like rotten onions!!! My stepdaughter is going to be 12 this year and she shares a room with our little boy. Her laundry alone just the smell of makes me wanna puke and she has been having issues with having accidents in her underwear this has been going on for months now and I am so tired of bringing it up to my husband. I'm sure she is on the verge of starting her period and she barely showers I can't imagine how filthy her body would be with all the changes taking place.
my stepson who is 14 he is literally like nonexistent around here. he is in a behavior school due to getting expelled for bringing marijuana to school last month and every time that he comes home from school he takes off and doesn't come back for hours until it's late at night. he never uses deodorant and hardly ever showers and he has athletes foot which makes it way worse and the hygiene issues are just so overwhelming that I don't know what to do at this point!!!
if you were in my position and how would you just avoid dealing with this for me the smell is just so unbearable walking by their laundry hampers with the smell of BO and just the filth it grosses me out!!!
Well - why isn't their father
Well - why isn't their father making them bathe, brush their teeth and do their laundry?
Does your husband suffer from
Does your husband suffer from a condition that renders him blind and with no sense of smell?
No???? then WTF has he not addressed this with his kids? Does he not brush his teeth? Why doesn't he parent his kids? Honestly.. you cannot care more than the parents do.. but I don't know if I could be married to someone who cares so little about the wellbeing of his own children.
That's what I always think
That's what I always think when I read posts like this. I would not make it far with a man so lazy that his kids live in filth to that degree.
I wouldn't live like that,
I wouldn't live like that, surrounded by stench and disgusting laundry. Nor would I expose my child to such a negative influence. Either my husband would step up and parent or I'd step out and take myself and my child elsewhere. Frankly, I would have zero respect for a man who neglected his children as he is doing - he should be on them and teaching them proper hygiene.
He just lets them be. They
He just lets them be. They are with us 12 days, then with their mom 2 days. Of those -2 days, their laundry piles up and I've asked my husband to either have them do it or he does it because of the smell. I've brought up the hygiene issue about both to him. But it's like he just lets it go. Right now his daughters laundry basket is overflowing. Huge Onion smell from it. Nasty!!!! But again... nothing is said. I'm not going to do their laundry. I don't know how their mom is with hygiene, but apparently they go without showering and brushing their teeth at her place too. They both said mom doesn't have the money for basic needs like toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc. it's crazy. I wouldn't ever do that to my kids!!! You can go to the dollar store and get a four or six pack of toothbrushes for a dollar!!!! It's just nuts to think about. My stepson was at his grandparents house Friday through Sunday... no shower, no change of clothes, no toothbrush.
That is completely
That is completely unaceptable.
This is a health issue.. teeth rotting, skin infections.. social stigmas..
These kids are with HIM most of the time.. this really is HIS fault.. I would give his EX almost no blame if she only has them a few days a month.
And.. if their mom doesn't have money for toiletries.. is he so petty that he can't put together a little personal hygiene kit for his kids to take to mom's? a bar of soap.. toothbrush.. toothpaste.. we are talking small money.. shoot.. I even have lots of hotel samples I could have given my Skids.
Is your husband that lazy in other areas of his life? I can't imagine this is the only area where he is slacking?
He can't even be bothered in
He can't even be bothered in his own home, much less giving supplies to BM. I'm guessing OP purchases all the supplies at their house (that the kids don't use).
Gross, I'd have zero respect for this man. I hope the school calls CPS on him.
Does your DuH understand that
Does your DuH understand that stinky kids get bullied? Is that what he wants for his children? Does he even understand the damage that bullying can do? Is he that ignorant? Does he understand that he isn't doing his job as a parent and that if his kids are bullied that it will be HIS FAULT?
In my book, that's called neglect...
Inform your DH that the Skids
Inform your DH that the Skids will not enter your home unless they are freshly bathed and wearing freshly laundered clothes. PERIOD!
As for the sneaky SS-14. The fire lock at 8:30PM and do not open until 6:30AM. He can sleep on the curb.
Dawn dish soap and the garden hose.
*diablo*Wash their bodies and their clothes in short order.
Water the lawn while you do it.
Yeah, this is a hard pass. If
Yeah, this is a hard pass. If your husband refuses to do anything throw the clothes out in the back yard.
They stink and are stinking up the house. It isn't your job to wash them.
I also have no problems telling any of our kids that they stink. I have made them leave the table for dinner because I could smell them. I embarrassed the crap out of them a few times and let me tell you it made all the difference. BS14 has hyperhidrosis, so it is a situation. He has to use a special gel then clinical deodorant and wash 2X per day or he reeks to high heaven. SS21 (autistic) has water aversion so it is always a fight. But I hold strong. If they smell I make them get out of the car, they can't go with us because I am not going to be nauseous over their inability to shower and put on deodorant. I tell them to get off my couch, I won't have my furniture stink, etc. I am mean about it but being nice wasn't working!