he expects my dd to take young sd or ss wwith her
DB and I have been together in the my house 2 1/2 years and there have been a few changes here and there my dd-18 moved out moved back in and when she moved out I put sd-10 stuff in there and made it her room I was mad at dd. She was unappriciative ungreatful. Well monthes went by and dd needed to move back in she is in school car died and not safe where she was staying. We have sd-10, ss-6, and ss-13. Every other weekend and on some weekdays. On weekdays they go home after dinner so the weekends they are with us dd has no space of her own dd takes over the tv in their room. ds-6 takes over the living room tv and ds-13 has his own room he did stay a year with us and went to school.
The issue is the last weekend they were with us I gave dd-18 the keys to my van and she took ds-14 with her to the movies. They are close and like to spend time together they don't do it all the time different social circles. I gave them the money. DB got upset because I didn't offer for them to take his kids. I don't think my children should have to watch his or take them along. I just don't think it's a good idea. My daughter is a good driver but if something were to happen I wouldn't want her or I to be blamed. I also think the siblings are entitled to their time together and they just wanted a break from the chaos..SS-6 throws fits slams doors and SD-10 does the same.
It is all about building
It is all about building relationships and any 2 siblings, whether step or biological, should have the opportunity to have one-on-one time together if they so choose.
He may feel like it is a slight to his kids, but it really isn't. She may at another time want to take one of her step siblings with her.. Since the step siblings are much younger, it may be hard to find balance or a movie that all of them can see together, espeically if the movie was for the young teen crowd.
The age difference may not seem huge, but it is and interests are different and the older kids should not be obligated to always bring the younger ones.. I find this in biological siblings also.
Your DB is being too sensitive.
It would be a punishment to
It would be a punishment to force the two younger ones on her like that. Also, a movie that is appropriate for an 18 and 14 year old is much different than a movie for a 6 year old.
You just need to be firm with
You just need to be firm with Dh, that no, your kids see not obligated to take the skids along if they don't wish. Ask him, what movie exactly, did he think your 18 yr old was going to see, that he's expecting his 6 yr old to have gone to? I'm sure he wouldn't expect it to work in reverse, that everything the six yr old does, he will include your 18 yr old too? Or did he expect your kids to completely change their plans and sit through a Disney movie for the 6 yr old? My slides go to the movies with their dad all the time, and I stay with my bio. I see nothing wrong with it.... He has no need to be seeing the movies they go to.
Sounds like he's looking for a reason to complain.
I don't understand why they
I don't understand why they always think everything has to be equal. Does he not think that maybe when his oldest is able to drive, you might hand him the keys and some money to take his siblings out?
I should have been clearer.
I should have been clearer. He wanted her to take DSD-10 they were going to see a Rated R movie. I didn't tell him what type of movie because I didn't think it mattered. They wanted time to themselves. My arguement was we take his kids to do things all the time. Bios aren't interested in the things they like to do so they don't go. Skating, park etc.