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I'm "mean" just because I won't kiss SD7s a$$

snoopyinoz's picture

Ok for those who have read my blogs you know it's usually OSD that I have the issue with after they return from BMs. Not this time! It's SD7 who told me this morning I'm "mean" all because I refuse to kiss her ass. When they are at BMs SD7 can do no wrong. She gets away with everything. Lying stealing whatever you name it SD7 gets away with it and Sd11 gets blamed. (SD11 can be in another place and STILL get blamed) well today SD7 decided to start throwing shit all over her room and tried blaming SD11. I called BS because SD11 was outside the entire time. Well Iade SD7 clean up her mess and that's when she started in with the "your MEAN" whatever. Just because your expected to oh idk FOLLOW THE RULES here. I'm mean. Whatever. I refuse to kiss ass. Hers or anyone else's.


Annanymous's picture

I would have said what is mean is trashing a room and blaming someone else. I also like my old tried and true "you don't know what me being MEAN is YET, but I will be happy to show you if you don't drop the attitude".

I really am mean, though. Smile

Still Have Hope's picture

When skids used to call me "mean". I would reply "Yes and don't you forget it!"

mama_althea's picture

Lying to get the other kids in the house in trouble is one of the things that makes me maddest about SD.

I'm mostly disengaged when it comes to behavior, unless it is something literally dangerous or this lying to get the other kids in trouble. I haven't been told I'm mean yet, but I have received the Death Stare and the Stomp Off And Give Silent Treatment upon calling SD out on this. Guilty Daddy has also been told "Althea doesn't like me", I guess because I have caught her lying and let her know it. And it's not like I've done anything to her more than say "SD, I know the truth is XYZ" or "SD, stop lying". No yelling, no time-out, no consequence giving. Just calling her out on it. I mainly want the other kids to know that I know they didn't do whatever she is trying to get them in trouble for, and I don't want her to think I'm fooled.

I've told SO it's not that I don't like her (even though I don't), it's the behaviors I don't like. I doubt he's run back and told her that I'm not mean, I just don't think she should LIE. So she'll just go on thinking I'm mean because I'm the only one who doesn't think she should do whatever the hell she wants because her parents are divorced (sorry, I've known her for years before I got with SO...she was a lying brat even as a pre-schooler) or that because her mother doesn't correct her no one else should bother.