This is hard...I need some advice
Me and my partner we have 3 kids, mine, 4 years old, boy and her, twins, girls, 9 year old.
I swear at times we live in drama land.
We have been living together for a year, and dating for two.
I thought that after the first year, things would be easier, but that's not the case.
The twins are teaming up to tease Jake for any little thing, and Jake, doesn't miss a beat, as he can be super hot headed.
Every little thing is a problem now a days, Jake barely talks in front of them and if he does it's to dis-agree or be rude and the girls don't miss a chance to "correct" him or give him a hard time about whatever he is doing. Play doh, saying he is super man (yes, I actually have one of the twins coming up to him when he says that and saying "no, you are not"...which is true, but can you please, leave my son alone!!)
My partner is somewhat blinded with this, yes, my son can be a ROYAL PAIN IN THE BUTT, but so can be the girls. She doesn't see them "creating" drama, just defends them continuously for their actions. I think the girls are spoiled rotten, she thinks they are perfect. I think they can be extremely disrespectful, she thinks they are the best well behaved children ever.
Things are tense at home, I am not really sure the children will ever blend, not in their young years, maybe later in life.
I think my son is in disadvantage, because he is younger, I don't think he understands our family or even who they are at times. And I understand the girls frustrations at times, His behavior changes when the girls are around, he roars like a lion, doesn't talk, acts completely immature, doesn't listen. It's a completely different child.
I do think the girls take advantage of his behavior and push him even more to misbehaving and teasing him.
Does anybody out there has a blended family with no kids together of your own?