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Fair Discipline

hey-big-momma's picture

How are step parents able to be "fair" in conflicts between siblings?

Here's the story. A few minutes ago my BS6 was playing with a bat that the neighbor kids let him borrow/have. I am still unclear about that detail. My son made a comment that he was going to put the bat away. My SS13 decided to take it away and throw it over the neighbors fence. Of course, then my BS6 started crying. That's when I went outside to see what was going on. So the story I'm gathering is coming from the two boys. They both agreed to what happened, but my SS13 did not know for sure if the neighbor kids actually gave BS6 the bat. They trade toys all the time, so I didn't see an issue. Overall, I pretty much told SS13 that I felt he was trying to provoke BS6. (We've had issues like this before.) So was it fair to send SS13 to his room? It seems that ss13 tries to purposely try to get my son in trouble. Especially since we are going camping this weekend. They were told if they misbehaved, they wouldn't be able to go...

I'm not trying to be petty, nor am I complaining. I want honest opinions of how any of you would handle situations like this....since they tend to happen often with both of them.

Orange County Ca's picture

So the bat could have been returned to its rightful owners - the neighbors. Sounds like you'll have to get the details first. Hope it wasn't a blind throw - i.e. he could see the bat would not land on someone over there.

Orange County Ca's picture

Oh I'd bet money the older boy was bullying and hey life isn't fair and you can't get away with anything anymore. Pffft

bug3211's picture

SS13 did the right thing by returning the bat to its rightful owners so he thought. The only way to know for sure is to question the neighbor kids and find out if in fact they gave that bat to your bs.