Cell phone for SD??
I have gotten very good advice so far from all the wonderful people in this site so...I am going to see if anyone can give me some advice on this topic....
My dh has a 50/50 split with "the one who must not be named" :)...it is common sense that on his "off weeks" he wishes to speak with his DD and vice versa. Well the problem strides when my SD is with her BM. The BM refuses to let my DH talk with his daughter throughout the week. It is always something ranging from my SD being "sick", BM's phone has no mins, BM is at work, or better yet BM wants to talk to my husband before he gets to talk with his daughter...it is a mess.
So last week, he proposed, to me, that he thinks that him and BM should go in together on a cell phone. This way his DD is allowed and able to speak with him when he calls. This also works for when my SD is with us. We are not always home and it is extremely difficult to plan our evenings around BM obnoxious schedule for calling. She sees her more than we do as the 50/50 split is fully in effect until the summer. Right now it is he gets her the second half of every other week. So for the last half if the week I must have my step daughter subjected to interigation and obsenities then try to still go about my regular business and by chance if we aren't home BM blows up our personal cell phones all night.
My DH has tried and tried to make everything as painless as possible for her and does apologize for not always having daughter home when BM wants to call but to no avai. So in retaliation BM makes SD unavailable for him the whole following week.
I personally think the phone is a good idea for both houses. This way child is able to communicate with non-custodial parent during the week. However when they first split up my DH tried to get a phone just to communicate with his daughter...and BM ran up a huge bill calling everybody she had ever known (even passed it off as her phone to her new bf. She couldn't afford one ). The bill was around $500.00. I wasn't around to give him the WTF face before he did somethi.g stupid..lol :). My only concern is that BM is pissed and goes against everything my DH takes to her about compromising. It is her way with him...or no way at all!! All because she is bitter. He has half cocked brought the idea to her and she has stated "she is not taking money out of her pocket for him to talk to his daughter". It is $10.00 a month!!! Yet she expects him to pay for everything since he no longer pays child support....wrong!!
Any other suggestions in order for my DH to talk with his daughter? We have tried the same tomes/days, emailing every Sunday the week before..everything. We even went as far as contempt in court nothing phases her!! Any suggestions about bringing the cell phone up. BTW- I found a great carrier for this type of situation a cell phone for kids of divorce. You can't go over on mins you can't call numbers unless they are programed in via the internet, silent/off during certain times ect. So...???
I would say......I've been
I would say......I've been thinking about the delima of the difficulty in contacting dd that we both have. there are many times that you call and we aren't home, or have the phone available. By getting her a cell we will ensure that both parents have contact.
I've found this great carrier- blah blah blah......
Turn it into her idea, a way to benefit her! Not him. But be prepared that the BM might take the phone away from her during the week she is with BM. And if she does I would hit her with contempt again show proof that you provided a cell for contact and make it mandatory at certain times every week your husband has access to his daughter.
Why do parents do this....really? Who really pays the price for the pettiness?
I would say......I've been
I would say......I've been thinking about the delima of the difficulty in contacting dd that we both have. there are many times that you call and we aren't home, or have the phone available. By getting her a cell we will ensure that both parents have contact.
I've found this great carrier- blah blah blah......
Turn it into her idea, a way to benefit her! Not him. But be prepared that the BM might take the phone away from her during the week she is with BM. And if she does I would hit her with contempt again show proof that you provided a cell for contact and make it mandatory at certain times every week your husband has access to his daughter.
Why do parents do this....really? Who really pays the price for the pettiness?
We did this with BOTH my
We did this with BOTH my skids. They each have a phone. BM takes SSs away and when SD was going for the weekends she would not let her bring it. But you can bet your butt that BM likes to call the skids on them when they are with us. We also pay for them in FULL, we never asked her for a dime.
Speaking from experience
Speaking from experience here, don't put them on your plan, buy them a prepaid phone if they must have a phone. Then there are no overage charges, no early termination fees and no expensive replacement costs when they lose it or break it.