Can't stand my stepson
I'm very glad I found this site because I thought I was the only one who felt like this. My stepson is 8, me and his dad have been together since he was 1. When we first got together I did like him and did not feel this way although I have never loved him. Me and my husband have 2 of our own children. Our son is six and our daughter is 3. As soon as I had our own son I started noticing my feelings toward his son had changed. I don't love his son, and I don't even like calling him my stepson. I wish he wasn't apart of our family and that we never had to see him. I've started my Christmas shopping and I can't even bring myself to buy him anything because I hate wasting my money on this kid.
Any advice?
Welcome! And don't beat
Welcome! And don't beat yourself up for having these feelings. Being in a step family is truly an UNnatural situation. All that can be expected and SHOULD be expected is mutual respect, not drooling, giddy, googely eyed family LUUUUUUV.
Just for second imagine your kids in your stepson's situation
Some people don't like dogs and can't share home with dogs, some people can't stand cats and some people can't stand other people's kids. That is (some) human nature. But, if you are one of those people why you married a guy with a kid in the first place?
Now, just for a second think that something happened to you and then your husband marries a new wife who can't stand the idea to feed your kids, who can't stand them - because she needs to spend some money on them. Imagine their life without you in the picture (your husband has a specific taste in woman) Well....not pleasant, right? I was to be married to a guy similar to you - thank God that I don't have kids with that (kind of) person and I could divorce him. That is the best thing that I did in my life.
Have his dad buy his gifts. I
Have his dad buy his gifts. I know it sucks, but he DOES exist. Or, you could just get him a $20 or under gift, then you won't have spent alot on him and he won't have to feel unloved on Christmas. Does he live with you full-time?
BRich, I really don't know
BRich, I really don't know what to say but it bothers me when you say you wish he wasn't part of the family. He was there before you, your husbands first born. I have 3 kids of my own and my fiance and I have one on the way. We have our issues but damn. All the kids should be treated equal.
Get what your saying but my
Get what your saying but my step son is the biggest Norse IV ever known and every single day I wake up miserable because he just makes my blood boil in an instant . Not capable of doing the most simple of tasks costing me money by not looking after anything and he's got the personality of his sperm donor who's not on the scene and IV had enough I'd rather leave my wife and not deal with him than stick around and be miserable for the next 10 years until I can tell him to piss off
Going through the same story here !!!
I am going through the same story. I hate my life every day i wake up because i know he will do or say something to piss me off or to just basicly mess up my day!
My step son is 8. He started to live with my husband and since since last year after a court order. I can't say that my life was perfect before him but probably months into, i hated and still hate every day when i wake up because everything he does is annoying and selfish and mean. I had a baby with my husband in July 2020 and i am trying yo focus more on my baby so i won't pay attention to what my ss8 does. We have to tell him every day what to do even if he does the same chores Monday-Friday, he still skips things or pretend like he forgets to do something. I've been around children since i was 16 and took care of some of my cousins (3 months and up) but this boy is one of the most annoying kid i ever seen. He lies about his homework, he is a very disrespectful student in class with his teacher, he is verry needy and he would follow his dad every freaking where for the attention i think or i don't know what is it but is very very frustating to see it. My husband u derstands where i am coming from or why i feel what i feel but he also believes that i have no mercy or love for this kid. I have mercy for him but i can't stand the way he acts every day and the way he pretends like he forgets to do thing and the way he talks on and on and on all day non important thing. He likes to play the victim role with other family members and he does gets pitty from them and hugs and kisses and stuff but the minute he is with me only, he is an asshole!!! I know we are talking about an 8 years old byt i was 8 once and all of us were 8 and i know what i knew at that age and i also know that i can't take it anymore! I was about to leave frw days ago and i got that far to even talk with a lawyer and look out there to see what chances i have to survive on my own with my 8 months old son. I am from Romania and came in the United States almost 9 years ago. I have no family or friends in here. The only friend i have is my sister in law but i can't really tell her what i'm going through because this is her nephew!! My husband went through my phone and searched the histiry so this is how he found out that i was looking for optio s out of the marriage and that i was looking for a legal separation based on my searches on google. He said to not do this and to stay with him and work on it and that i should have more patience with his son and just to chill!! You can't chill and have patience when this is what u are supposed to live with for another 10 years. In the past year since this kid came in our life, he did verry little improvement on his behaviour but the minute he is out, he switch 180 degrees and become an instant JERK because his dad is not around to smack him. I am tired of feeling this way, it feels like i am getting crazy and i have no focus on future or no plans because this kid will be here fir another 10 years!! I tried my best. I did homework with him every day for 4 or 5 hours for the entire summer whike i was pregnant. He did not know how to count, he did not know how to read an electronic watch, he did not know his birthday or basic shit that usualy kids know at the age of 4 or 5 .... both my husband and i worked hard with him. He does good with school but his attitude is pathetic, arogant and annoying!!! When his dad is around he is perfect but if he is not around he is evil. And even with his dad around sometime he pretends like he forgets to do basic shit he's been doing for the past year since he live with us. I can't and i don't want to live my life like this just for the sake of offering his son's a safe place !! I know i'm not going to stay too long and i wish i would have the answer or a path what to do but right now This Is It and i have a hard time to do things different in a way to help me menthaly and have a peacefull life. I totally u derstand my husband because is his kid but i have no obligation toward him but only for my son. Is hard and complicate for outside people to understand the reason why you left your husband is because of his 8 year d son as long as u are not in that spot to feel and see every day how pathetic your life can get. It affects me a lot and i can't focus to take care of my child the way i should... It got to the point where i can't even stand this kid's voice or his fake laugh .... It doesn't matter how much i try, i can't do it anymore because it gets worse every day.
I can really really feel you
I can really really feel you although i was not as deep as you. I was dating a girl with a 5 years old son which i think i ve never hated a kid as much as this one. The biggest attention seeker i ve ever seen in my life. He is crying, he is stressing up so easily, he cant go to sleep alone, he loves to be fed, he wants to be with his mom 24/24 trying to get her attention and the worst thing of all is that he cant shut it he is literally talking aaaall day and this was driving me crazy. But the truth is that its his mother actions that led him to be like this. I couldnt imagine even in my worst dreams to live a life like this. I loved her so much i was trying for months to cope with it but i couldnt do it. I sad and we had only a few good moments with her in 10 months because of this kid.We were living in separate appertments 20 mins with train. But we decided to break because we had to live someday together but i couldnt even imagine living a miserable life with this kid for at least 12-13 years. Before we broke the only thing that i could think of is to move in her area but to rent a cheap room just for me to have a way out of this paranoia. So my advice is (I know its not the best option and it might sound stupid but i cant find anything else) If you want to do it and if you dont want to break up just move out and rent a cheap appartment close to your husbands home. It sounds impossible but other than that you can only break up. The faster you break the better will be because you have so many years before he leaves the house and you are gonna end up with depression if you stay with this kid. Just imagine him being a teenager which is the most difficult years in our life. I wish i helped you and i trully wish the best for you because i can understand of what you are going throw
She's just being honest. You
She's just being honest. You don't have step kids so maybe it triggers you because you're worried your fiancé will start to feel that way once she has her own bio. I also feel like life would be easier if my SD didn't exist. I would never say it out loud but it's truly the way I feel. I'm not saying I don't care about her but to not have to deal with her BM or the horrible way she parents SD, to have all of our resources (financial) go to the children we have together... yup that would make life easier.
Could you please explain more
Could you please explain more as to why you don't like him.
You don't have to love him..but what is it about him that you don't like?
I agree that his dad should
I agree that his dad should be buying the gifts.
I think what you're feeling is pretty normal. It is difficult to like someone else's kids. Especially when they totally disrupt your life. You can start out w/the best of intentions and hope that you feel love/connection with this child, but it is nearly impossible to reach that feeling. That's my experience anyway.
Ok, so my boyfriend and I
Ok, so my boyfriend and I have been together 2 years, he only has his son about every other weekend until his mother decided she did not want him any longer. We have a place together and his son who is 7 (I have a 7 year old son as well) has been nothing but a challenge
We never have alone time as we have no help with his son, he used to pee his bed every night and lie about it until I threatened to leave and his dad had a talk with him. My son shares a room with him keep In mind. I was cleaning their room one day and guess what I found under my sons bed? Underwear with shit in it, guess whose they were. He has horrible manners and never stops talking or jumping around. He's rude and whiney and likes to call people out and make them argue. He is an asshole to my son most of the time guessing bc he is jealous. The problem is, I take him to school every day and keep track of his schedule more than his father does. I am just tired of parenting him I don't feel it's my responsibility. I don't want to take him to school anymore bc he doesn't listen on the mornings, then I have to let his father know when he is about out of lunch money and I have to email his daycare letting them know when he'll be there for the week. I work full time and so does his dad. I have my son part time. I just feel like I doing all this for nothing, no thank you's, no rewards, no happiness for meat all. I just feel bad bc his mom left, but that's not my problem.
I feel your pain
I also have been with my husband for 2 years. And he has his son who I've been in the picture since he was 2 and is now 4 and he behaves the same exact way he has behaved since his mom stepped out of the picture a little over a year ago. We had no idea she would just up and leave and she was doing drugs heavily when he was around. I was also 6 months pregnant when she decided to just drop him on us and not even bother with him anymore and this is the second child she's just abandoned over drugs.
I gave birth last november to my son and then had to stay home full time and watch both. I wasnt eating, sleeping, or taking care of myself and no one was helping. My husband would work late into the night and then I would try to spend time with him only to get backlash for me trying to express how hard things were at home when he was away. Our marriage was/is feeling like it is failing because this child is unruling. He whines complains and is a tyrant. And is even mean to the baby. I do not like how demanding he becomes when it is about something I do NATURALLY! My husband and my SS mom never paid attention to him. They sat him infront of a TV to go smoke pot and spend time with each other or friends. My SS 4 does not speak properly. His mom knew that and didn't even bother to get him the help he needed. I found out 2 months ago she did heroin in the early stages of her pregnancy and i keep asking my husband what else she did because there is something neurologically wrong with this child. But with the simplest of tasks as turning on his light, putting his clothes on, putting shoes on it's an attempt to drive me up the wall and make me lose every bit of sanity I have.
I worked in childcare for 5 years and i knew what i would be faced with when dealing with my own child(so i thought) with my son it comes pretty easy i know how babies work but i also know how three and four year olds work too. And this child even with the issues knows exactly what he is doing and what buttons he is pushing by doing the things he does. Dad, doesn't think so. For a long time his dad was saying,"Oh he doesn't know he's not that smart." But gives examples of how he can take apart and out things together like it's nothing. The child is intelligent and knows that but disobeys and misbehaves on purpose. Most kids want the good attention and praise and he just wants the negative. He wants someone to lose their mind and become angry. And that's what happens every single day.
The more I go through this the more I feel like I'm at my waist end and just want to be done in my marriage I feel so isolated and so alone most days that I just turn into and emotionless pit.
Every single thing he does he has to be told to do it. Everything whether its using the bathroom, playing with toys, eating his food, putting on his clothes, picking up after himself. EVERYTHING! 1 1/2 year old have to be told these things not a 4 year old who KNOWS these things. I'm tired of all the attention seeking behavior because even the baby who is now 10 months old can play independently, sleep independently, and do for himself INDEPENDENTLY. I get more on the four year old than I have to do the baby at this point. But he respects no one. And demands everything. The baby doesn't even have toys of his own because my SS believes everything belongs to him. He would go into my husband and I's bedroom and take MY things and destroy them. He destroys his own toys and then wants to come and take the babies toys for his own. Or will sit there and stare at me with a smile flat across his face when I'm telling him to do something and not do it. This child is not dumb. May not speak a lick but his actions speak louder than words could ever and those words are," I don't want you here." And I'm at that point now where I don't really want to be here.
Everyone babies him like it's ok and no one treats his as a person which is how you treat children when they are not babies. I even talk to the baby like a person. That's not all sweet ooey gooey talking it's as if I'm having a real conversation. I cant do that with my SS he cuts me off and talks above me even though it is gibberish.
It's not my fault his mom left. It's not my fault he was neglected but everyday I feel like every is looking at me badly for trying to correct the behavior and I'm at that point where it will never be corrected and this is who he is and will always be. A selfish, self centered, ungrateful little boy. Because even at times his dad acts the exact same way so I don't know if this is really worth the frustration I feel on a daily basis. His dad comes from work and does not want to interact with either of the children. And I'm still the one who is parenting. I'm still the one watching them and taking care of them. I feel like I'm taking care of three kids instead of 2.
Everyday I take my SS to the bus and then get him off the bus. I make breakfast and lunch on the day he is off of school but for some time to myself I have to pry my husband from the bed to get him to take care of his son. He has gotten to the point as well where he believes his behavior is unruling but when i would Express it would tell me I'm not doing enough when i was able to get him into therapy school and daycare without his help. I have done so much for this child and everyone believes I'm not doing anything to help and i need to do more and by everyone i mean my own mother. Expects the world out of me to be perfect and can not simply see that this situation is not like any other i have encountered in my life.
It's a lot and I do apologize but needed to vent and relate and hopefully someone can relate to me
I feel the same way!!!!
Both my boys ss and ds both 11years old. And we have his full time, I do almost ALL of the parenting bc hubby working a lot during this pandemic. Although ss has been getting slightly better he still an obnoxious little spoiled shit! It's like when it seems like he's getting better with his behavior and selfish ways BOOM he does something like today he smacked my 6yo so hard he left a hand print and has no remorse for it and is like he came at me. Like WTF! And everyday I despise him more and more, cause he is just so annoying, like he's aggressive with his presence, like has to be in control or in the room with you, has something to say about everything, needs the last word, thinks he's hilarious, smart mouth. I want to love him but it's getting very hard. I tell myself just gotta be consistent with punishment and pray he gets with the program. It's only been a couple of months we've been living together but it is very very overwhelming, and I'm worried it's going to put a strain on my marriage bc I'm constantly composing or venting about his behavior, so I've actually started to only say important stuff and also add good stuff he does cause I don't want hubby to be frustrated with me.
Hello! Hey BRich, I feel your
Hello! Hey BRich, I feel your pain!! I sought out a chat group this morning because I don't like my soon to be step child at all, he really annoys the hell out of me! I feel like a shitty person for feeling this way but I get where you are coming from. I've read psychology articles about not loving your step children like your own and it's ok, it's hard to bond with them as a mother, I get that too, but I literally get super annoyed with him and sometimes lash out at him which makes me feel even worse! I have two kids of my own, a son who is 12 and a daughter who is 18, It's not like I don't know how to parent or like I don't already have patience for kids, I do, I've raised my two pretty much on my own, my son has ADHD and has been a complete polar opposite of his sister, he has presented himself to be a challenge to raise. I thought I could handle any ones kid after raising my own but my 6 year old step son takes the cake!
Why he annoys me I think a lot has to do with when he first came into my life. He was in protective custody because of his BM, who failed him greatly and was removed from the home and the care of his father. Didn't need to happen like that but sometimes the system is very flawed and children suffer because of it! (Another topic for a different day!) I started dating his Father in middle of this so I hadn't met him until months after when his Father was then able to have home visitations. He seemed fine for the most part but would have these violent outbursts of screaming and crying. My first morning I had without his Father, it was just me, my two kids and him. He got up and wanted cereal for breakfast, ok no problem right! Oh no!! Turned into a complete freak out!! I had poured his cereal and sat it down in front of him, he slid it away saying "I don't want it!" I just stood at the counter looking at him for a moment and I said to him, " You asked for it, why do you now not want it?" , He says "No!" so I go over to grab it and he perks up and grunts at me. So I put it back on the table and he slides it away again and starts crying and screaming like a wild child. I was in shock, my anxiety level shot to the roof and I began to shake. All I could do was to turn around and just let him scream. So he did and it went on and until he got up out of his chair and pushed me because I wasn't acknowledging him. Both my kids blazed into their rooms because they couldn't handle the screaming he was doing, in fact my son asked him to stop several times. Finally he did but damn I was a wreck!! For the most part he was fine, but something like the "cereal episode" would ignite this "Freak Out Mode" the more he did it the more I distanced myself from him. I started to dread his visits, some weekends his Father would work so it would be just us! It was almost unbearable! Eventually his Father gained custody, his freak outs became less and less (Thank goodness) and eventually his Father and I's relationship progressed and they both moved in a year ago. It has presented its challenges! The 6 year old cries like he's been beaten over everything which makes my SO instantly think his son had been purposely hurt when he hasn't he just cries a lot. The 6 year old still wet's the bed at night and thinks that because he wears a diaper to bed and his bed is dry that he didn't wet the bed. He has actually woke up with a full diaper and has said to me he didn't wet the bed. So I know he thinks that it's ok to pee in his diaper which annoys me! My son was made to share his room with the 6 year old which he was and still is not happy about! Even though he doesn't freak out like he did in the beginning, he acts very bratty towards me and my children. Very mouthy and argumentative. He antagonizes my 12 year old simply because he can, which upsets my son who is very outward when he is upset as well. At times it has resulted in my son hitting or pushing his son. That has also gotten better but the 6 year old still antagonizes my son and when my son becomes upset, he ends up being the one yelled at to calm down instead of the 6 year old for being the antagonizer. My argument with that is I feel both children should be held accountable for both of their parts in creating the situation, however my SO feels differently and never addresses that fact that his son purposefully antagonizes, in fact he excuses and denies his behavior because he is only 6 and claims he is too little to know how to manipulate. And that the real issues is my son putting his hands on his kid or getting upset! Totally disagree!! This kid manipulates for one thing, attention! I believe it all stems from his mother and her neglect. He only acts out when his Dad is either out of earshot or not home, so his Father hears my issues with his son after the fact and doesn't actually witness it. In fact his Father points out all the time how wonderful his son behaves at daycare and school, and when his friends take him for the night he is always well behaved, but with me and my children he is bratty and seems to cause conflict! Which causes me to be annoyed with his "cuteness" when he lays it on thick, ugh! Or when he rubs his head on me like a cat becuase he wants my affection. The frustrating part is, his Father is a very good parent and has helped a lot with my own son and his challenges, but I feel he allows his 6 year old to get away with things that he doesn't allow my 12 year old to do. For example, whining or complaining when he is asked to do something. The 6 year old will pitch a fit whine and cry when told to go to bed without being told to stop, but when my 12 year old tries to argue he is instantly put in his place and told to stop or there will be a consequence! This really bothers me because I feel like the 6 year get's away with misbehaving. We have actually fought about this a few times but it doesn't seem to change. I mean he get's on his 6 year old for sure when needed just as he does with my 12 year old son, but I feel like there are things he just seems to overlook.
So last night I had to run to the store, I took both of the boys with me, instantly when I said to the 6 year old "We need to go to the store", he starts whining and throwing a fit about why does he have to go to the store.. "Whawhawhawhawhaaaa!" We get there and he want's a cookie, ok so we get a cookie, then he whines because my son took two and he got one. I just wanted to get done and get home, then my son acts up and starts freaking out because we were "touching" the cart. Ugh! So the 6 year old immediately starts twirling and bringing his hand within mm of the cart just to tease my 12 year old, so I stop him and say stand here (in front of me) while I check out and don't look at my 12 year old and my 12 year old not to look at or talk to the 6 year old. Even eye contact sometimes between the two of them can cause an argument! Of course the 6 year old keeps turning around so I say to him turn around, he then decides to walk away, I grab him and say no you were told to stay here until we check out. We get done and turn to walk out, I turn around and see the 6 year old still standing at the register. I look at him and say let's go! He stands there looking at me and says "You told me to stay here!" I was like dude, were done, let's go! So he does but he walks really slow all they way out to the car. Ugh, it was all I could do to not get so mad at the way he was acting!
This morning I asked him if he brushed his teeth, he just stares at me so I asked again and he says "Nooo!" I was like really are you being mouthy again! He goes in the bathroom and the states "Oh, I did brush my teeth." So I told him to just go get in the car, grrr!!
I can go on and on with examples but I won't you get the idea. On the way to work I was so frustrated and I began to think maybe it's me!? Maybe it's the fact I can't stand him that makes him act the way he does?! Why does he relentlessly tease my 12 year old? Just to be fair, my 12 year old has issues of his own! Like I said before he's been my challenge child, he has ADHD, he's bossy, weird about things like people touching the cart at the store, or people talking over or touching his food or plate. He will literally refuse to eat. He's got some weird hang ups (phobias) and definitely get's upset very easily which has been frustrating for my SO. He's head strong and argumentative as well. In fact one of the things me and the SO agree on is that both boys try to boss the other which almost always ends in a confrontation. They spend a lot of time separated into different rooms of the house!
Geesh, that is a lot said!! I feel better venting! I guess I want to figure out how to not dislike my step child!? Will it ever change will I always feel this way about him?
I just can’t stand my step
I just can’t stand my step son anymore he is driving me crazy ! I have never seen anyone like that in my life at7 years hold hens the king of nanipulation, he lies all the time and about everything. In school and at the after school his behavior has gone wild ! He has no respect, he acts all cute and innocent in front of family members and others ! Ioday i brought him to work with me and he started acting up crying screaming because he didn’t want to do his home work . For my in lows family Im mean to the kid I don’t treat him good! They are all hypocrites they don’t even know who he is .... what kills me it’s his father rewarding him after bad behaviors he puts a shame on our family and my husbands says he is just a child !!!!! And he tried punishments nothing worked so he is going to only keep on talking to him. I just don’t want him anymore in my life ! I have a 2 years old boy I don’t want him copy .i am suffering in my marriage just because of him . I am not happy and I know if he is not with us anymore his father won’t be happy neither . I feel like leaving both of them and taking my 2 years old with me. I don’t know how much longer I could take it. My stepson biological mother is remarried with child . She is just like him manipulators liées.....
Hi, sorry to hear you going
Hi, sorry to hear you going through that. I have a similar situation with my husbands 8yo son however he is only with us overnight every fortnight for one night - used to be weekly but I stopped that as I started working full time after our second baby. Anyway, unfortunately I feel the same about the son. I used to have a soft spot, and do a lot of extras for him but have stopped because he started some behaviours that I am really against and had a lot of anxiety about it rubbing off on my 5yo daughter. I cannot say the son is super wild, but does lie and knows to manipulate, and hears a lot of negativity from his mum about us who he lives with full time. There is no custody arrangement thank god. Since my son was born I feel the same way, I just want to stay away from the 8yo boy and have my own family bubble with my husband and 2 kids. He gets very jealous and treats my daughter like he’s “the cool older brother” and feels he should get every single thing she gets. I hate this.. because he has a mother to do everything for him, and when I used to go above and beyond it was all for nothing.
People mistake "love" as a
People mistake "love" as a feeling... or grammatically as a noun. Love is in all truth a verb and not a noun. If one takes the actions of love the feelings will grow.
That said.... love is also earned by action. So, take the actions of caring for your Skid and in all likelihood the feelings of love toward him will grow. He of course must also take the actions of caring for you and demonstrate love to you as a reciprocal to your demonstration of love towards him.
For me that meant engaging with my Skid, doing things with him, coaching his teams, teaching him to tie his shoes, ride his bike, to read, to use the toilet, attend his school events, etc, etc, etc....... With those actions of love, the feelings grew.
I knew that in order to live my life with the woman I love I would have to embrace her son..... so I chose to raise him as my own. 21 years after I made that commitment to my bride and to my Skid I was awarded with proof that my commitment to be this young boys dad was appreciated. His mom and I met and started dating when he was 15mos old, we married the week before he turned 2yo. A few months before he turned 23yo he asked me to adopt him. We made that happen in short order and he now wears our family name on his USAF uniform. He will turn 26yo a week after his mom and I celebrate our 24th anniversary later this year. On our anniversary we also celebrate our anniversary as the three Musketeers and our 24th anniversary as a family.
So, I recommend that you consider taking the actions of love in order to have a chance for the feelings of love to grow.
It has worked well for us.
Not sure this is a one size fits all situation
I have a step father and I adore him. He didn't try to be a dad, but he was there for me and he cared about my well-being. That was all I needed to make him part of the family. I also have a stepson and I, too, decided that I would care for his well-being as if he were my own. While we don't have a bad relationship, his birthparent gave him no attention or discipline or guidance in his life. He is 11 now and very unappreciative and very lazy, he loses everything because he doesn't value what it took to buy those things for him. I've tried my best, but my word means nothing and his bioparent is the only one who has any influence on him and of course....does absolutely nothing. Pretty sure they never wanted to be a parent and got the chance not to be when I walked in and started trying my hardest to be half of the team. I don't even try anymore. It makes no difference. He is grumpy and complained everywhere fun I took him, even when every other kid was having the time of their life, he just wants to sit in his stuffy room and play video games, forever. I used to try so hard to give him variety in life and encourage him and take him places. Give him healthy food, engage his interests, talk to him like a person and be intersted in his life. He resisted it all and just wanted to watch youtube. There were glimpses when he came out of his shell and I thought I was getting somewhere, but then biodad got a new girl pregnant and they are toxic and he's shut down and thinks of his father as a God and everything anyone else says is a lie if it contradicts his father. Which his dad tells him some messed up stuff, like you train a dog to listen by hitting it in the face. And they have a total domestic vioelnce relationship over there. The intensity in his other household has warped his already bull-headed and neagtive focused personality. So I have checked out. I feel bad, but I have come to the realization I cannot change anything in this household. It is not something I have the power to change. Why should I? Why try to change someone's nature? He's a selfish, stubborn little asshole. Just like his bioparents. I was tought to appreciate the things my single mother gave me, or maybe I just did because I was smart and understood what it cost her. I've always been a pretty empathetic and intelligent person. So this kid and I, never going to really understand each other because he does not have a sympathetic/empathetic/non-selfish bone in his body no matter what I do. Beauce I am not his parent, and only a parent can truly help shape their child into a good person. I think you, like my stepdad, got lucky and met a woman who was a good mother so you didn't have the trouble with the stepkid that other people on this site face. It's never the kid's fault, it's the parents, and being the step "parent" who has to deal with it all is no joke.
Totally agree
I totally understand the frustration. Is a hard place to be and step children are especially ungrateful and rude. Is harder to be an stepmother than a stepfather. We mothers really educate our children to be respectful and greatful with step parents. Unfortunatelly it does no seem to happen with fathers. Plus the influence of natural mothers against stepmother is a big factor. It is really depressive.