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bm sent sd to snoop's picture

BM told her 8 yr old daughtrr to come into our house and start snooping around. She starting rooting through our papers and was told to stop and eventually said she was told to look for contact numbers. Bm is a little sneak. The funny thing is no one holds SD accountable. Only blames BM for step daughters behavior.

Jellybeam's picture

Lock it up. That's what I've had to do. I am going to get cameras too so SD's dad will believe me.

herewegoagain's picture

Ah, yes, I remember the days. Of course DH denied it. Once we picked up loser and as we were taking her home she said "I need your address". When DH asked her what for she said "so she could write to him." I told DH, "no, she is being told to do this...she has NEVER written you, heck, she doesn't even answer your calls...this is for crazy witch". He didn't listen. About 4 mos later he was being taken to CS by crazy witch. Yep, it seems he didn't listen and went right along with it.

PS - for anyone who thinks that crazy should have had our address, she got her CS through the courts, never late and skid never really came to our house at all as we lived out of the country...AND BM would NOT give DH HER address...go figure.'s picture

Oh i guess she was rooting through his truck looking for info. He can t ream out the mother as she and him have no communication. She us a crazy witch whom uses those kids and upsets them to disrupt our lives. We are all her pawns. And SD is so badly brainwashed by her. I fear for the future.
He does not and will never hold her accountable. He eternally blames the mother. She will never learn how to be respectful and how to be accountable for her own behavior. I shudder at the years to come.