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bm going on vacation..I just want to cry

Katie8's picture

That means SS7 is here 24/7 for 8 days. But I've made it clear I am not watching him...dh took him to his sisters this am because he's working and after the last time when he told me he was taking him and left him here and snuck out while I was sleeping...he asked if he needs to find a sister....and I was solo clear..that door is closed..never again. Does anyone else feel this gets here Friday and I'm miserable and bitchy until he goes home Sunday...sigh I hate him here..wish that dh could just spend time elsewhere with him...but he's here 5 days week 1, 3 days week two..rotating.

kellyyy's picture

I couldn't do it. I would get my own apartment or something. I can't stand being around skids eow. I could not handle 50/50.

Generic's picture

I would be afraid to leave my child with someone who resents them. What are these DHs thinking? That their perfect children will just win everyone over and live happily ever after? Can these fathers just not admit to themselves that nobody is going to love them like they do? They are lucky that their children are even tolerated!

random169's picture

I have skids 24/7 360..... I wish that someone other than ex would take them for a weekend once a month. I would love to spend time with just my wife. By now vaca is over and I assume you made it.