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BM called the police on DH

confusedsm03's picture

It's not in custody but every other Wednesday SS4 goes to MIL's house. DH usually gets him back to BM around 6pm. MIL couldn't take SS today. DH leaves for work early and SS is a little sick so he decided to just leave him here with me. DH never mentioned it to BM figuring she's not supposed to have him anyway. DH calls me and says BM is calling the police bc she called MIL and SS wasn't there. She sent him numerous threatening messages about calling the police and "WHERE IS MY SON" messages. DH called her after he finished work and basically told her where the f*** do you think he is? I'm a SAHM and we never leave our kids anywhere. She flipped out. BM told DH she had called hte cops and his parents weren't aloud to see him anymore. That DH is irresponsible, etc. The whole 9. It was ridiculous. DH bends over backwards for her. He picks up and drops off SS all over the place bc she is never home. The other day he sat and waited for her to get home (which she didn't tell him she wasn't home). He never ever complains to her about it. I must admit that I do complain bc I think it's crap. ONE TIME DH didn't tell her SS was staying here with me and his brother, she freaks out. I can't wait for this to go to court, bc it will. SS has been in our care every other Wednesday for 3 years even though it's not in custody. I guess the police wanted nothing to do with it bc BM showed up here and took SS. She wasn't rude to me at all but I made sure my neighbor, who is a cop, was outside with me. I hope now DH sees her true colors a little more and stops going out of his way for her. If she was really worried about her son OR if she claims that SS was supposed to be back per the custody (by 8am) then why did she wait until 3:45 to call? This is our first psycho blow out with her. I knew she had it in her from the stories DH has shared lol. I would love to hear a judge's opinion on this. Considering on Sunday she told me she didn't even know where SS was going on Monday while she worked. She takes him everywhere and leaves him with anyone yet DH is irresponsible for leaving him here with his home, where he spends 40% of his life.

Lauren1438's picture

shame on you. Taking care of a sick child how dare you....I don't get these BM's it is stupid we are HELPING THEM RAISE THEIR KID! just document everything, believe me it pays off when you have detailed records of every date and incident with the BM, oh and if you can if anything does happen that is BAD get witness statements (even if it was someone walking by or working at a store she tracked you down at); with their name, number and address and what they saw. Trust me it helps Our BM cant come 1000 feet near my place of work, person or car.

dreamingofhappiness's picture

Look for a little clause that says "First Right of Refusal" in the paperwork.

If that statement is not there, the BM has no right calling the cops on you for having the ss with you without him being home. I have just been through this with BM... needless to say, chaulk 1 up for SM!!!!

oneoffour's picture

Well obviously she is a nut.
However... a word of warning.. the judge will go by the word of the law and CO. If this is her CO time then she makes the call who is watching her son.
Get some evidence in order to prove she has consistently left SS with you on her custody time.
A couple of questions... why didn't she call you to find out if you knew where SS is/was?
She couldn't get in touch with DH so she should have tried you next. Although as this legally IS BMs time someone should have shot her a text (just to CYA)telling her where SS was until she wanted to pick him up.

Still, the woman may have given you a big gift .... your DH sees her true colours and may hold her a little further at arms length.

Doubletakex3's picture

I SO get how you feel. BM here took us to court after I took care of the 3 skids while FDH was on life support and BM was in the hospital too! Kids refused to go with BM's friend they didn't know for the weekend to go sightseeing out of state. Instead of a thank you note for stepping up (for three weeks) bitch files a motion to show cause! Even the judge gave me props.

It sounds like this all went down on DH's time; if so, it's up to him who the kid stays with if there's no right of first refusal. Hopefully, DH is all the more wiser over the incident. My experience is that the cops won't interfere unless the child is in danger.

confusedsm03's picture

According to the custody agreement, it was HER time but every other Wednesday for the past 3 years he has been with MIL. He has stayed here when he was sick and MIL didn't want him, he has been here when MIL was sick and he couldn't go, etc. She has NEVER had an issue with him staying here before. She drops him off to me when she needs to do something or he is sick (when she was working). It's really never been a big deal. Sure, DH should have said something to her I guess but I think he is tired of explaining his every move to her when it is HIS son too. She doesn't tell him anything, never has. She says what happens on her time isn't our business and vice versa. If she needed SS early today, she could have just called DH and told him that. Once she found out he wasn't with MIL, she could have called me and said hey can you drop him off, no big deal. Why the need to call the police like she didn't know where he was?

HadEnoughx5's picture

Oh, confused... I think our BM's are one in the same. Please document everything when it comes to her. I'm glad I did. It helped us when we went to trial in fighting BM for 50% custody, but it will also protect you and DH from false allegations fro her.

Our BM has the same psycho abilities too. Things that were just "normal" custody time behaviors, all of a sudden became "let's call the cops". It's gotten to the point that we start to see the same cops over and over again. I feel like I need to serve donuts and coffee for refreshments!

Our BM also calls DH for EVERYTHING!!!! Such as...what time are the kids coming back (this is on a day they have no school, he's working and she knows I'll be bringing them back),Where is (fill in the item) it's not here. Then DH calls me from work, asks me the question and then calls her back.

When I have a question for BM, I STEP Up and call her directly. I've even sent her an email and said, that I think we can both act like two mature adults here and leave DH out of it since he has a business to run.

I think your BM is angry because DH "stepped out of line" of her control over him and I think she panicked at the fact that you spent time mothering her son. The strange thing with these types of BM's is that they don't mother their own children and no one else is going to either. Their Ego is so big that they can't see their own child in the back ground. Good Luck