BF's Parents in Cahoots with BM?
My longtime BF has shared custody of his 3yo son. Within the past few months BM has decided that he can only see him if the visitation takes place at her house or his parents' house. She's always disliked SS coming to our house but has cooperated until recently. Here's the pinch: BM has stopped communicating with BF and only communicating with his parents. And they are allowing this behavior! They know she isn't trying to effectively co-parent with my BF, yet they take her calls to pick up SS and spend weekends with them. We find out about all of these incidents after the fact. He's tried to explain to his parents that they're only undermining his control as the co-parent but they continue to communicate with her. If only they could say, "BM, we'd love to see SS but you need to arrange things through his father." But no! I feel like we've lost so much leverage because BM is getting what she wants without having to deal with my BF.
What to do?? We've already spent so much on atty fees. I guess it's back to that