Annoying SD
My husband thinks i spoil my son, because i give him freedom to speak his mind and i give him the benefit of the doubt. His daughter on the other hand is very shy and timid around her father but wont shut up when he's not around. His daughter annoys me to pieces she cries for everything but she is a sweetheart i dunno how i feel anymore i resent her and her daddy
Resentment for both of them?
Resentment for both of them? Since he's not going to change and you are not either I give it up as a mistake and go your separate ways.
Conversely you could both decide that you will leave the other kid to the bio-parents to raise. I assume the girl is a weekend visiter and the point of that visit is to be with Daddy. If Daddy isn't home then the kid has no reason to be there and other arrangements should be made such as leaving the kid with the bio-mother. You're not a babysitter especially since it causes resentment.
I wonder why the kid is to retiring while Daddy is around? Has her harmed her in any way in the past?
There is a difference between
There is a difference between allowing a child to voice an opinion and allowing a child to be openly rude. I encouraged the former (with the understanding that I would listen and consider, but I had final say as the parent), but did not permit the latter. Especially if it included mouthing off. As for giving him the benefit of the doubt? Does that mean he is never in the wrong? I see that as a huge problem, and not one I would willingly live with.
If I were you and your husband? I would get into couples counseling ASAP. Or you are in for a world of hurt.
You've given me a lot to
You've given me a lot to think about i thank you for that. I encourage him to voice his opinion yes and i do get the last word. He can be annoying when he interrupts grown people's conversations as if he belongs. Even then i tell him to mind his business and go somewhere else. Tomorrow??? He will do it again as if i didn't tell him before. My husband thinks i've never told him before and thats why he does it. Not true. My husband thinks that i think my son IS always right and thats not the truth either but i wont discipline because of hear say ir what i thought. I like to hear the facts and i believe in 2nd chances. I know to well how it feels to get a whooping with a belt for something i didn't do or say. I dont want to do that to my child.
My question is how do i put my foot down more than before without my son feeling like i turned against him since my husband moved in? You can read my blog for more background.
You are so right. Thank you
You are so right. Thank you for that
I do agree. Correct!! I do
I do agree. Correct!! I do not get back even a Good Morning! my SD does not make visual contact with me, she ignores me. Talks to her father but I am invisible....
She is not a sweatheart, not at all