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am i being naive or being supportive???

tlm's picture

Hello All,

This is my first post. I tried to search for something relative to my situation but not too much luck. I have been engaged to a wonderful woman for about 8 months now. She has two beautiful girls (5 and 3) to whom I love very much. So, here comes the problem...her ex (they were never married) lives about 4 hours away in a metro city and does not have a car (because of his horrible driving record). They currently do not have any legal visitation established. His job is not flexible, meaning that he has odd days off and never has weekends off. She has been letting him stay at her house for 2-3 days maybe once a month since she left him and moved back home. This kills me inside because I feel alienated when he's there (we don't live together) she doesn't return phone calls, she doesn't feel comfortable leaving the house to see me while he's there with the girls. He doesn't have the extra money to stay at a hotel. He does pay child support and he's not a dead-beat dad, but it seems that it's hard for her to get over the control that he's had on her for the last few years.

The girls are clingy to their mom and I see why she doesn't want to leave them there alone. He has wanted them to come with him for 3 days or so and her lawyer says it's not a good idea to let them go with him until court is over, so he winds up coming in and staying at her house. She usually winds up having some wine with him because she's on edge while he's there. I totally trust her...she's definitely not the type to hide something from me. She's very honest with me, but for some reason she cannot break away to call me and tell me how she and the girls are doing, etc. I am about to talk to her about this and tell her there has to be rules and boundaries now that the situation has changed and we are engaged. He doesn't want to meet me at all (even after 1 year and being with his children so much). She seems to want to protect his feelings for some reason (maybe to keep the vibes positive while the girls are around). I actually stopped by unannounced this last time, but he had already left to go home. It's really hard to deal with because I know she really loves me. I feel that she's just waiting until August (court date) and riding this out...not to make him upset in the meantime. I usually get really depressed when this happens, but have tried not to be so down last time as I know it's hard on her too while he's there. Her life gets put on hold and her house usually ends up a wreck while he's there. Anyone have any suggestions on what we can do to change this situation?

Sorry for the long post...

Many thanks!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

why you don't like that situation. I don't really have a solution except to tell her that she doesn't have to let him move into her house to visit the kids. HE should have to come up with a solution since it is his problem.

The fact that she doesn't call to talk to you while he is there would probably bother me the most. Why should he care if she calls you. They are no longer together.

Let us know what comes out of the talk that you have with her.

Oh and welcome!! I hope we can give you some help and support.


tlm's picture

Thanks Dawn,

Once again, sorry for the long post. It's a crazy situation, we actually went up to let him have the girls about a month ago. They stayed with their grandparents while they were there. We stayed at her aunt's house. He only has a one room efficiency apartment (nice, huh?). So, I was able to meet his dad, step-mom and his brother. They were very nice to me. He has a serious problem with change and she seems scared to make it change. I try to tell her that she is the one in control of this situation and for her to be strong, especially for the girls. They need her to be strong and in control. In the past, she says she doesn't call because she just checks out of her own life while he's there and the girls are really clingy and she's stressed, etc. Hopefully, we'll talk about it soon and things will change. I will keep you posted.

Lin's picture

Hi, I am so sorry you're going through's obivious you're upset, stressed, confused ect... I don't blame you. I tensed up just reading your blog!

First of're right about him having all the power. Why? Has he been abusive? Is she afraid of him? Where is that power rooted?

If she's engaged to you and you are going to be the step dad then she's putting off the inevitable. So what if he doesn't want to meet you. This would lead me to believe he still wants to be with her.

This may sound harsh, but when she doesn't call you, it's because she chooses not to...for whatever reason. She may be trying to lay low until after the court date but the truth is still the truth.

Good luck. It's so much easier to read about other's stuff and spout off but maybe a different perspective will help.

Isn't this the greatest site?!! You can say anything and safely vent!!!


tlm's picture

Thanks for your thoughts. He has never been abusive to her. She has always described him as somewhat of a passive person. He has made her feel guilty for taking the kids away from him and she fell for it. I think she is somewhat afraid of him. He doesn't want to be with her anymore...he does have a girlfriend . I have told her in the past that it's not healthy (especially for the girls) for them to play house when he sees them. I've been more than willing to compromise and say that he can stay there if he wants, but I am going to be there as it's his choice. We are going to talk tonight sometime and hopefully get things straight one way or the other. Either way something has to give, I can't take much more of this. The sad part is, I don't think it's going to turn out the way I hope it will.

It feels so good to get this stuff off of my chest and hear 3rd party opinions instead of my moms or friends opinions. Even though they are probably right.

finding my happy place's picture

What will happen if you two get married.. will he stay with you in your home when he wants to see the girls and she will feel the need to ignore you in your own home to make a * safe place * for the ex?
im not trying to sound like a mean person i just get so mad at the games people play.. if people are as honest as they claim..then she would answer a phone call. what if it was an emergency and you were in the hospital dying or something horrid.. and she drinks wine while he is there.. please. Wheres his gf thru this.. she isnt bothered that her bf .. ( if there is a gf) is spending nights in a row with another woman.. jeesh man. i think a lot of people use children as the ultimate excuse for a lot of crap.

daffylin's picture

just wanted to let you know we're still here...wondering how it's going for you and hoping you've had the chance to talk to your fiance.

Ariadne's picture

I dont know if this is any help to you but one of my friends recently split up from her husband of 17 years. It was all very amicable. It took her 2 years to get rid of him though. They even had seperate bedrooms for the last 3 years or more. They now live apart but in the same city. She has the 2 girls (aged 10 and 14) and he comes over about once week or so and sits around, as he used to, drinking coffee as though he still lives with them. She is not in a new relationship so I cant really help there but I do know that she has absolutely no feelings for this guy and I believe that if he lived 4 hours away, that he would also be staying the night in order to spend more time with the girls. She doesnt really like him coming over but he pays child support (is actually quite generous) so she feels that she has to allow him that. The 2 things that do worry me though are the fact that he doesnt want to meet you and that she doesnt answer your calls... I'm wondering, does your fiance have any kind of drug history? - just a question... is 'drinking wine' an antonym for something else?