I almost got married to a woman with 5 kids (all 1 dad,they divorced) but,thank God,I came to my senses !!!!
I probably would be dead,in jail,or just plain looney had I married her !!!!!
This site certainly serves as a 'forewarned is forearmed' for people. I have to say, however, that it's really not all bad being married to someone with kids...it's when the kids get to be teenagers that the shit hits the fan. I think a lot of these kids would be the same whether or not their parents split and remarried. Society has changed so quickly and expectations are huge. The gene pool for crazy disorders seems to have w i d e n e d and it's all going to hell in a hand basket!
I have no regrets about being married to a man with spawn of satan kids...they are grown now! I love them all very much, the kids more than they'll ever know or deserve, and I would not change it.
Yep, VERY smart man. I married a woman with 4 daughters thinking life would be great because all except one was over 18 and we'd be able to travel, have plenty of alone time, blah blah blah.
Fast foward 5 years and I think we've MAYBE had a total of four months where one of the SD's isn't living with us at some point. Every single year one of them gets pregnant and pops out another kid they can't afford to take care of. Of course now we have temporary guardianship of one of our grandkids and we get ZERO alone time. Congrats to you for dodging that bullet!!!
This site certainly serves as
This site certainly serves as a 'forewarned is forearmed' for people. I have to say, however, that it's really not all bad being married to someone with kids...it's when the kids get to be teenagers that the shit hits the fan. I think a lot of these kids would be the same whether or not their parents split and remarried. Society has changed so quickly and expectations are huge. The gene pool for crazy disorders seems to have w i d e n e d and it's all going to hell in a hand basket!
I have no regrets about being married to a man with spawn of satan kids...they are grown now! I love them all very much, the kids more than they'll ever know or deserve, and I would not change it.
Bullet dodged!!! Good for
Bullet dodged!!! Good for you!
Yep, VERY smart man. I
Yep, VERY smart man. I married a woman with 4 daughters thinking life would be great because all except one was over 18 and we'd be able to travel, have plenty of alone time, blah blah blah.
Fast foward 5 years and I think we've MAYBE had a total of four months where one of the SD's isn't living with us at some point. Every single year one of them gets pregnant and pops out another kid they can't afford to take care of. Of course now we have temporary guardianship of one of our grandkids and we get ZERO alone time. Congrats to you for dodging that bullet!!!