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SS more deserving of DH's time

sbm014's picture

I know a lot of this will sound petty but I just really need to vent.

I can't say anything to DH because it isn't worth hearing it and I'm sure I don't understand because I don't have a child.

This past weekend DH and I decided he would go to a wedding alone due to my work stress. He was supposed to come back Saturday but the groom and a disabled friend talked him into staying leaving our only weekend to spent completely separate this turned into depression for me as even with knowing his work schedule the limited time still depresses me especially as last month was the first time in 7 months we didn't have SS at least one night of our weekend.

I am stressed to the max and know next time home will be spent partially apart as I have a conference that I will set up for before SS will go back to BM, and it will end after we get him back and my birthday - we will still spend the night together but as the marketing coordinator conferences are stressful busy times. I cried last night as I told DH I was upset he didn't come home to which he snapped I was pouting though I think he was expecting the open loving arms he's used to when he returns from work but I couldn't do that as ultimately giving up time was his choice. SS can cry some but not much but it's never a snap.

Today I came home early and it was a wonderful afternoon as we ran errands I did nothing but giggle until SS called to talk about school. In which we found out BM is still stalking DH on Facebook - we found out because SS said "My momma showed me a picture of you t the wedding" to which DH was puzzled he gets on maybe once a day - when he hung up the picture had been posted less than a hour...and we both have all BM connections we know of blocked and had private profiles. This was the first thing as petty as it is through me for a loop considering we even have SIL blocked as she and BM have become close friends bashing DH and especially myself as apparently I am a evil person and because DH stands up for me I am taking him down with me.

The thing that really killed my mood was that DH wants to get SS a day early since they are losing time on his birthday (per CO BM get SS 6-8pm). I didn't think BM would go with this even though she has been super nice lately such as telling SS to show BM is new room last time we dropped him off SS was excited so DH uncomfortably went along with this, while BM gave me dirty looks (I was sitting in the truck), pointed talking to her mom about me and slammed the door behind DH to where I could hear it with the window cracked. BM is being nice as they are waiting for the court transcript regarding taxes and I think she knows DH will win this fight. Anyways DH asked and is now getting SS a day early leaving my sad that it's okay to blow off my time but god forbid him lose 2 hours with SS when on Thursday he got 4 hours he shouldn't have....

I guess I'm just emotional and don't feel like it is worth the fight as I know I will be told it is his child and I don't understand.

Like I said DH and I had a awesome afternoon and he does really good at trying to give me time for the most part and when SS goes to bed though half the time I'm asleep but this weekend I think is still lingering on my emotions.

sbm014's picture

He does try to spend time with me last year one reason we always had SS was partially because the CO states BM has to give DH first right of refusal to watch SS if she is gone for more than 4hrs and most the time SS was begging us instead of spending time with his grandma.

He does good at night giving me time - and this weekend hurt but the handicap friend really needed his help as he is completely wheelchair bound and his caregiver that was with him ended up hurting her I told him I wasn't mad I was just more or less sad about the situation.

We did have a good afternoon and he is the one who actually asked while I was working from home if I would go with him which shows he does want time with me too.

And most my post you will see I actually say how thankful I am to have a DH like him.

bluehighlighter's picture

^^^agree w badfAiry. It is shitty I'm so sorry Hun. I've been there too. I hope it gets better.

sbm014's picture

He is a good dad and loves making sure when he is home SS gets time. We are in a hard position as he works offshore and is only home half the year anyways and fought hard to get the custody schedule he did. He is very honorable I don't discount that for a second.

I will probably stay at my office a little later but not much rest as we refuse to go to bed separate. I may download a book to read on the porch or something.

sbm014's picture

Woohoo to add fuel to the fire I don't even get him fully tonight.

I didn't know but he pulled out a nice set of steaks I had bought for is to have for our date night this time since I knew the wedding would interfere with out normal.

It was a wonderful dinner until we got into a argument because I made a snide comment out of my annoyment on this situation seeping into something else...well I was cooling off getting ready to say I was sorry and I hear a car pull up - his buddy who has been using our work area was supposed to go 3hrs away to see his wife tonight but instead showed up now DH is helping him as he promised he would thinking it be tomorrow as at 4 PM we were still told he was leaving.

Now I frustrated because I caused a unnecessary fight and I don't even get my DH because of his jerk friend.

I just want the time I deserve and I guess this is a example of DH truly being to nice of a guy. I love him but I just feel so hurt and I know he doesn't want to hurt me.

Orange County Ca's picture

See if he can see his way clear to having one weekend a month child free to spend with you on sort of a mini vacation ideally away from the house. A weekend motor trip to nearby locations both of you would enjoy.

If money is a problem even a day trip and a day at home. Camping when the weather permits is a inexpensive way to stay out overnight and it allows you to visit places you might not otherwise visit for financial reasons. It also requires that you two have close time together.

sbm014's picture

I have been trying to get this done OCC, and I thank you for a nice post as I was expecting something different when I saw you had posted as you tend to tell a hard truth. We have one weekend that is supposed to be alone when he is home...last month was wonderful and I know the next time will be hectic but I am planning since we have to stay out of town for at least one night to go to a nice dinner. And I am hoping as stuff gets back to normal we can have more time - and hopefully his friend will finally move back home.

I just know that our life is hectic but I guess I've just been down lately.

sbm014's picture

This morning he semi made up with it we spent several hours just laying on the couch together - little but nice.