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Opinions Please

mustangl2014's picture

So my DH and I tied the knot at the end of September. I have legally changed my last name, therefore have begun to sign it on documents. It has always driven me nuts that despite the fact she has been remarried for three years BM still hands out her email address that has her old last name (my new one) despite the fact that she also has a "new" email with her now last name. It's a combination of laziness and I think doing it to annoy me. Up until last year she still had her old name on checks and stuff despite the fact that she had been remarried for two years.

Anyway, SD has a homework sheet for school that comes home to be signed every night. I have been singing my maiden name initials since she was in kindergarten because we weren't married yet. BM has been signing the initials of her married name. All of a sudden now that I'm signing my new initials, she has started signing her initials from when she was married to my DH instead of her name now that she has been signing since SD was in kindergarten. Why the sudden change? Is she trying to make some kind of point? Or is she jealous that my last name now matches SD's and she doesn't. Finding it pretty annoying and am tempted to say something but DH thinks its just so dumb and doesn't want to start problems over it.

Don't lecture me on why am I signing he sheet and DH isn't please. SD and I have done her hw together every night since she started school. It's something we both enjoy doing together, that isn't the problem Smile

mustangl2014's picture

Well she's whacky so it's not surprising lol. I think she's trying to get under my skin, and it's working!

Glassslipper's picture

That is weird and creepy...I kept my Ex's last name so I would have the same as my kids, but I can tell you, after I got engaged I couldn't WAIT to lose that name! I didn't want to be associated with him anymore every again...signing it to checks for the wedding honestly gave me chills, I was so excited to drop the old name! I think she has some jealousy and lacks closure in her life for sure.
Good Luck!

mustangl2014's picture

She is the type who is basically useless but always wants SD for things like first day of school, bday parties etc so that she can come off as mother of the year. I'm sure it makes her nuts that my name matches SD and not hers. I think she's also secretly miserable bc her new husband is the guy she cheated on my DH with and he's a womanizer and cheats on her all the time. They also fight a lot and I think she regrets messing things up with my DH although he is sooooo glad she's gone. He prob would've stuck it out for SD if BM hadn't cheated but he has told me that he was def not in love with her. I think she sees that DH and I have a great life together and she has regrets.

mustangl2014's picture


mustangl2014's picture


Teas83's picture

Yeah, she's doing it to bug you. It's pretty bizarre she would do that. I wonder if her new husband knows about it.

mustangl2014's picture

Honestly he prob has no idea. He takes no active role in SD7's life and would never see her homework sheet. BM tends to take SD on days that her stepdad is working so SD7 barely sees him. This is part of the reason why I think BM has regrets about messing things up with my DH. Her husband now is the guy she cheated on my DH with and he only married her because she intentionally got herself knocked up. He is a womanizer and no longer pays her much attention and cheats on her. I think BM sees how happy DH and I are and wishes she was still in the picture

is it just me...'s picture

Exactly what I was thinking! That would really get under her skin and you could have a nice laugh. "Mrs. DH DH"

mustangl2014's picture

Hahaha would love to do this but it may be obvious since it says initials on the sheet lol

Rags's picture

She is setting the hook to irritate the crap out of you and it is apparently working. If she is too stupid to know what her name and initials are that should be no issue for you. Your are Mrs. Married Name. She is no longer.

If you want irritate the shit out of her start signing the Skid' assignment sheets with Mrs. Initials or Mrs DH's full name. That out to irritate the shit out of her and turn the tables nicely.

Have fun yanking her chain and don't let her set the hook. Turn about is not only fair play it can be sooooo much fun to antagonize the toxic blended family oppostion. }:)

Dealing with a toxic blended family opposition is often seemingly like a life long chess match. If you are the strategist and master manipulator then it is highly likely that they will not know they are being played and anything the opposition does can be garnered to your advantage and entertainment. It is far better to keep them flopping on the end of the hook while you play them and reel them in rather than the other way around.

Have fun!!!

mustangl2014's picture

You're right. I actually stopped signing my initials in cursive and started signing them in very clear and obvious PRINT. It's unfortunate that I even have to give things like that a second thought considering I don't give two shits about BM's life and I hate allowing her to be part of ours by wasting my time thinking about how to always stay one step ahead of her, but I'm either going to do it that way or be pissed that she's a child. Can't wait until SD7 is 18!

mustangl2014's picture

I know that she is not happy. Once SD7 needed something for school that she forgot at BM's house. BM was working and was under the impression that her husband was also working. She told me to just go over and get it from her house. When I got their her husband was indeed home...and with another woman. Guess you can't expect a guy who is fine with you cheating on your husband (when she was married to my DH) to be faithful to you. They both were married to other people when they met and both cheated on their spouses, so I figure they both will get what they deserve, and clearly BM is!