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It's killing me

member1234l's picture

Fiance and I have been together almost 5yrs. we're both 28 and he has a 7yrold daughter from a previous marriage. I have no kids/never been married/would like kids of my own someday. Every other weekends just plagues me knowing that the child will be over. I always try to make plans to be out of the house as much as possible during those weekends to avoid having to deal with the situation. It eats me up inside. Every once of everything about it, the fact that he has been married, the fact that he has a kid with her, the fact that he pays child support, the fact that he is at her beckon call regarding "the child", and the fact that his parents don't care about anything but that child. I recently went over to his mother's house with him and noticed in her living room framed pictures of my fiance, the child, and his exwife. they are separate photos of each of them but they are all framed and displayed next to eachother, like a family unit. I beleive the exwife and his mother are close but I really have no idea. seeing this picture display greatly confused me and sickened me. when i asked her why she had it up, she replied with a "because she's the mother of my grandbaby."

recently, a few weeks following the confusion at his mothers house, his daugther arrived over our house with some toys and a photo album. I asked his daughter what she had there, and asked her where she got the photo album. She said she got it from her mom and that she likes looking at it. So I took a look at an entire album of pictures of her "mommy and daddy" together, it had pregnancy pictures, ultra sound pictures, hospital pictures, pics when the daugther was 1-2yrsold, and birthday party pics, even recent pics from about a year ago of the daughter with my fiance. I assume some of the pics must have been given to the exwife by his mother because they are recent, and were taken at his moms house, but I really have no idea. After looking through the photo album I have it back to the daugther, then I had to go into another room alone because i was very upset and started to cry uncontrollably.

After I had calmed down, I thought to myself, why was the little girl given this album, but also why was it brought over my house? the child's parents haven't been together since she was 2yrsold. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I think it's wrong. I didn't say anything about it to my fiance the entire weekend, until his daughter had left to go back her moms.

I then brought it up to him, and I wanted him to know that she had that album over here, and that I had saw it, and that I was very confused about why it was here, and why they as parents are painting a fairy tale picture for their daughter. he got very mad at me, and said it's for the child, and he doesn't believe the exwife put it together in any intention to be cruel to me. basically i wasn't allowed to say anything further after that and had to leave the room because he was visibly pissed off at me.

i just don't understand it. Why do I constantly have to be reminded that I don't matter and have zero say even in my own household? why do i constantly have to be reminded of his past? why?

I might have to walk from this relationship entirely to prove I won't be disrespected anymore. Another thing, he hasn't told any of his family that he has proposed to me and it's been months. Again, I don't matter.

WhittySM's picture

Don't walk. RUN! Especially if he hasn't even told his family he proposed to you, my DH drove straight to his parent's house after we got engaged and then posted it on FB even though we were going to wait on going that public. He told me he wanted to "Shout it from the roof tops! But FB was the next best thing."

Orange County Ca's picture

The kid has 12 out of 14 days to look at that album. Suddenly she needs to take it to Daddy's? The mother did that deliberately and I'm guessing that grandma told the mother about your comment on the picture in grandmas home.

You'll never be a full time partner in this family which consists of grandma, mother, father and daughter and others. Your presence will be accepted but you're not a voting member so to speak.

Plus you can't stand to be constantly reminded of his previous roll in the hay your fiancé had with the girls mother. This relationship is doomed. Admit to your fiancé that you made a mistake, take the blame to avoid any arguments, and leave as soon as practical.

Find a guy without children. There are plenty of them out there especially at your age. I know its tough tossing out the dreams but isn't it clear that nobody else in this story has any dreams at all? If they do you're only a peripheral part of them. You're not wanted by most of them and as for your fiancé I suspect you're just another roll in the hay.

Generic's picture

Disrespected?? How? Oh right because you are assuming the photo album had something to do with you. I do think you should walk, but only because you will never reconcile with these feelings. Also, five years is a little too long engagement period. I wouldnt waste another moment. You are young enougb to find a nice man without children. It's an easier feat than wishing away someone's child.

SecondGeneration's picture

Ok so you've been together for 5 years and you are still struggling to accept his past.
First thing I need to ask here is have you talked to him about it? And I dont mean in terms of about the photos, the step daughter or stemming from any disagreement or argument. But have you ever rationally sat down and talked to him about the fact that sometimes you struggle to deal with his past?
Fortunately I didnt have to deal with any marriage. My partner and my SD's BM were dating from their teens, it was a complete accidental pregnancy when neither of them were living together nor with any intention to at that time. They tried to do the right thing, it didnt work, they separated when SD was only a few months old.
Even so, sometimes I had a hard time in dealing with it. I knew he had a child from when we first met, at that point he had full custody, but it was only really when we moved in together that I realised how tricky it can be to deal with sometimes.
But we talked about it, alot.
Most of the time I was fine with it, but my god somedays it was a nightmare, so what did we do? We talked, honestly and openly about everything and anything that was at that moment giving any tiny bit of annoyance. We talked about the past, some things in more detail than I ever thought I would want to know but for whatever reason at those points I needed to hear everything and in turn I told everything about anything he asked.
If you and your fiance cannot openly communicate then its not going to work, any relationship will fail if theres not proper communication let alone the more complicated ones.
As for a five year engagement, why five years? Were you intending on having a long engagement? Was it a get engaged and save up for the wedding type thing?

Ultimately you cannot control the MIL, dont be too concerned, most people dont like their MIL's anyway so you arent missing out on much.
The photo album, meh its tricky, to me I wouldnt like it, but then my SD has baby photos here of only her and her dad, any with BM in were handed over or thrown away by my partner. We have a fair amount of photos up in the house, I like photos, my step mother used to always have recent photos on display when we were growing up and I want my SD to have that as well. But we didnt really bother with photo albums until we were much older.

The one thing that really sticks out to me is that you have already stated that you feel like you are being disrespected and you have already stated that you are thinking about leaving, which makes me wonder whether you are at a point that you want to attempt to salvage something from this relationship or whether you have already decided to go but are looking for support?
Trust your gut, if theres a part of you that is already honestly saying to you that the best thing to do is to leave then go, there is no point in complicating the situation further for you, your fiance or his daughter by dragging it out.

tessa12's picture

The only thing that really upsets me is that he hasn't told his family you're engaged?

The FMIL thing. She's a total bitch. It's her home, and she can have pictures of whomever she chooses. BUT, she should have common sense enough to take them down when you're in her home.

The photo album thing. It's weird, but SD sounds a little immature. (I have a seven year old, and there's no WAY he's carrying around any baby pics), and maybe BM is manipulative, but let that go. My skids spent the entire summer with us. There were framed pictures of BM with the kids everywhere (and we live in a tiny ass apartment in a city).

If you want to sign up to be a stepmom, there are going to be TONS of things that annoy the SHIT out of you. The question is, do you love this guy enough to grin and bear it, let small things go, and love and want to see SD become a lovely young woman. If you don't, leave. There's no harm in that, and you're "losing" or admitting defeat if it's not for you.

sbm014's picture

***If you want to sign up to be a stepmom, there are going to be TONS of things that annoy the SHIT out of you. The question is, do you love this guy enough to grin and bear it, let small things go, and love and want to see SD become a lovely young woman. If you don't, leave. There's no harm in that, and you're "losing" or admitting defeat if it's not for you.***

Couldn't have said it better. I have gotten better about focusing on DH and I so the toxic people/things rarely affect me anymore. However when yet do I can think of the wonderful love of why I stay.

oncechoosetosmile's picture


sbm014's picture

I will say DH and I didn't tell everyone when we first got engaged. However, we had discussed it and wanted certain things to be done first (moving, etc) though once that was done we announced...though again we discussed he want just trying to hide it for unknown reasons.

But honestly I agree with above you need to just let go.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

At least she didn't rub the album into your face as you asked to see what she had there.My ex stepdaughter would in this age manipulatively shown it off to see a reaction- brat! The other thing is that you guys have her only 2 days out of the fortnight.You are very lucky!! What my concern is though is that he didn't share your engagement with his family.This is a worry.

Smith75's picture

Do not marry this man!!! Just don't do it! Aside from the fact he has hasn't told anyone about your engagement, being a SM is hard work and you feelings will only get more convoluted with time.

Get out while you can! Do not become a step parent.

lintini's picture

That's freaky that your future mominlaw has the BM framed ....

A few months ago, I found ss12 had a photo album on his desk, full of the BM preggo pics, and BM holding baby after the c section. I was appalled by it, and I spoke to my fiance about it. I told him when we moved, that it needed to back to his BM's house and I didn't need pictures of her in our new home where we were going to be. My fiances mom obviously made it for him, probably a few years ago. But I was like eww?? This is not welcome in my home. So, after I cried and we spoke about it, it was fine, my fiance didn't have a care for it, made it clear it was his sons and that it was no problem. BUT ....we just moved a month ago and my future motherinlaw packed most of ss12 things so I know that damn album is around here somewhere and I am going to pitch it out when I find it.

My concern...he hasn't told anyone that he proposed?? That really scares me.

FMIL sounds a little weird. I agree with some other posts that think the FMIL told the BM that the BM pic bothered you. BM probably had a heyday with this and directed her anger and issues about her life into that photo album. There is some family sickness going on and I think you need to get out. If you don't and you think you love this man then I suggest getting some counseling for your personal support while you adapt to this new life. It is very tricky and treacherous becoming a step mom. You will be expected to do everything a mother does and yet you will not receive any gratitude. I suggest that you no longer voice your opinion about the album or the BM to anyone in that family. Ignore it. It will suck, but any pain you express about your situation will be used against you. Best of wishes to you.

jeaniemarie's picture

As I have gotten older, I have realized that life is too short to put up with people who treat me like crap. I would severely limit my time with the MIL if I were you. Sounds like she has this perfect image of your BF's ex, and you will never compete. As for the little girl, first of all I would put the photo album away when she comes to visit, and give it back to her when she leaves. Maybe you can replace it with a special book she might like, or another toy? If it is too much though, you can always find other things to do when she comes to visit--a nice day at the spa, a getaway with friends. I would also seriously reconsider if you want to marry a man who is afraid to stand up to his mom. Seriously, he hasn't even told them you are engaged? That is a big red flag!